Holy shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Twitter is becoming black people Sup Forums just like tumblr is roastie Sup Forums
What a time to be alive
>child is excited to see national hero and is grateful to her mother
>niggers have a fit because they have no pride no heroes and no culture.
>inb4 pouring mountains of chilly powder on your food is culture
>Nazanin Kavari
And Sup Forums says "Persians" are white. Send that filthy sandnigger back to her homeland and let her get the islamic treatment she deserves if seeing an excited white girl is the "ugliest thing" she's ever seen.
Lol white people are bland tho..
>Nazgûl Kavari
That has to be Black Speech right?
To the retards of Sup Forums anyone with a skin tone darker than milk is a black person.
black peoples inferiority complex is pretty entertaining to watch
man i really really don't like subsidizing niggers to sit in public housing and eat food stamp food and tweet on their obama phones all day about how much they hate me
black black blackity black black
That's correct, though.
all darkies get the rope
Based Leonidas is correct.
Send the fuckers back.
No, not black, ORC user, ORC.
But we literally dindu nuffin this time.
>Nigger education
Iranians a Persian not Arab. They don't even speak Arabic
>the mom's accent
jewish actors detected
While the mom and her daughter are both massive cunts, so is the muslim bitch for making fun of a child
Arabs are on the black side in the war against whites.
I'd genocide you even if you were innocent.
waifu material
As much as I love Trump, how much is this kid indoctrinated? You cant complain about leftist indoctrination and avoid it completely on the right.
if only i could smash your faggot shill head to the ground amerifat
why is hate speech against white so prolific and 100% kosher on twitter, but anyone criticizing muslims, jews or blacks is shadowbanned or deleted?
LOL. Got to admit fucking Amerimutt keep this fucked world funny. Without them we would have nothing to laugh at!
They got conquered and raped by arabs. Modern day Iranians =/= Persians.
>Child exicted to meet the president
>fuck white people
Not as indoctrinated as parents getting a child to change their gender at 8, so what if she is happy to go see a speak, she will grow out of it, that leftist tranny is fucking up their body for life at age 8
>being this much of an inferior mudshit jealous bitch
literally cannot make this shit up
the inferiority complex is staggering
pic related op with prolapsed anus
Wouldn't you know the persian whore who posted that has a black bf
Par for the course.
Middle eastern men in the west are cucked at a very high rate per capita
literally, “you are too white”, the tweet
What is this image in the replies? I see it all the time, is it supposed to be funny?
desu I'd probably have the same reaction.
Meeting President Trump would be fuckin' awesome
She's right you know
Didnt think of it that way. Makes sense. nvm
>being excited to see the most powerful elected position and leader of the free world
>"Don't you think this is just as bad as kikes teaching 6 year olds to cut off their own penis and worship the holocaust, you stupid goyim?"
I love seeing shitskins and leftists cry about white women/girls with some loyalty. The only thing that triggers them more is a free thinking negro.
Where does this nonsense come from?
Haha cute.
I imagine being Podesta and FUCKING that litle bitch, then cutting her up while praising satan. Putting my dick in freshly cut open intestines and then cumming inside her skull all while praising satan. After that I freeze the cut up little bitch and have enough meat for the next 3 weeks.
thats oppression
>blumf bec de fuk uff hehe , 0,666 shekle eerned hihi
kys muttfaggot
Racism is using ones power and influence to subjugate a group of people on the basis of race. POC can’t be racist against white people. It’s a systemic impossibility.
I heard from friends that Iranian girls are massive whores because they are secular. Same with Lebanese women. The stricter Arab countries would kill their daughters for dating outside of marriage especially with a nigger.
Left memes. So yes.
Their shit only makes sense when you change definitions and use the wrong words lol
>be black
>hate white people with all your guts
>still live in a predominantly white country
Are these retards masochistic or what holds them back from going back to Africa?
>The rape baby meme
>Doesnt understand how biology works
You would have to kill off the majority of the native male population and rape the majority of the women for a rape baby population to even be feasible especially this long after an invasion. Invading genetics can be flushed out of the gene pull with in a matter of a few generations
That's part of the reason they like niggers so much, they're dumb whores that want to nigger their daddies
That's true though.
>dumping hot sauce on everything is good eatings
Niggers only do that because their food is bottom tier garbage.
meant to say trigger lol
funny how all you shitskins bitch and complain about us white people but love our technology talk about the pot calling the kettle black
kys ahmed
how are they massive cunts tho? mom does something nice for her daughter and tells her they are going to see the daughters hero live in person. the daughter is extremely grateful to her mother and thanks her accordingly. the duaghters hero is someone who actually matters and is a patriot changing the country for the better instead of some vapid pop culture hip hop cretin. I hope I have a daughter like that some day.
She's not black she's Arab.
Becoming? It’s now officially designed to be that
oh say can u see
Your ignorance only exceeds your capacity to troll poorly.
>B L A C K E X C E L L E N C E
>leftists pretend that Obama worship wasnt a thing.
This is whiter.
Really makes me think.
>His skin is darker than milk
Bite the curb.
They have kneeling athletes as heroes
She is clearly a Paki, not Persian.
>no explanation given
>white joy is simply enough to make you flip out
Boys, get your M15s. The next couple of years could get messy.
niggers think that seasoning means sugar and salt for dopamine and capsaicin for endorphins. they eat to feel good, not for the taste. it's why their obesity rate is way higher than everyone else.
good now define "mass genocide of all subhuman niggers" becuase your gonna be hearing it said a lot pretty soon
Because her daughter looks like she's 10 tops and most likely doesn't even understand politics so she mirrors everything her parents say, and her mother is a massive cunt because she's video taping her daughter's reaction to going to a trump rally. The odds they are going to personally meet the president are also slim to none so she is unnecessarily getting her hopes up.
Will the BTFO troll fags Please Fuck Off!
The only thing that is BTFO it's your asshole, fag!
wtf? this is suppose to be a new topic.
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
>mfw i will never have a white christian daughter who is genuinely excited at the thought of being in the glowing presence of the god emperor
>mfw when instead im a single, dead-end liberal arts degree who lives in a society of nigs and roasties who want me dead for no other reason than that i want a happy traditional family
>dat ass
wtf, i hate trump now!
that's literally not the definition of racism and we don't live in a white centric society you autistic fuck.
This bitch has a persian surname and first name you idiot
She also just graduated HIGH SCHOOL. Looks legit 26 years old at least. She makes Laura Southern look young
>Twitter is becoming black people Sup Forums
No, it's literally not. Sup Forums just constantly cherrypicks tweets to push the narrative that all blacks are anti-white as a way to morally justify the genocidal desire Sup Forums has for blacks.
It's not like they forced her to like Trump though also the mom never said she was going to meet him personally she just said they are going to see him at a rally.
Wow. Big words from a mouth of a NIGGER.
sauce of video
parents videotape their kids reactions to any type of surprise be it disneyland, new baby brother/sister, going to concert ect ect. on top of that girls have a hugely exaggerated reaction to everything. 10 isnt to young to have a semi coherent grasp of politics and its certainly not to young to have a hero.
Think about all the other times you dindu suffin but din get caught. The rope will be for all the times.
Fuck it.
The kid is faking it and this is all to start shit like the IOTBW campaign you fags did but in reverse.
Can't wait for twitter to die, it's just pure cancer.
Yea Sup Forums is cherrypicking because they don't post the tweets of black people talking positively about white people.
Or wait, maybe those don't exist. I wish leftists would actually try to substantiate their cherrypicking accusations.
Lel good post niganon have a (you)
It's because we are shining and crome.
>Sup Forums is one person
Fucking toothpaste
>"racism as power plus prejudice"
Pat Bidol Pavda in 1970. Popularised by Judith H. Katz a few years later.
>Dr. Pat Bidol Padva, JECEI Executive Director
>JECEI = Jewish Early Childhood Education Institute
>Judith H. Katz
>Judith H. Katz, Director at Foundation For Jewish Philanthropies.