Which one had the best keikaku?
Which one had the best keikaku?
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The one who didn't fail.
Lelouch accomplished what he wanted to do and won in the end, so him obviously.
This one. He's got it all planned out for the next 10000 years. Sasuga Ainz-sama
Lelouch obviously
When you take their respective powers' limitations into account, Light was better until L died.
Light should have won
Why is Lelouch crying?
Lelouch had a plan to cheat death. Light did not.
Light because his was working all the way until the end of the series where some bullshit tripped him up. His loss is the only reason it failed too.
Lelouch failed over and over again and finally succeeded for once in the end with big gesture of bullshit. And it's all destined to come apart anyway, because it was just a bunch of bullshit.
CC's Strapon
This is an 18+ website.
Exactly, which is anyone saying Lelouch is underage.
It's true, though. Light lost because of bullshit beyond his control, like Mikami being dumb and Gevanni somehow being able to make an exact replica of his Death Note.
>light killed L
>brought down crime rates by 70%
Lulu is the one who failed since the world he "died" for went back to shit and he has to do something about it again so in the end, lulu didn't accompish anything permanent
He could've always not hid the fucking death note in a bank.
I'm only up to Vol 11. What's the 10000 years thing about?
>One brought crime rate down
>One became the emperor of the entire world
Lelouch's plans were all fucking retarded and only worked because of asspulls. Like the time he dressed everyone up as Zero to get them all on the boat. Light's plans were convoluted but you could understand how they worked (until they didn't).
>Lulu is the one who failed since the world he "died" for went back to shit and he has to do something about it again so in the end
We don't know yet and the same can be said about Light's world and, unlike Lelouch, Light is actually dead, which wasn't part of his plan btw, so he can't fix shit anymore.
How is that Light's fault, though? They were both being watched, so he couldn't directly control Mikami. Lelouch literally could, and he was caught and betrayed by almost all of his subordinates.
Well, Light went fucking insane with power. Lelouch controlled himself in the face of power and committed to his rather altruistic intentions.
Also, Light died. So, Lulu. Lulu wins.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there a rumor flying around long ago that Light was that Death God that Ryuk was talking to at the end of the series?
>Nothing permanent
What a fucking retard.
Name ONE thing Lelouch did that can compare to Light's memory loss keikaku.
I'll wait.
Unrelated, but Lulu is better to me strictly because he's more emotional. Light goes off the deep end.
You're wrong.
That happened in the first movie. It isn't part of the anime or manga.
The one who got away with it, plus imortality and green-haired witch's pussy as a bonus.
He didn't die
Using his own dead after becoming the most hated man in the world to create peace for all the nations.
Lelouch brought intentionally led his army into a place where they would be ambushed and challenged anyone to shoot him and take his place.
Lelouch has balls, Light is a pussy that acts in the shadows
You mean the plan that accomplished nothing except revealing vital information about his method of killing?
This one.
Black Zetsu. He was responsible for ever important action in the show's history.
What if Light was the emperor of Britannia? Who would have won?
>an eleven
>emperor of Britannia
Light was consistently ahead of curve while Lelouch often bullshited his way through the story
Becoming Jesus.
Light would have had better earlygame, and given that Lelouch's strategy relied heavily on propaganda and protagonism, he might have fared better: what was his demise in his own game would be an advantage.
For how long? He's dead i public eyes
>We don't know yet
Don't be retarded, you think they're gonna make a S3 with no obvious conflicts? Get real he fucked up and could only accomplish something temporary.
>Light is a pussy that acts in the shadows
Give the guy a break, he had to face a guy who's identity was tough to find out while leaving zero evidence it had anything to do with him while lelouch has the "you're my bitch" power that he could use at pretty much anyone.
Light was pretty emotional himself and was very passionate about his own goal
Of course there will be a conflict but we don't know why. Maybe it will be related to where the Geass came from and Lelouch couldn't have planned shit against that.
lelouch lost my respect in S1 when he simply abandoned his whole squad in a middle of an war he was leading because muh sis, shows how terrible of a leader he is.
Atleast light was not half assing his goal
At the beginning, yeah. Then he started losing it little by little.
Then again, who knows if Lelouch would have done better. The black knights were huge moral support, if only as an army, which Light didn't have. I'm willing to give him the benefit of doubt and assume he might have been more humble in the beginning (so he wouldn't have killed Taylor and/or Penber).
He did that multiple times, I have no idea how he got a reputation for winning battles when he was the most unreliable commander in the history of warfare.
He literally doesn't give a shit about BKs beyond them being useful idiots.
Light lost because he was a egotistical manchild with a god complex still one of my favourite anime characters tho
Lelouch accomplished all he set out to do because he was able to adapt to the constantly changing situations.
>Light lost because he was dumbed down despite several times in the series he was known to never trust anyone completely
to perform a task
He's more of a scumbag than light then, making normal people trust him just to tell them to fuck off and die
Zamasu came up with the best keikaku. It was so good, he managed to complete his plan with ease.
Zeno wiping out the universe was part of the plan.
>mah book
Time to sleep little fag children.
CIA would prefer Light because getting caught was part of his plan to join the Kira investigation
>Not Lelouch or Light
Its almost like you're not part of the conversation.
He did all that shit for his sis. He didn't care if they win if his sis was lost in the process, ha also just lose a sister a few hours before that, guy was in a emotional crisis.
Lulu didn't exactly call himself a warlock as joke, you know.
>Lelouch accomplished all he set out to do because he was able to adapt to the constantly changing situations.
Why do retards constantly believe this? Do they believe Zero's Requiem was his ultimate goal throughout the series or are they just deluded?
That's because you're all shit at recognizing good keikakus.
>being gayer than Rolo
Like thats your opinion, man.
>hisoka you will lose this fight
>tells hisoka all his abilities and restrictions
>hisoka loses the fight
Chrollo top tier keikaku
His goal was world peace for his sister to live happily.
Zero Requiem accomplished that goal. Why would carrying out a plan be his goal, do you even think when you type?
No, Zero's Requiem became his goal after being in C's world and defeating Charles, before that he just wanted to control everything so he could make a world where Nunnally could be safe.
But that just shows how much Lelouch have matured by the end of the series. Light learned absolutely nothing in Death Note, he becomes evil in the first episode, forgot about that for a while and remembered everything after a few episodes.
Lelouch's goal was his sister. Everything else was just a tool to obtain her happiness at that point. He later learns from that event and grows as a person instead of being the same selfish asshole for several years.
And it's not like the BKs didn't have any kind of leadership without him. They may not have been as competent, but he spent a good deal of time giving them some strong leaders that could keep things running when he wasn't around.
probably aizen
Someone post the pasta that proves who would win. You know the one.
Light didn't have to learn anything because he was right from the beginning. In fact, his plans weren't even wrong. There's no way he could have predicted there were other L's just sitting on their asses in some orphanage ready to fuck him. He had a good goal with a good plan to achieve it, asspulls just fucked him over.
Light and lulu are not the same people, why do people keep acting like they both have to go through the same characters progression? Light became more insane the longer he was i power of the death note to the point he considered killing his sister to reach his goal.
Light tried very hard to avoid involving innocent people if possible. Meanwhile Lelouch killed Shirley's fucking dad.
Light beat L
Lelouch was constantly cucked by Suzaku
>After Light's death crime went back up
>After Lelouch's death his father's empire no longer exists
>Somehow Lulu failed
He led a rebellion against an empire.
>Shirley's dad
you're so naive
>he was right from the beginning.
Right about what? About killing criminals to make a better world? Maybe if wasn't for his god complex, at the end of the day that was an excuse to fill his ego.
>his plans weren't even wrong
Well, that's right, his plans were almost perfect, but somehow he found a way to screwed himself most of the time.
>Light tried very hard to avoid involving innocent people if possible.
Lies. L was innocent, Light tried to kill him just because fake L said in TV that he will chase him, he wasn't even in danger of being catch. That police couple were innocents, he didn't need to kill the guy at the end. He even got innocent people to pretend being Kira and doing his dirty job to protect his ass. Light killed criminals but he never understood he was a criminal too. He was an hipocrital asshole from beginning to end.
Indiscriminately killing everyone who commits the least offense, or is at least believed to have committed the least offense, isn't a good plan. and it would have been unsustainable on the long term. Realistically Light would only be able to kill an insignificant amount of Japan's registered criminals, which as you may notice is a ridiculously tiny division of all the world's crime. Even if he got access to foreign databases, which he could, what the fuck does it matter if it's only 3 people with Death Notes? It's still not significant
Not to mention, are you really supposed to believe all of the fucking world's governments and criminal organizations collectively decided to let a magical mass murderer from glorious Nippon fuck them in the ass just because? Anyone with an inkling of power would get themselves erased from the system, become strictly anonymous and start living on fortresses with no direct contact to the outside world. L's broadcasts already let the world at large know that Kira can't kill anyone he wants. The whole premise of Death Note hinges on everyone except for Light, L and L's succesors being drooling, helpless idiots
It shows up around page 421 of volume 11.
Demi asks how far ahead ainz has thought in terms of the sorcerer's kingdom. Ainz gets sentimental about YGG and accidentally mutters *something something ten thousand years*
que demi sasugaing in his pants
Ainz is thinking of an old guild in YGG that was called millennium kingdom while talking to demi. Their symbol was a crane, then he thinks of a tortois
Oh, and this is all assuming the world at large doesn't decide they don't want to have an invincible japanese god-emperor (likely every government in the world other than irrelevant warlords in Africa or some shit drinking the Kira kool aid) and just nuke japan to oblivion
Death Note was the first anime a lot of people watched where the protagonist wasn't a typical battle shonen MC. Therefore, in their minds, DN invented "protagonist isn't a nice person" and is every other non-moralfag protagonist must be measured by Light's example.
Anti-hero protagonists are extremely common though. These two shows/characters are often compared because they have a lot of similarities
The one who's still alive in his own series.
>His goal was world peace for his sister to live happily.
This isn't remotely true. You're just twisting what the story says again like all Lelouchfags do.
His own memory loss keikaku against Mao
Nope his goal was was to avenge his mother death, bring down Britannia and create a world where his sister can live in peace. He failed at all three since his mother turned out to be a horrible person who made their lives hell for the pursuit of her goal, Britannia is still standing and Nunnally was happiest being by his side. Everything about Lelouch's life is riffled with failure and ZR only works if you take it as a suicide pact because he thought he was too guilty to live anymore with her. Zero's Requiem was never his end goal it only became that way because everything he had did prior to it failed.
>But that just shows how much Lelouch have matured by the end of the series.
Not really. Zero's Requiem only came about because he thought he had lost everything and didn't want to live anymore. Only retards try to keep pushing the outcome like it meant to be positive.
Thinken of nunally
>Light tried very hard to avoid involving innocent people if possible.
This isn't even remotely true and is the ultimate damning factor when judging his character.
He killed who he thought was L on live TV because "L" taunted him and provoked his ego.
He killed all the Yotsuba Group simply because they all had a tangential knowledge of Kira, and it wasn't worth the risk of keeping them alive, regardless of whether or not they were morally on-board with Higuchi's killings.
He killed L and Wammy, who were both virtuous and upstanding citizens.
>One died and worshiped as a God, Kira
Cry like a bitch at his eventual demise, LIKE A SISSY BITCH< WAHHHH.