Is there a show that you force yourself to finish, despite having no interest in it?

Is there a show that you force yourself to finish, despite having no interest in it?

Shomin Sample bored me right out of the gates, none of the characters are interesting.

Most of them.

i enjoyed shomin sample for the antics, kinda like konosuba but with flat characters. also karen alone kinda saved it for me

i've never formally dropped a series before, i feel like if i added it to my list and forgot why then i at least owe it the time, only forced myself to finish 2 series- momo kyun sword and rakudai

I still don't know if it was worth it. The anime has such an horrible pacing

downloading is a hassle if the show is not interesting so I just end dropping them

i enjoyed it

Master Mosquiton '99. Boring plot, cliched characters (including one of the most shrill, naggy and unlikeable MCs ever), and subpar animation. The openings were its only saving grace.


I watched all the monogatari shit just because my sister liked it.

First season of Sailor Moon, it did get interesting towards the end but I found Usagi too annoying in the first half though. Can't believe that took me a year to actually watch.

I really like the manga, but for some reason couldn't watch the anime. Maybe it's the chara designs.

Hello, little lady

Nice trips.

Yeah, I recently awakened to the idea of 'no drop race' so I picked up all the shitty anime I left unfinished. It's more fun to watch a show ironically and ponder over the shorty tropes and writing.

Glasslip, Pupa, shitty harem series, and some other train wrecks were recently completed.

In my opinion, good anime that push the industry forward are being shoved aside for the surging trend of fujoshit and otaku fan-service garbage. It's always been a problem, sure, but I think it really started getting bad around 2011.

Ore Monogatari
Shin sekai your

I find it easy to finish shitty anime, these shows could have been great but the take the perspective they take to tell their story couldn't have been more dull.

Wan, wan, wan, wan, wan, wan, wan, wan, wan, wan, wan

Its cringe inducing to see all the girls marvel and learn "commoner culture"

The anime is shit, the manga is WAY better. But I guess it doesn't matter anymore, after the ending of the novel came out I don't remember seeing any updates of it. It was really fucking shit



Next time read the source material first, if avaliable.

Fuck you, OP, Karen was literal perfection and wife material.

But she is a lolicon user.

That only means you have to impregnate her to make a loli that is not autistic and she can fawn over. Then keep on creating more and more.

>Is there a show that you force yourself to finish, despite having no interest in it?
No, because I'm not that autistic and would rather just watch things I actually like.

Shomin Sample is a guilty pleasure of mine. It's very forgettable and when it looks like it's doing something right they ruin it with typical ecchi shit. But I just read it anyway. Probably because of those little details that are actually entertaining.


No because I'm not a dumb faggot like you, if I don't like something I just drop it.

>he forces himself to watch things he doesn't like for inexplicable reasons
Seek help, user.

She was the most ready to take his dick.

I needed to finish sword art online season 2 just to remind myself how bad anime could get. Took me almost 6 months too.


I always finish the shows I watch. Even if I end up finding them boring. Sometimes, anime that I find boring become very entertaining though.