"Jair Bolsonaro has 34.05% of the votes, according to the results of a survey of the Vertude Institute, conducted by telephone with 6370 people throughout Brazil. Lula is in second, with 27.40% of the votes."
>Bolsonaro has expressed many far-right political views during his long political career. He strongly advocates against the legalization of same-sex unions and same-sex marriage, whilst expressing statements that some people consider insulting, such as homophobic and violence-inciting, misogynistic and sexist, or racist and anti-refugee remarks. He advocates against affirmative action or quotas for any group, as well as against the decriminalization of drugs. >Other controversial political stances expressed by Bolsonaro have been of the defense of the death penalty and of radical interventionism in Brazil by the military, along with an implantation of a Brazilian military government. He said in 1993, only eight years after the return of democracy, that the military regime had led to a more sustainable and prosperous Brazil. He also praised Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori as a role model for his use of military intervention against the judiciary and legislature. >A series of stances and remarks expressed by Bolsonaro directed towards female politician Maria do Rosário, have led to some form of controversy. In one episode, during an interview in which Bolsonaro was expressing his opinion that minors who commit heinous crimes like murder and rape should be treated as adults, Maria do Rosário referred to Bolsonaro as a "rapist", to which, he stated that "I would never rape you because you aren't worth it" >During his vote in favor of president Dilma Rousseff's impeachment, Bolsonaro made homage to colonel Brilhante Ustra, an agent of Brazil's military dictatorship. During the dictatorship, Ustra had headed the DOI-CODI torture unit, where Dilma Rousseff alleged that she was tortured.
Don't get your hopes up, hue monkeys will screw things as always
John Rogers
Well, they’re putting his name on polls. Lula thinks he will be able to run.
James Mitchell
And I don’t fucking want to see that Kike from Globo being mentioned here. He is always receiving immigrants on his show now. Jfc, we can’t even take care of our people, we started taking in the poor from other countries.
Connor Johnson
Which judge is hearing his appeal? Does it seem likely he will walk or do people not know
Isaiah Baker
too bad this guy doesn't know shit about economics, that is literally the only reason not to vote for him
Charles Adams
His appeal will be judged by three desembargadores from TRF4. I'd like for him to go to jail, seems like the guys responsible for his judgement aren’t letting people being investigated walk away.
Luis Nguyen
Yeah, bro. Remember when lula got a nobel in economy?
Most politicians are completely dumbasses only good at sucking dicks and circlejerking.
Jaxon Martinez
>O antagonista
You can go fuck yourself nigger. Post a better source, not one who appeases your autistic views.
Matthew Powell
Well, for what it is worth, Bolsonaro have been talking with economists. Lula and Dilma are just pure embarrassment for us. Dilma just embarrassed us again. She fucking said work alcoholic.
Wyatt Walker
I don't think her confused speeches was due to lack of intelligence but because Dilma fucking lost her mind due to stress. (For non-hue lurkers: she even talked about storing wind) Women have lower testosterone count than men, and therefore can't handle stress as well. I believe she was on strong medications, too. Which made her thought process even more unstable. This is why women shouldn't be electable, they simply aren't bilogically built for it.
Noah Davis
When I was young and still watched tv they always used to promote foreign women from blond to black black.
David Morgan
>yfw he fucks Ellen Paige live on air before giving his victory speech
You know had an education in economy? Dilma, she is clearly the better choice....
Jack Brown
Lula is a CRIMINAL, he won't be able to run. He was already condemned for corruption and I highly doubt that higher courts will save him, actually is more likely to turn his 9 years sentence into I way heavier one. He IS learning. Different from people like Dilma he is a really humble guy and openly says that he doesn't know a lot but is doing his best, also there a minister of economy to help him. Lula doesn't knew shit about economy and became president. He's probably gonna follow a mixed economy, probably cutting down taxes but not selling the natural resources
Owen Gomez
The only solution for Brazil will be the physical removal of communists and the militarization of the schools
Bolsonaro will make the second
Connor Jackson
You know he's a liberal or a leftist,right?
Camden Murphy
Huck indeed look like a nice dude, but we need someone to tell this people to fuck off because we are full. SJW and degeneration-free schools, that's why I'm voting for him
His interview with this dyke feminist from Vice is hilarious. >he may save my country >BUT WHAT ABOUT HIS TAX PLAN kill thyself
Logan Diaz
Well, then she lost her fucking mind when she got elected. Let’s not forget when she said that 13 - 4 = 7, that she said Fukugima and that she mistook one of the hurricanes that happened in the US with the nuclear explosion at Fukushima. And don’t even get me started on her speech about child’s day. Her problem is that she is fucking dumb, that’s all.
Benjamin Cook
Nicholas Edwards
This fuckerHuck is just one of the establishment along with same politicians who fuck with us. What else is his picture with Dilma, Lula, Aécio, Cabral and others
Eli Hill
say it with me Sup Forums >presidente Bolsonaro
Eli Hall
Not really, TRF4 added 10 more years to Dirceu. Bolsonaro must become /ourguy2018/
Andrew Collins
We don’t even have jobs for our unemployed and this chick will get her children in a private school for free. Ofc, the fucking director sounded like a faggot and that was on RJ, so I'm not surprised.
? I said that I don’t think Lula will get away this time.
Evan Parker
Seems like Brazil needs a guy like him.
If I would become the president of Brazil I would legalize gun ownership asap. That way normal law abiding citizens can defend themselves against favela niggers
Evan Barnes
Thanks, dad!
Joseph Fisher
You're not going to become a caliphate, right?
He defends family, Christianity and weapons. Economically, he is a libertarian.
Mason Sanchez
Yes. But that shit is more recent here. Seems like Hillary losing put our msm in a superbshill mode.
Parker Cook
they wont have a caliphate like france, london or berlin, but they are flooded by waves of niggers
Evan Walker
I've been to Italy earlier this year. I wasn’t expecting to see so many niggers there. And Indians too. Only difference is that the Indians were fucking pigs.
Ryder Watson
The Italian probably expel most of them I guess The only countries that can be saved from Islam in Western Europe are Portugal,Italy and Austria
Seriously, from this list, which one would be least disastrous pick for Brazil?
Bolsonaro (Right wing, pro-military Messiah) Lula (convicted felon, lord of the gibs) Jewciano Huck (Saturday TV host, Kek) Joao Doria (Top tier capitalist, mayor of the biggest city in Brazil) Ciro Gomes (one of the colonels from NE state, likes to play tough but had relations with PT in the past) Alvaro Dias (Senator, not really influential) Marina (Sustainability Flag, had some momentum in the past presidential run but lost the second turn elections to Aecio "platinum nose" Neves") Geraldo Alckmin (Governor of São Paulo, typical social democrat, doing an ok job)
Nicholas Gray
>Joao Doria
Wasn't he on the Brazilian version of the Apprentice?
Wyatt Rogers
>top tier capitalist Bitch Dória is a tax raising jew, Hillary-tier. Alckmin is another corrupt bastard, no one trust him Yes.
Asher Collins
Why the fuck is Huck in the list?
Nathan Bennett
Well we have this guy: Doctor Rey >Plastic surgeon, known as "Dr. Hollywood" >Raised in the us >Has a TV show about himself >Has a Havard degree in economics >Hates commies, supports Pinochet's policies (helicopter ride) >Believes that everyone should have the gun ownership rights >uses stem cells to make his dick bigger >"Make Brazil sexy again" >unironically running for presidency
Grayson Parker
Is it true this guy is a literal pro-white fascist? Can Brazil be saved?
Brandon Hernandez
He isn't even white lol
Also, he's pro Israel so I don't think you guys would like him either...
Luke Brown
He's white for a Brazilian. Could probably pass unnoticed in southern Europe.
Kevin Taylor
Either Ciro or Alckmin
Mason Jones
Dr. Rey 2018!
Dylan Wood
>this guy isn't white
Zachary Bell
Sadly the average hue polack can't handle his bantz. We could've bathed in tears far saltier than with Trump, but from what I've seen from chan users it's a lost cause.
Xavier Russell
>>uses stem cells to make his dick bigger is it possible
David Roberts
On second thoughts, he could probably pass unnoticed in parts of Germany, France and the UK. No idea why doesn't think he's white.
Landon Wright
He would pass a white anywhere, it's impossible to have a perfectly soft and smooth skin if you're a straight old man He said that injecting stem cells in the base of the shaft is like "fertilizing bamboo"
Caleb Taylor
BTFO nigger
Austin Ross
Back to CBM
James Wood
Is he going to make Tropa de Élite real and send death squads to the favelas?