Why would you ever believe that a Jew is your savior?
"He died for your sins." Ha. Funny Jew joke. Keep worshiping your Jewish religion and living a life feeling inadequate to your Jewish god.
Why would you ever believe that a Jew is your savior?
"He died for your sins." Ha. Funny Jew joke. Keep worshiping your Jewish religion and living a life feeling inadequate to your Jewish god.
Everyone knows that. Nobody cares. Low quality bait.
jesus is ourguy cos he motherfucking flip tables and riot in sinagogs
Atheist are a bunch of pussies. Faggots they are. Creeps.
Jesus was a Jew. That is all you need to know.
Stop worshiping the Jews.
Sup Forums is a Christian board
>calling people a jew instead of engaging in debate with them
This is true. Ever been to Catholic mass? They eat the body and the blood of Christ. It's not satanists doing this.
pagan faggot
Yeah, so jewish he was hated by them, crucified by them and they continue to hate him to this day.
dumbass, religion stems from the torrah which stems from ancient religions
You are a commie faggot. So your ideas mean nothing to this conversation.
A self-hating Jew is still a Jew. Once a Jew, always a Jew.
pagan gods had gay sex with eachother and you're calling jesus a jew.
>Implying Jesus wasn't a giga quantum organic fractal humatron in the appearance of a jew
Jesus said
>jews are not only chosen
>the abrahamic god is His God
>EVERYONE is to feel his love
>ignore the whole first testament bc much of it is hijacked by satanists
dont let them convince you
Jesus was the ultimate anti-jew
Who said I was a pagan? I am not a pagan. Paganism is stupid.
not edgy enough
then what are you? muslim?
He might have been anti-Jew, but he was born Jewish. Nothing else matters. He was a Jew.
It's like that movie Believer. The Jewish guy becomes a neo-nazis. Self-hating Jews are actually worse than regular Jews.
Taylor pls
t. Jewish atheist/pagan shill
Have fun spreading more insecure "freedom" and multiculturalism to the masses, moron
A non-theist. I follow no religion. I follow the path of N,N-Dimethyltryptamine.
I love Sup Forums's artistic skills and humor.
I would not in a million years be able to produce such masterful meme pictures
Degeneracy is not a religion, user. It's a cancer.
What Degeneracy? DMT? wtf are you talking about.
That's like saying breathing air is degenerate.
Don't argue with brainlets. Don't even tell them about DMT, let them wander in the dark and die praying to the Jews.
>be me
>grow up surrounded by people, just like everyone else
>every now and then get the impression that they are acting
>one day a sperging grill comes to me talking about satan like she was obsessed
>uses dark powers to touch my dick over the interwebs
>Asks me to do something, I do it differently out of confusion and it works opposite as she wanted
>I experience union with God and am saved thanks to doing what she asked wrongly
>my eyes turn reptile like for some moments
>she gets all pissed off
>literally everyone arround me tries to make me "sin"
>literally forced see a shrink by the police, whom asks me to either "accept" (accept what?) or be declared insane.
>Since I don't know what the fuck I am to "accept" he gets pissed and sends me home
>everybody acting as if christianity was true and they were demons
>what the hell.jpg
>its not however, as the religion the way things happen to me seems to work in some other ways
>fast forward
>literally everyone from every place I go to seems to want to make their fallen angel point
>left and right there is a faggot wanting me to go to hell
>literally the whole world populated by sons of darkness
>still, the spirituality of the world seems to be fucking different from christianity
>confused as fuck.jpg
>fast forward
>gather my thoughts
>heaven and hell check, god and dark god check, God seems to be related to dragons or serpents check, no religion seems to match check
So this is what happened, no one believes me
They're trolls using scripts and dmt to subvert and conquer lol
>being a Christian materialist
>not being Docetic Christian
>I follow the path of N,N-Dimethyltryptamine.
You follow the path of not having a dad niggerfaggot. Enjoy your drugs.
>Implying Catholics are Christians
muh turn the other cheek
But he was an actual jew and not the talmudic jews that we think of today.
Decent chance his biological father was a Roman soldier desu. European Y chromosome
If his teachings were hidden from me and I would have no option to judge them based on philosophy I would never trust this "jew"
His father was God, even I know that and i'm not even a Christian.
Don't confuse the region of Judaism and the sins of the jewish elite. You make yourself look foolish. Read the Torah. The actions of the elite could not be further from it, as it was during the time of Jesus.
lol... "actually the reason he wasn't a jew is because he wasn't the son of god and was actually the bastard son of a roman soldier called Pantera"
I mena i guess that works too, fine by me but you're going from the drying pan into the fire
Agreed. Pray to Mary and the saints. Read the Bible. Gutenberg made the press, now we have it for free on the web. There's no excuse.
>Pray to Mary
Why not directly to jesus?
1 Timothy 2:5
"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus."
Reminder that the cult of Mary was created to replace european pagan goddesses, the idea that you pray to mary or the saints or that they can hear your prayers has no biblical basis
bump for truth
Virgin birth as claimed by Paul was a way of getting around the inconvenient truth. It's also why there are two Marys in the story. Think about it.
I'm agreeing with you. They pray to deviations. Just using truncated sentences.
Not saying he wasn't a Jew, his mother was. What's overlooked actually is how Joseph stepped up to be his father and was a role model for Jesus of kindness and self sacrifice
maybe if i Capitalize random words in my random mush of Jargon, it will somehow make it seem more Credible and Thoughtful than it Actually Is, even though at the End of the day I'm just regurgitating essentially White girl Wall slogans in the same category as "Live Laugh Love" and "You don't Know yourself Until You Travel"
As you can see, this text is very Deep. Some know things, others do not know those Things. yes, indeed you Know certain things that others do Not. As such, they do Not know these Things. Thoughts Create thoughts. Thoughts Create Action. This is smart text.
You're a fucking idiot. Why would a Jew shit on his religion and create a new one dumbass? Think you fucking moron.
OP gets sodomized by his meth smoking white power "daddy" on a daily basis.
It's not too late to repent. Go with Christ brah.
jews killed jesus
however, the church has been corrupted
That's not what self hating means though
Isn't Christianity responsible for some of the most vigorous antisemitism in all of Western civilization?
his own (and yes, the bible specifically uses the term "HIS OWN") aka the jews resented him for being a weak pussified masochist instead of a warrior, and because of this he took revenge on them by opening their exclusive ethnic religion for all the dirty outsiders to partake in, and sent paul to dumb goyim peasants to promise them eternal hedonism in exhange for their loyalty (same happened with islam later).
Christianity is simplythe same old judaism (literally the same exact laws and stories) opened up to non-jews, a revenge by jesus borne from resentment.
>Galatians 3: 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Was Rabbi Yesh- I-I mean Jesus Christ the first civic nationalist?
he was the first bolshevik
the goals of bolshevism and christiantiy on this earth are mirror images of each other, only difference being in one case you have a magic manlet jew at the helm, and in the other you have nihilism and antinatalist emptiness at the helm
Everybody knows it but they don't want to wake up from the shackle of their belief systems