So when 2 white people die in a terrorist attack you make threads about it for days, but ISIS kills 305 people in a mosque and it's dead silent? Tsk tsk
305 people killed in Sinai, Egypt
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I don't like mud people so I fon't, like, mind if they kill each other or whatever
>but ISIS kills 305 people
why would ISIS kill muslims in the sand countries?
isn't ISIS muslim?
Muslims killing people isn't news.
Having murderous lunatics like that committing the same actions in the west is.
>Muslims blow up Muslims in a Muslim country
The big dump I just took is more of a happening and worthy of a thread than that.
Allah clearly wanted those 305 back so he sent his lil helpers to speed up the task.
ISIS does not exist MOSSSSAAADD
They were mostly Sufi. I thought we liked Sufi? I can't keep track.
also... second post best post
They’ve been doing this shit since the schism...of course a Swefag posts this beta bullshit.
because they are worrying about the current refugees
Yes because ISIS main area of operations is Egypt and all muslims are the same
t. racist
A wise japanese man once blessed us with his wisdom, and left us this gem: "find crap in the toilet, meh. find crap in the dinning table, REEEE".
bunch of fucking uncle toms for western elites kill muslims, wow , hey other muslims, go get those fake ass uncle tom fuckin muslims
Nothing of value was lost though, these aren't future scientists, doctors or people that would of brought success to society.
>shit in the toilet
>no one cares
>shit on the table
>everyone loses their minds!
>in a mosque
>in Egypt
Yes, I don't care
I feel more American than poo in loo on /pol. On that note I can't feel sad when Muslims kill Muslims.
Shit skins are breeding too fast anyway. Better to call their population. Only down side is the propaganda opportunity to bring in refugees
ISIS are
Pardon the tired analogy
The nazis of the Muslim world. Just. because you're an Arab worshiping Mohammed doesnt mean youre a pure, true Islamist like them, filthy heathen
>but ISIS kills 305 people in a mosque and it's dead silent?
Lol, wtf you're talking about, your country letting this shits in lol.
about 20k people die per year of muslim terror attacks worldwide.
They knew the risks going in.
Two words...
And with this post, ladies and gentlemen, we have the answer to OP's question.
>me under the table
Fuck off you attention whoring shitskin.
A shitskin muslim is a shitskin muslim. Don't pretend a life in Africa has the same value as one in the West, it just doesn't.
I do feel bad for them though they were Sufists, the most peaceful branch of the death cult known as islam.
truth is no one cares about sandniggers, not only pol but even normies. It just proves how much society is hypocritic when they say every life matters, at least pol is honest.
>radical muslims kill moderate muslims
I'm all out of fucks Sven
It would take at least 10,000 brown deaths to equal one white, or one 56% death.
do we make a daily thread when niggers are killin niggers in USA, no, fuck off cunt
Wanted to post it.
Oh wow isis is bad and Egypt needs to stop being pussies and send in their full military might, such incredible revelations from OP.
Walk into the bathroom and see shit in the toilet and think nothing of it. Walk into the kitchen and see shit on the counter and become alarmed.
the islamic civil war has been raging since the beginning.
if it globalizes then we are fucked.
>in a mosque
It happens way too much to talk about every time it happens. In many cases, it happens more than once a day in the middle east.
>isn't ISIS muslim?
ISIS is 100% made in America.
> 305 people killed
fuck, what happened what's going o-
> in Sinai, Egypt
> people
Nice bait
Good. Fuck mudshits!
stop swedeposting you fucking smelly, fudgepacking faggot.
the only reason I care is because this was a coordinated attack with 30+ terrorists. This was a heavily co ordinated attack.
They were gunning down muds as they were running from the explosions.
Isis needs to be irridacted.
People make a big deal out of westerners being killed in their own countries by Moslem terrorists because there is no benefit for westerners to have Moslems in their countries, and each terrorist attack is another anecdote.
>hundreds of Muslims died
Fuck off shmuel you sociopaths created ISIS.
This is an American website. Y'all are just passersby. CIA false flag black ops are far more interesting than retarded inbred muslims blowing up other, slightly less retarded sufis because in islam, thinking is forbidden, and the sufis think too much.
Yes we should hate (((them))) for doing this
Muslims should want to be in Muslim countries
This is bad for you have to go back
It's made in China, we don't produce anything in America anymore
other than idiots who are going to claim the monopoly on what it means to be human.
the probable answer is
if something happens all the time, it's not news.. we all associate Islam with a never-ending civil war and frequent mass casualty incidents in a very unstable part of the world... hence its not incident
if it spreads west, its more immediate, it's definitely less frequent and the spreading of the civil war to include non Muslims is a civilizational threat
i wonder how many people have died of starvation since the bombing.. really that's worse
Sunni vs Shia
Muslims hate each other like Protestants hate Catholics
Sweden yes
its a little more extreme than that i believe
Just goes to show that CIA training is even better today than it ever has been
With the internet being pretty much everywhere these days I don't have much sympathy for 'innocent' Muslims. There is enough information out there that anyone should realize Islam is at it's core evil, 'good' Muslims are not following their religion properly.
>muslims killing muslims
It's a victory for the rest of the world.
Im so sick of this meme. If you dont think the quran is the literal direct infallible word of god then you are not a muslim. Their shitty book is explicit about this. Therefore, if you are a muslim you are trash
Exactly. They are just creating destabilization so they can sell more "nike pro hijabs" and consumer crap in "the west" (which has to be shamed into providing a base for this racket because of Nazis/colonialism and shit) .
Hey Achmed, nobody gives a fuck about goatfucker on goatfucker crime. In fact, it's enthusiastically encouraged.
Put a gun in your mouth.
>So when 2 white people die in a terrorist attack you make threads about it for days, but ISIS kills 305 people in a mosque and it's dead silent?
Like one user once said, If you wake up and find shit in the toilet that's no big deal, if you find shit in the kitchen it is.
is this post even fucking serious? ISIS was created by Israel and they just like to fuck shit up with the muslims fucking Sup Forums I swear this place became reddit
This whole I hate muslims because they are mudslimes shit has to go back too
Waste of time
I hate muslims because they are forcibly inserted into Christian countries by(((them))) and I hate blacks because (((they))) force into white countries
Easy to see where (((the problem))) is
Things used to be more extreme in Christianity's past as well.
((Swede)) is shocked to discover Westerners are more interested in news that affects Westerners.
I can't remember the last time a protestant exploded
6 gazillion mosques!
there we go.
Yes. Hundreds of years ago. I dont remember christians ever murdering innocent civilians and children though
If I find shit in the toilet, it's a regular occurrence.
If I find shit in the kitchen, then it's something to be concerned about.
We just had a day-long shootout that cost one life for the 'good' guys, 3 for the bad guys, in Tbilisi. I have compassion for all good people, as does my current home. But the radicals get no play. Unlike some countries, the Georgian government got to all the other residents before they went after the terrorists. I am from the States, and I do appreciate their diligence in minimising the barbarity, I saw the attack on the Sufis in the news, and I was pretty unsurprised, but I still felt bad over it. Sufis try to throw off the dogmas of the extremists, which makes them targets for the same. They have the music, the rituals and the traditions of Islam that predate and should supersede current extremist Islam. But they are too modest and have essentially been marginalized since the Umayyads. They have a great tradition and they will outlast the flavor of the month extremism of today's Islam.
Being a Catholic? Their inward pursuit of their relationship with God, informed by their study of a scripture, is admirable. But they face a very earthly threat from other branches that do not see them as they see themselves: a devoted branch of Islam that essentially ignores the world for the purposes of improving themselves and that world through being humble before it. I somewhat see them as the Franciscans of muslims, or perhaps Benedictines.
That's the kicker.
We sorted shit out. Protestant churches exist hundreds of feet away from Catholic ones all over the country and everything is honky dory. Muslims are hundreds of years behind in diplomatic tech
Of course why should whites even care about non whites when non whites don't even care about their own let alone about whites. This kind of proofs the importance of the racial and cultural component.
Completely different. The Catholic church was a force of immense political power and the conflict was so they could keep there power. Once the Catholic church lost it's political power (which it never should have had in the first place) the feud is over, nowadays it's mostly just banter.
Sunnis and Shais however fight over the interpretation of the Hadith which is a core value of Islam. The feud has lasted over 1000 years and it can only end when one side is eliminated based on Islamic laws.
you just keep sucking that sandnigger cock faggot
Who gives a fuck? Another dead goat fucker is another dead goat fucker
>this is what nazi larpers who think Islam is a religion of peace actually believe
Muslims killing Muslims is as newsworthy as Brownian Motion.
One mosque full of potential terrorists eliminated. Why would we complain about ISIS killing their own?
thats a long time ago... Christianity has since explicitly given up its political claims and now even in the north prods and catholics co-exist.
as soon as the civil rights issues between the ethnicities were sorted out in the 90's the violence stopped...
that was more about nationalism than religion anyway
>Terrorist killing terrorist
Saves us the trouble.
Doesn't this prove they AREN'T terrorist material just because they're muslim? Why hate all muslims?
Sweden, the cuck of the world.
Because Mudslides killing Mudslides isnt news.
You could tell me they nuked themselfs and i wouldnt be surprised.
obama financed, armed, trained and allowed ISIS to grow
According to a Egyptian ano, some Clans in North Sinau vowed to take of ISIS in North Sinai and in retalition ISIS bombed a Sufi mosque. In the world, most Sufi are Sunni and a few are Shi'a. What happens here ISIS think these Sufi don't follow True Islam including their fundamentalist part. In the Muslim word, some consider them heretics, other apostates, etc.
Because they allow ISIS to grow. Their silence is their approval.
48 hours of islam
yes, but they think the others aren't (heretics, false believers, "corruptors")
internal strife is quintessentially islamic
>Tsk tsk
How should I pronounce that in my head and what does it mean.
>Why hate all muslims?
Good Muslims do not follow their religion properly and the religion itself is evil. This wishy washy shit has to end, at some point 'good' people who call themselves Muslims are going to have to make a choice because ISIS follows the true interpretation.
What would you like tor talk about Swedbro?