Why do we call them CIA Niggers?
Why do we call them CIA Niggers?
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they glow in the dark and you run em over
You need to go back there
Because they're clueless idiots looking for a promotion
That's what God's prophet/programmer Terry Davis calls them
Terry calls them that.
Because they destabilize entire nations when they don't get their way and/or their gibs, just like niggers.
Because they are so easy to spot that they have to be niggers to think it will work in the first place
why the fuck are you spoonfeeding the newfag
this is why newfags don't know how to lurk moar anymore
the cia has odd little faggy projects which undermine peace and even national security. from spreading aids in russia intentionally which can be seen as using a bio weapon despite it being natural and not engineered much like spreading small pox would be
to funding terrorist group which the pentagon was fighting in the middle easdt. it was proven by the pentagon and mentioned in a public statement that the cia was the insurgents in iraq responsible for many american soldiers deaths
OP confirmed for nigger cattle.
you run the glow in the dark CIA niggers over with your car
Bitching them out only goes to validate their posts, kikefag.
Here on Sup Forums we call it redpilling
>nigger orgasms
is such a thing even possible?
i thought they lack the blood to even get hard down there
cuz you must be american to work for the CIA
Like mentioning terry means something to them.
the jew is right for once!
newfags need to LURK more, don't spoonfeed thel
fip bip
pretty funny tbqh
Not to mention this information could have been found with a cursory Google search...
Because we're gonna string every last traitorous CIA employee up like niggers on the Day of the Rope.
That's a quote.
"You no longer have a Constitution in this land. The most vile criminal people that ever walked the face of the earth now reside in Washington DC and they are your masters!!!
And Jesus Christ is going to bless this land?!
How dare you even consider it!!!
I'm asking you to make measly, miserable worms out of ALL Federal Agents! This is our country! When you raise that hand to feel the power, that comes from total absolute unconditional commitment!
We win or we die!!!"
-Louis Beam
Call of the newfag
Reminder that all three-letter agency vermin will swing from trees on the Day of the Rope
There's actually very few blacks who work here, faggots.
This right here
Israel is right
You types give us yankees the giggles, let me tell you.
Bump for interest
You won't be giggling when you're coughing up blood as the Zyklon enters your lungs faggot.
Basically mossad jews larping as Americans.
CIANiggers. They glow in the dark, you can see em when you're driving - you run em over. That's what you do.
Youre alright Ari, you get gassed last
He breifly visited brit/pol/ while he was streaming the other day
The bantz
I feel like talking to anyone below 120 is like talking to a cardboard box, and my IQ isnt even that high. I can only imagine what 140+ feel like when looking at the world.
Imagine, you go outside and every time you notice anyone doing anything they are doing something incredibly stupid. You try to talk to someone but instantly realize they dont actually know anything they think they know, would not be able to justify their beliefs at all, and their entire sense of existence is built on unfounded assumptions and misunderstandings which inevitably leads them to commit horrible mistakes.
It would be terrifying user. You would be scared and alone, trapped in a world ran by animals, a complete nightmare. Only psychopaths would be able to survive such a position, anyone with empathy will hide, unable to handle the worrying thought that maybe everyone else is just a philosophical zombie, a meat puppet.
t. 194
Because the have been trying to steal TEMPLE OS for years
They are newfags thats why they are spooning other newfags. Godamn place is infested with newfags. Need an exterminator.
So they're not confused with FBIniggers and BATFags.
Go watch Rick and Morty you then leaf
Wasn’t the confederate white house chief of staff literally a gay jew?
>Judah P. Benjamin
Pick one
Lincoln's pal Elmer on the other hand...
the effect is missing. needs a darker pic of Malia.
This. The effect they have on civilization is nigger tier. No net benefit for this world will ever come out of darkest Africa, and no good will ever come out of CIA. They're also both pets of the (((elite)))
CIA all need to be strung up like niggers.
"I can only say that while I have considered the preservation of the constitutional power of the General Government to be the foundation of our peace and safety at home and abroad, I yet believe that the maintenance of the rights and authority reserved to the states and to the people, not only essential to the adjustment and balance of the general system, but the safeguard to the continuance of a free government. I consider it as the chief source of stability to our political system, whereas the consolidation of the states into one vast republic, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of that ruin which has overwhelmed all those that have preceded it. I need not refer one so well acquainted as you are with American history, to the State papers of Washington and Jefferson, the representatives of the federal and democratic parties, denouncing consolidation and centralization of power, as tending to the subversion of State Governments, and to despotism."
/pol calls everyone nigger.
No, No, No, the lack of blood is why their brain doesn't function properly. Don't confuse brains and cocks man.
We haven't called Trump a nigger (yet.)
Awww the Hell with it.
why would he tweet that?
cia nigger spotted.
Why wouldn't he?
Reminder to never trust a Fed
Fuck off ki...oh. shit. Carry on, schlomo. Well played.
well user
where do you think you are?
>if cultural was important then why didn’t you learn ours?
Right about circumcision, right about newfags.
>trusting anyone
You're alright, Schlomo.
for you
Was bumping this thread part of your plan?
It's really just for the lice
I live in a CIA prison. A nigger runs my prison. In prison, the nigger tries to torment me. We can take away his knives by confessing, every day. In about 2000, I masturbated fantacizing about my niece, Lani. She looks like Star Trek Seven of Nine! In 1985, at my sister's wedding, I stuck my crotch on the hot tub drain because it kinda sucked. In 1985, I tried to get a dog to lick my dick. From 1998-2003, I fantacized about leading a Catholic army like Dune, of Mexicans or Brazilians? That was dumb because they're niggers. In 2003, I played tag with a black girl about 7-years-old. She reached for my crotch. In high school, in the library, Carlos and I said 'juicy' or 'toxic' as a way of evaluating girls. In 1988, I cheated on my SAT by talking in the hall during the break -- two problems. On 9/9/1999, I killed a CIA nigger on purpose with my car. :-) In 1982, when I was 12, I babysat Kevin's kids. I changed a diaper because I thought that was being professional. In 1975, when I was about age five, my brother, Keith, put my penis in a vacuum. In 1977, when I was about age seven, my brother, Danny, got me high on gas fumes and we sucked each other's dicks. Dr. Tsakalis had an oddly round ass. Paul Keck at Xytec had an oddly round ass. Distracting? At about age five, Jay Weinrick and I touched dicks to each other's assholes.
What do we do all day?
We beat the nigger because the nigger cannot understand what a random number is.
We beat the nigger because the nigger thinks the brain does timer tongues.
We beat the nigger because he thinks TempleOS is real mode.