Fellow Eurobros, how prepped are you for the coming civil strive, chaos and disorder?
Germans are planning for the collapse of Europe
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(((Phillip Mason)))
Kek, please let it happen so the cleansing can begin
Does he actually mean Europe, or just the (((EU)))?
Nope. Merkel finally achieved the German goal of conquering Europe. She will not let it go without a fight.
Germany is doing what it should because Germany knows exactly what's happening between the Bundesbank and the central bank of other EU countries...
I remember someone posted a link to the document, does anyone still have it? IIRC it was a German defence study with 3 or 4 scenarios
nothing to see here... just go on.
It's funny because Poland is not burning.
oh yes it will
this better not be something allong the lines of operation cinder Hans.
why would it burn? slavic-russian-intermarium will preserve the white race and european conservatism, the west will burn and fall to the nigger hordes.
Poland is smarter than the other European countries. They avoided the migrants and they avoided the plague by not killing all the stray cats like the other countries. Brilliant people those poles.
Germany needs its toilet cleaned out as well as UK
(((EU))). It's the (((Guardian))).
yes poland IS burning! Burning with hatred for jewish and "refugee" parasites that is!! The Swastika will fly again in Europa!
fuggggg i need to move out of the euro
Let's hope the contingency plans contain tanks.
Soon, the entire west has become a neo-weimar republic and you know what they say about history repeating itself
Multicultural hellholes like we are forced to live in now are unprecedented in European history.
>serious consequences for post-brexit britain
fucking hell, these remoaners are obsessed. there would be serious consequences for britain in any case in this scenario.
Funny how the refugee crisis in Europe got so bad that they banned the media from reporting on the numerous grenade attacks, no go zones, burning cars, etc. Looks like Donald Trump, president of the United States of America, was right all along.
Don't worry, they'll make a tv show glorifying the Weimar republic and that will fix everything. They're really smart. The chosen people of the one true god. Its not supremacist. You are.
>unprecedented in European history
On the opposite we have another case, the Roman Empire and its collapse.
Germany has only ever destroyed Europe, again and again
i doubt it, not even the kikes liked the weimar republic. nobody did
Shit doesn't burn.
Fake news. There's no way in hell that they're actually that self aware.
many global experts predict that germany will be allied with russia soon against american influence in europe
>a neo-weimar republic
That was not as multicultural as today's societies either.
We're still the majority in the west for at least two decades more, longer if whites start popping out kids and going on welfare like niggers which let's be honest is going to become increasingle appealing with how every employer treats you like dirt
Good, their plans have been in the making for generations and now with the internet they've noticed a significant pushback and are trying to accelerate their plans, which only wakes more people up
If you hadn't noticed 2016 was all about trannies, this year was all about turning kids into trannies, it's too fast and people are uncomfortable with how fast its become a thing, trust in the media is at an all time low
>paul mason
> female leader
> Making contingency plans for the future
*Breathes in .... hahahahahahahahAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH
> was this before or after she destroyed europe, germany, and cucked everyone?
this is why we brits are not giving a fuck about the negotiations and threats, we know you're about to collapse.
The 120-page-long paper, entitled Strategic Perspective 2040, is a federal government policy document – and the scenarios it imagines are grimly realistic: an east-west conflict in which some EU states join the Russian side or a “multipolar” Europe, where some states adopt the Russian economic and political model in defiance of the Lisbon treaty.
That the document exists at all is a sign of the increased tension in the global system. The German military’s tradition of rigorous logistical planning for every eventuality began with the celebrated German field marshal Moltke in the 1850s and has three times paid off with initial success: in 1871 against France, in 1914 and 1939 against the rest of Europe. In the post-cold war era, as Der Spiegel puts it, allowing German generals to make statements about the future was “too risky”. That changed with Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014.
Despite the alarmist headlines it has generated, the leaked document is, if anything, overoptimistic. In three out of the six scenarios, things go so well that Europe resembles the Biedermeier era – 1815-1848 – of domestic bliss and military boredom. Its negative scenarios – which see the US struggling to avoid isolationism and China locked in a cultural war with the west – were written before Donald Trump came to power and before Xi Jinping’s strategy of creating a politicised Chinese infrastructure across Asia.
When there wont be enough whites or too many niggers to keep welfare, Europe will collapse.
where to find this document in english?
How is maggot brain privatized army and wage slaves prepared? They don't know why they even alive, they take money, do bidding, end of story. This is a simple to understand thing, no need for discussion or long books written. EU/Europe, what's that? Still no own car production, still no own computer production, still no own army, still no own water, still no own agriculture and not even own sport people, bunch of foreigners, including niggers. There's no Europe, collapse is every day, they are just going to run away like always, transfer money elsewhere and want me to die for some bullshit, some dumbass reason, like every American war we are in and every refugee dumbass reason.
It has not been translated. It is for German eyes only. It is lovely bed literature... for people with guns, stored food and martial arts skills.
It'll be a gay a weimar immigrant disco kind of plan
> Organizes collapse
> Creating contingency plan for collapse
Really makes you think
Was internally published in Feb 2017 and has been kept secret ever since.
German army historically plans for even unrealistic scenarios. But: some came into effect.
Do not expect them to be released.
>It is lovely bed literature... for people with guns, stored food and martial arts skills
a german tries to impress me with owning gun kek
So does every army. I bet the USA has invasion plans for Mexico and Canada or plans for the case of invasion by Mexico and Canada.
yes it was
Isn't that the name of that youtuber that triggers Anita sarkeesian?
Far east Asians? Pakistanis? Negroes? The immigrants of today are farther away ethnically and culturally than the migrants of the Roman empire were to Romans. They are in greater number today as well.
The article itself implies that "global order" is a good thing. What about having a country with borders, culture, and language? Is that not important?
Not for Germany.
"We" just took a bet on the equality meme.
>that pic
fucking roasties dont even care about politics, she's pointing at the hat but really she's hoping you glance at her teats
Germany is a heavy industrialized country who needs minerals and other raw materials to survive. And Russia is the only who can provide them. Its a matter of time before they start talking with Putin and his servants.
Mine fields removed when Reagan was President.
Would be fucking rich if they didn't plan for the collapse of Europe while having done everything to bring it about
how's that working for you, Muhammad?
meh who cares just carpet bomb and salt germany and we're good
>meh who cares just carpet bomb and salt germany and we're good
You are too harsh
Yeah, one of the key goals of the EU has been to wipe out white European people. Now for some reason they're surprised the whole Europe starts to collapse. Really makes you think...
I unironically can't wait to see white people lynched in the streets.
We deserve it for being cucks.
ah fucking hell. the eternal kraut is about to leap into action.
we do yeah
Wonder why it all happened?
around krauts
watch out
get your filthy german hands off of europe
Going to use the chaos to retake.
use the chaos to retake the Irish Republic for HM The Queen, right?
Daily reminder that ever since Ireland got granted independence in 1920, the IRA has made exactly 0 land gains. Not that it'll stop you tho, so go wild ya crazy paddy.
Irish. white niggers, amiright?
make the new IRA less marxist though
Daily reminder you're being outbreeded. United Ireland imminent.
roll for crusade
Yes, it'd be a shame if a new type of agricultural bug started killing all your crops, leading to some sort of great famine you'll talk about for centuries or something
I'm afraid those days of the British Empire are entirely dead and buried.
maybe, but ours is still alive and kickin', and we pick them over you bucko
>ours is still alive and kickin'
In what universe?
They used foreign mercenary soldiers and levies same did the colonies. dosen't mean Rome was multicultural. Meds gathering does not correlate with nigger infested hell like France. Also there were strict terms for what a man was in rome.
UK is afraid.
Paul Mason is an ugly commie. He like a 16 yo girl picked a cool photo of himself on the avatar, when in reality his face is twisted and fucking ugly.
Nigger lovers
>Implying the IRA works for the Irish government
>Norway: 92.5% white
>Ireland: 98.5% white
Agencies write plans for all sorts of scenarios, this isn't really a prediction or anything.
>this buttmad about losing a tiny chunk of an island because you don't know how to fuck or teach your children your religion
You realize you already gave away 96% of your empire, right?
Probably America, they always blame everything on us.
Well said Dr. Savage.
What the fuck are you talking about
Nothing ever changes here.
It doesn't matter what happens outside.
It doesn't matter whether there's a war, disorder, strife, etc.
Nothing ever changes.
If the food stops getting imported, we raise pigs and grow wheat, or buy those directly from the farmers.
If the power is out we make wind mills with generators out of old cars.
If the water stops running, we purify our own.
And we still pay our taxes no matter how fucked they are.
It doesn't matter what stops.
As long as nobody comes here to screw with us, nothing ever changes.
>cant understand islander banter
dumb amerimutt
He's ironically mad that you btfo the left with abortion being illegal.
c'mon potato guy
>right in the feels
I know what you mean, Sorin.
>He's ironically mad that you btfo the left with abortion being illegal.
The referendum is next year though
The collapse of Eurabia can't come soon enough. That continent is a hive of degeneracy.
Irish Natinalist Army
Ooooh sorry, it's been one of those days. But yeah that abortion shite won't pass.