Okay my little intellectu/a/ls, what anime are MO and what are PO-MO?

Okay my little intellectu/a/ls, what anime are MO and what are PO-MO?

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mo sounds like pretentious shit

neck yourself

Everything is PO-MO and nothing is MO.

Every time reset show is MO. Deconstruction is PO.

that isn't at all what modernism and postmodernism are.


>Click this link
>Watch it
>Regret it
>Purposefully remove it from viewing history

Good post though.

we do whatever we can

Fuck off, retard.

Used to be for Po-Mo but it felt low effort and lacking in substance, it's easier to destroy than create and endlessly breaking things down is lazier than attempting to make something new out of old things.

It's 2016.

I'm confused.
Are Chinua Achebe and Marshall Berman MO, or are Yeats and Marx MO?
Is all of MO just an attempt to reconcile 19th century apocalyptic thinking with post-war optimism?

The trend of deconstructing everything needs to end. It's getting old, really fast.

I swear Sup Forums's meme just gets stupider and stupider. Unsurprisingly they now even have a sticky for baneposting.

No, people like you who use the word 'deconstructing' without a shred of irony are the ones who need to end. Fiction follow trends and one will buck the one before and so on in response. 'Deconstructing' as used by people like you are meaningless as it assigns a very myopic view of how human culture and history has been developing.

And what exactly has been deconstructed so far?
Anime still uses the same memes it did 20 years go.

Subversion would be a better word to describe the shows that try to sell on the formula that they take a well known genre and subvert it (which means that they will suprise you in the first few episodes with a subversion of some trope, and then follow all the old tropes till the end of the show)

disclaimer: i'm not saying these shows are good or bad, just that they fit the criteria.

MO: kaiba: simple lines and color pallet, clear distinction between high and low, utopic visions, questions authenticity (with the memory alteration and shit), etc

PO-MO: Neon Genesis Evangelion, blurs lines between the commercialized mecha genre and experimental art, narration is personal and not always reliable, is parodical/ironic/self-referential, surreal, lack of clear meaning, etc

This type of analysis is very cheesy, I don't see the point.

>Authenticity is a lie, a trap
Uh huh that's why DFW preaches so much about sincerity right? This is fucking ridiculous. Not content with completely misusing the word "deconstruction" — read House of Leaves if you want a novel that ACTUALLY deconstructs things since the guy was a big fan of Derrida — , now you move to modernism and pomo? You really think the japanese are even aware of what the fuck that is as a "literary convention"? Their perception of western genres in general is completely fucked up.

You're using the wrong word as someone else said but there's a valid point in the idea. Anime fans seem to be salivating for subversions recently.