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You'd see where she's coming from if you had a conscience.
>a meme yaps about stuff
>"all the jooos BTFO"
>my uncle willie
Sure thing bitch
You will never see a BLM radical that is so well behaved.
omg you are edgy as fuck. i mean nazi flag, nazi meme, you are one edgy animal. i heard there's one on Sup Forums. i cant believe i met you.
>please uncle willy, tell us the one about the nazi shaving your head again
is any jew named Willie?
>jew flag reacting to nazi
FOBFR kid? I was like you once...
This some grade A kvetching.
Did I hurt your feelings? Are you gonna cry now?
Instead of boiling them, can you gas them?
Good. I love how stupid Sup Forumsack morons ACTUALLY think Christianity stands a CHANCE of surviving. It's fucking dead ALREADY.
Stories like this make me so happy, because it shows the ACTUAL beliefs of the youth. COMPLETELY atheistic and liberal, just as we intended.
Your politicians FULLY support open borders and NONE of them are anti-Islam, our breeding rates are 5x yours, and your women are converting to Islam more than any other religion. Islam will not be the second most popular, but THE religion and LAW of western nations. Also, LITERALLY NO Western teenagers are Christian anymore, your people are Godless and will cower to a much stronger enemy. NO WESTERN ADOLESCENTS FUCKING BELIEVE IN GOD. You HONESTLY think white girls who go to church to stop feeling guilty about being whores are actually Christian? LMFAO.
Your religion is fucking DEAD. It's hilarious seeing you lie to yourselves, acting as if Christianity is still alive, or that ANY normal western teenagers are Christian. Nope, it's over for you. With nothing to believe in, the West's children will see Islam as the shining beacon of light and willingly convert.
Go ahead, shout "deus vult", play Rammstein when you lift weights tonight, act as if you can do SHIT. But at the end of the day, your politicains are COMPLETELY loyal to us,we breed at 5x the rate of you, and we are utterly devoted to Islam when you can't even get up for church on Sunday. LMFAO.
>gas chamber scratches
Confirmed fake by the Holocaust museum themselves, these Jews have no shame.
Wow! Hes a respectable working class welder with a career and a life! How evil and racist! BLM could never dream of claiming such things!
A word that when spoken by a Jew should cause you to break into hysterical laughter. The phony moralizing doesn't work any more, Schlomo.
If they aren't willing to put up an actual fight... not just words... then they have already lost. The NYT is portraying them as family guys.
Lol this kike is trying to guilt trip whites into following her agenda retard she doesnt give a single empathetic shit about the Holocaust.
They're afraid. Very, very afraid.
I would like to horrendously buttfuck you in the pussy, Jew.
Whoops meant (((they)))
Equating counter-semitism with white supremacy is kikery at its best.
Whites in the US need to identify their real enemy, and fast. Time is running out.
The whole thing is a strawman. They call anyone they don't like a nazi.
At last the Jew shows his true colors
Religion always fades a bit during periods of extreme scientific and technological progress. The bible says it happened in the bronze age when civilization and farming made everyones life a thlusand times easier. It happened during the scientific revolution when everyone thought science and reason was better than god, even though the science and technology they had makes that laughable today. It happened in the industrial revolution as well since the steam engine made everyones life a thlusand times easier. But after they figured out that those things cannot replace god, christianity was fully revived in europe and the us. We are in another time like that now, only with computers and internet. And in the future religion will be restored and they will laugh at the idea that a smartphone could take away the need for god too.
>Nate Silver desperately trying to claw back some relevance after getting cucked to death last year
with so many survivors it really has a lousy shoah
>The Jew cry out in agony as he strikes you.
every single person on this anime board had this holohoax shit shoved down their throats from the day they were born. we all know exactly where she's coming from.
We all know Bess Kalb is the most important Jewish philosopher of the 21st century. Twitter doesn't hand out verification checkmarks for nobodies.
lol @ jews
we coming for you
It's you who have no conscience. It's you who will accept any lies pushed on you; because the worst thing in the world to your weak psyche, is shame.
You have no spine, no morals, and no concept of righteousness. You are addicted to dopamine.
The uprise of Nazi sentiment is a direct response to the media's attempt to normalize Communism. History repeats itself.
Is the worst part about being a Jew is never knowing when it is going to happen...again?
now this is top notch edginess.
How can these morons not see that they're behaving exactly like the imaginary cartoon nazis that they love to whine about.
They're advocating for censorship and violence against people with different views.
This. We are reactionary. We are an answer to peoples prayers in times of darkness
Kek he is basically admitting it
I don't like nazism but screeching like this isn't going to help their situation. Infact this mindless yelling is why it's making a comeback.
Nazis? Pfft. They should be worrying about the Romans. It's time.
but it,s the NYT, they are literally Jews themselves
Best reversed meme of all time, kekkle.
After all the anti-white shit Jews have been pumping out relentlessly in all media, I really don't care what umbrage they take with a neo-Nazi. Because at the end of the day, he doesn't have a multi-billion dollar media platform to push his views. They do.
How many Russians are the Jewish Bolsheviks responsible for killing? How many Chinese? Americans?
Romans committed real genocide multiple times. Much more hardcore than the Nazis who literally didn’t genocide anyone. Roman Empire 3.0 when?
Settle down Brian
This is why everyone hates the jews
I would do anything for my sweetie. I hope nobody in this thread is being mean about her.
There's nothing nazi about advocating for your own kin. Stop falling for it.
>an deeply
Sooner than you might think
I wonder how she explains this twitterers question.
! ! ! SHUT IT DOWN ! ! !
>Bess Kalb
isn't that the chick who invented sweetieposting? Bitch is hysterical.
WOW she is really trying super hard
Lol they say "normalize" when they mean to say "humanize"
Or why would they kill them in the first place if they could be used as slave labor? They must've been sick or something
Who has the link to the article? Archive it please
>for the grave sin of trying to reclaim self determination of your race you're a FUCKING NAZI AND SHOULD BE KILLED
What happened to her "oh sweetie" schitk?
Why did the Nazi shave your uncle's head if he was just going to gas him a few minutes later? Its not like he was worried about lice infestation in the chamber. Shaving the head only makes sense if they weren't planning on killing him.
yes, it's the kike that started sweetie
I'm a Jewess and I get turned on by Nazi boys. I wanna date a White, racially aware boy who wants to make master race babies with me.
Lol they've already changed the title to "A Voice of Hate in America's Heartland" due to kvetching
>Trump Presidency 1 Year Later
>Wall is going up
>NYT publishing pro-nazi propaganda
>Trudeau consistently cucked on the world stage
>Russia is BFF soon
>Annexation of UK imminent
Not so bad tbqh we're really turning things around quickly.
Sounds to me like it's going to be a hell of a lot easier to turn every Muslim nation into glass.
'Genocide' is a meme. In pre world war wars European countries would lose a quarter of their populations without making up victim memes about it.
The numbers of dead in the world wars was higher because the populations were higher but just look up the results of Napolionic battles/wars, and wars from before that time and as a percentage of population the death tolls were far greater.
They used the hair you brainlet, for shoelaces and shit.
There have never been any mass graves found at the so called (((death camps))). When people tried to dig, Jews banned it for disturbing "sacred ground" and placed religious rocks all over the sites.
When can we get an archive? I want to read the article
of course the OG Sweetieposter is a Jew
wow she's not even trying anymore
Wow her uncle had to watch kids be gassed 75 years ago
Odd as her picture doesnt make her look 70-80 years old
Holy shit
What the archived link shows
>please don't overwrite this
Checked. The jews know they overplayed their hand and the goyim are waking up. Those posts are practically screaming BAD GOYIM.
pro: our sweetie schookums bess kalb is melting down
con: who's the nazi soyboy faggot who talked to the nyt? looks like a cunt
You can never tell so I must ask, you're joking right?
Dumb kikes
Seriously? Source? I wanna kek some
The oven meme was invented to explain away the lack of habeas corpus (legal term meaning literally 'show me the body').
There is no habeas corpus and so there couldn't have been a case against Germany under British law (which has been changed very recently).
I'm not bothering to prove the holocaust didn't happen until somebody proves it did.