How do we stop the epidemic of young men transitioning into cute girls?
Kick them in the fucking BALLS.
Why should we?
Why stop it? They need to be put on hormones before they hit puberty so they develop perfectly feminine features. There is nothing worse than a nasty crossdresser that didn't start to transition until their 20s, when their body structure is male and unchangeable. Science has given us the opportunity to grow the perfect woman... with the best features of men, but the body of a woman. This is the end of the roastie. Traps are the future.
Net Neutrality
limit the free flowing ideas they can be interpreted by like minded people who coalesce around one group of thought
good luck
>they probably won't breed anyways
>the guys that will date/marry them won't either
>denying people happiness for no reason
tbf you can transition in your twenties just so long as its before 25 generally
by bullying them with your cock to show them whos in charge
They like that sort of thing.
We don't.
Spank them.. wait.
fuck them
>cute girls
You mean abominations, right?
wife them
we dont. men turning themselves into women eliminates competition and gives the remaining men more power in the sexual marketplace.
>t. a country who knows
What do you think causes trannyism? Something in the diet? A Thai told me the ladyboys have been around since ancient times, is this true? Also, between monks and ladyboys, how many men take themselves off the market over there? Thanks. (Trying to figure out how many numales and commies must die in order to force our women to be somewhat decent)
you mean accelerate?
My trick is inspiring others to follow suit.
there have always been trans people in every society. It’s just a mental illness that happens sometimes. Just like there have always been schizophrenic people.
i think it should be encouraged
but only if they wear decent lingerie and heels
I hear delousing heavily fixes these kind of problems, the gas stops 100% of faggotry in the mind permanently
by ravaging that sweet boipussi