This man's life was literally worth the life of 1 million people from any random United States city
he was a hoax and communist
ah yes Alber Jednokamiński a great polish scientific
>your goyim lives are worth nothing
Jewish population control logic if I've heard it.
Lets see your explanation for the photoelectric effect then. Go on and collect your nobel price.
Einstein actually was a genius though, the standard model of physics has allowed us to make some of the most precise predictions in history, surpassed only by QFT in terms of accuracy at scale.
If I had to choose between Einstein and 1 million pure blooded Germans being shot to death I would let Einstein live.
Olinto De Pretto Came up with mass energy equivalence, not Einstein.
Thank you for this completely unrelated input of random information I guess?
It's not unrelated. It's an example of something he stole from another man and claimed it for himself as his own intellectual creation. Not the only thing he stole, mind you.
Damn! Dat muddafukkin rite der got his fukin melanin on point! Melanin nation rep re sent son!!
>It's not unrelated. It's an example of something he stole from another man and claimed it for himself as his own intellectual creation. Not the only thing he stole, mind you.
Why did you reply to me then? Its completely unrelated to his work on the photoelectric effect.
Do you have any genuine education in physics or any idea what the hell youre on about, or are you just memeing?
>Einstein actually was a genius though
So why did he leave his wife and 2 kids to go and have a child with and marry one of his first cousins?
You didn't see the point? If he is willing to steal ideas from one, he will steal from others, as he has. It is silly to attribute so much scientific breakthrough to a parasite
Maybe the cousin was hotter and open to any sort of debauchery.
S-so its memeing? I really cant tell anymore.
I mean do you at least realize that even if it turned out to be true that he wasnt the first to formalize a relation between energy and mass, that it would be a major fallacy to then jump to the conclusion that he stole and other or even all of his work from other people?
I mean do you at least have a shitty Sup Forums infographic that has proof of him stealing anything?
why are muslims so butthurt at jewish excellence?
>bosnian intellectuals
you must return to srebrenica
More likely she just didn't ride him about not wearing socks or bathing. His first wife had problems with the dudes hygiene
So now also read the second line of text from my last post.
He didnt become famous for what he may or may not have found out about relativity.
Do you know why he became famous? Is there any possibility that those who controlled the media of the time promoted him?
Ah the classic hobo kink, mixed with some nasty and sweaty inbreeding, dam Einstein you were brilliant as deviant.
>Do you know why he became famous?
The photoelectric effect, which has significant importance in delivering empirical proof for theoretical quantum mechanics.
>Is there any possibility that those who controlled the media of the time promoted him?
Literally why and by what media?
tfw too smart for Sup Forums
tfw dumb enough to spend a saturday evening arguing on Sup Forums
but krautanon, you must admit another guy I think from the same nationality as Tesla (too lazy to google RN) was credited for the theory of relativity. Einstein was pushed as a divulgador in a time where all scientific divulgation was credited to jewish figures.
Ignore url, it is a decent breakdown.
Clerk. Married women to do the math for him.
Poincare knock-off. Europeans did the work but didn't have the media. From line of wannabe jewish philosopher kangz. Same as guy that led manhatten project. Not even a physicist. Media loves to romanticize dissheveled losers instead of hansome well manored Europeon/American Christian gentlemen that really did all the work.
>Alber Jednokamiński
>Falling for the Jewish genius meme
Jesus this is on the verge of being sad (if its serious, which Im not so sure about).
I dont really know or care about relativity much since the special kind is pretty simple and not that useful, and the general kind isnt even close to being something finished or useful, so Im focusing on the part thats about quantum mechanics, which Einstein actually got his nobel prize for.
The part about the photoelectric effect is pretty short, and not in a single line do they refute anything that einstein discovered AT ALL.
I assume this is either because they have no idea whatsoever about the physics behind it, or that if they do, they just coulnt find anything at all that would prove that any of it is wrong or plagiarized.
The only thing they do in that regard is list names of people who should be credited instead of Einstein.
The jews supposedly didnt want him to be famous, because he came from a german family (even though his first name is David...) and because his grandfathers second name was Fürchtegott Leberecht. The amount of denial in just alone this is astonishing.
>Max Planck
Here the jews didnt want him to get a nobel prize in 1922 over einstein, because he came from a family of theologians and because he stayed in germany during world war II, a whole 20 years after the fact.
Spoiler alert: Max Planck had already won a nobel prize for physics 4 years before, but I guess the jewish cabal was too busy to notice at the time.
>Erwin Schrödinger
This one didnt get the nobel prize because he, too, would be supporting the nazis decades after, which the jews obviously already knew. He would also go on to "teach at the adolf hitler university" (which has never existed anywhere in the world).
Except that he didnt. And except that he was opposed to nazism. And except that the jews would completely change their minds and award him with a nobel prize in 1933 after all!
>Werner Heisenberg
No more characters left but he got a prize too.
Now stop.
reminder that quantum mechanics and general relativity is false because it denies the ether. electrons and photons are not real. light electricity magnetism and gravity are all ether based effects. soyim will build more and more complex mathematical models to fit observations but never be able to understand these observations.
You focused on a couple paragraphs and missed the point, he was stealing ideas from these people, even going as far as copying Hilbert's draft who still luckily managed to publish first:
>On November 18, Hilbert received a letter from Einstein thanking him for sending him a draft of the treatise Hilbert was to deliver on the 20th
>even though his first name is David
Biblical first names do not make one Jewish.
>By 1900, Max Planck, based upon his and Wien's work, had shown that radiated energy was absorbed and emitted in finite units called quanta.
>The only difference in his work of 1900 and Einstein's work of 1905 was that Einstein limited himself to talking about one particular type of energy—light energy.
>But the principles and equations governing the process in general had been deduced by Planck in 1900.
>Einstein himself admitted that the obvious conclusion of Planck's work was that light also existed in discrete packets of energy.
>Thus, nothing in this paper of Einstein's was original.
>Austria's University of Graz — which became Adolf Hitler University after the Nazis invaded Austria, leading Schrödinger to flee another nation.
Also, that site led to:
If you feel like reading more about your precious parasite.
>3 jews and a nazi walk into a room
>they create an atomic bomb
we could work together and achieve greatness
How badly do you want to be right that you completely ignore how batshit crazy your sources are?
I really suggest that you get a proper understanding of the physics that you are talking about first. Planck and Ensteins work were both important for the formalization of quantum mechanics and they both were awarded nobel prizes for their contributions.
If you think that all Einstein did was rephrase Planck, then you have no idea what either of them actually did.
Also why exactly does a jewish name not make one a jew, but having a grandfather with a german name makes one a nazi? Not seeing the logic here at all.
Adolf Hitler University did exist, I give you that, but that doesnt make Schrödinger a national socialist, especially since he was in fact not one.
>Also why exactly does a jewish name not make one a jew, but having a grandfather with a german name makes one a nazi? Not seeing the logic here at all.
You are the one making these claims, not me and not the author of that site.
That "batshit crazy" source is a compilation of information, the interesting part to me starts on page 30.
>The Einstein Hoax: The Disastrous Intellectual War on Common Sense
Einstein was a fraud who plagiarized repeatedly. He used others work without any credit to the ideas he supposedly "builds upon".
The same media that pushed the narrative of the holocaust to create the country that I am pretty sure you belong to is the one that propped up Einstein. He doesn't deserve the credit he gets, that will be obvious in the future just like it has become so in the Tesla vs Edison issue. Your lies will collapse around you.
>le everyone who disagrees with me is a shill
Also read your own sources before replying to me or my son ever again so you dont have to make wrong claims like
>You are the one making these claims, not me and not the author of that site.
Yes you are right. I wager 10 million dead millennial cry babies just to bring back ablerty
>me or my son ever again
big daddy jew?
>Thank you for this completely unrelated input of random information I guess?
>everyone who disagrees with me is a shill
Well you have yet to disprove that he was stealing his ideas from those scientists, you could have read the proof that he did plagiarize in that site.
>wrong claims like...
>His grandfather's two middle names were 'Fürchtegott Leberecht' or 'Fear God, Live Right.'
This is the closest thing I could find to your claim.
>having a grandfather with a german name makes one a nazi? Not seeing the logic here at all.
The author does not call anyone's grandfather a Nazi because of their name so I have no idea what your point is. Seems more like a shill deflection. Yes, I think you are a shill, not because you disagree with me, but because you pick and choose little pieces of the source to discredit a question that wasn't proposed and then never actually answer the question proposed. Namely, if he has plagiarized papers already, what makes you think any of his papers are trustworthy or that he contributed any original ideas? I still believe that he is a parasite and that is getting strengthened with every paper I read or scientist's opinion of Einstein's work. He was a meme pushed by media.
well if it isn't the zionist patent thief
>That rare Boomer edge
'Genius' or not he didn't do it alone.
Media always likes to shill the lone genius does everything when in fact Einstein met weekly with a group of other PhDs while working at his patent office he ran his ideas past. He specifically credited them as well which is often forgotten.
The sad thing about Einstein is he went into academia instead of remaining a patent clerk as he no longer had the time to do any research sine academia is such a bullshit existence being forced to dozens of events shmoozing for grant money per week and dealing with hierarchy.
If you want to read about a true genius then look up Jon Von NeuMann sometime. Dude was a literal alien who could memorize entire volumes of books recalling the exact page that an equation or sentence was written. He also invented modern computer architecture on a napkin because he needed something to quickly solve a problem for him.
>If you want to read about a true genius then look up Jon Von NeuMann sometime.
Or Nikola Tesla, he really did have an impressive understanding of electricity and it would have been interesting to see the research papers that the FBI took from his home after his death.
Yes, Jews are more intelligent than non-Semitic Europeans (on average) and are vastly over-represented in the arts and sciences because of this. Let's move on, shall we?
Real name: Alberto Ernestopolus, famous italo-greek scientist claimed by the jews
JVM is still the smartest man to have ever lived on planet earth though. He was a notorious jew however, JVM once suggested to the US military that they culturally erase the Japanese by nuking their sacred heritage as a way to defeat them, something the US command thankfully rejected.
The jews and their scheming to genocide
p. 136
In fact, Heisenburg is quoted as saying, "Einstein has once again expressed himself publicly on quantum mechanics. ... this is a catastrophe every time it happens."
That is from the book "How Einstein Ruined Physics".
DePretto gets priority for E=mc^2. That's not even debateable, the written record is indisputable. It's just that the jewsmedia keeps saying the wrong thing time and time again.
>JVM is still the smartest man to have ever lived on planet earth though.
Phrases like this are not helpful. And it is almost funny reading the wikipedia article with coincidence detector on. All those who claim he was the smartest man they ever met, were Jews. I am not saying they are wrong, as I have basically never come across him so I know nothing about him. I am sure some stuff is exaggerated as it is with Einstein and pushed by Jews to make them feel good about themselves. If he wasn't leeching off of others like Einstein was then good for him.
JVM's output speaks for itself though, he wrote an enormous amount of breakthrough papers in about a dozen different fields of mathematics, physics, economics, compsci, everything. Many of these papers are still cited today in current research the dude was legit a genius despite Jewish exaggeration.
You don't often hear about him in the media because his politics were far-right where he supported genocide, shilled for nuclear weapons to be used willy nilly on enemies of the US and was pro-capitalism instead of being a communist.