What made you change? What was your breaking point?
People who went from libertarianism to the alt right/nationalism
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I started paying more attention
The alt-right wouldn't exist if blacks didn't exist.
I'm still not alt-right, I judge people by merit and character. BUT.... try living around blacks, and then look up crime rate statistics....
it's a natural digression form hating the goverment for giving gibs to minorities, to shilling for a goverment that would genocide them and redistribute their wealth to you.
I used to be Antifa (literally).
now I would prefer an ethnic cleansing worldwide.
I'm still not natsoc though, as I'm not a socialist.
it's not as much about "nationalism" as it is about racism.
Why did you turn from ANTIFA to what you are now?
it just means that you're a gullible dipshit that changes his political stances like underwear - there is nothing "redpilled" about it.
In a white high IQ+ society i would be ancap/libertarian. Now we have bigger problems to deal with, so the ancap thing can wait.
try waking up at 2 in the morning to the sound of a nigger killing another nigger.
Watching the Public Universities (my tax dollars) be used to degrade every classic liberal principle. Researching how many elected and non-elected high position public officials are dual citizens to other countries (mainly one country) and don't recuse themselves when said countries are being dealt with. The media apparatus being openly hostile against a large portion of the country.
All kinds of shit desu. I'm not Alt-Right I'm just a libertarian that has had enough.
>Leave me the Fuck Alone and Quit Spending My Tax Dollars Frivolously
I was a libercuckian until I realized it wouldn't work with all these non-whites living around me.
Birthrates. I thought whites would just always exist. I was wrong.
I lived in an immigrant-dense suburb, read up about economics and human psychology, and learned how things and society works. then I looked at crime & rape statistics, and racial differences in human behavior worldwide.
to be honest that was about 8 years ago
One day you realize capitalism enables degeneracy.
One day you understand that you need other values above Mamon
i haven't changed my ideology in 10 years. the alt-right was tempting, then i read this book and realized they are filthy commies.
No violence, no ethno-states, no totalitarianism.
All we need to do, is build genius sperm banks and set up sperm donor networks, and popularize their use. Once everyone is smart, there will be utopia.
Alt right means Richard Spencer and associated acts. While there is overlap between their stances and those of Sup Forumsacks, Sup Forums is NOT alt right. Sup Forums is user.
>roasties get smart man DNA and have smart man baby
>smart man baby is still dumb as a rock because roastie raises kid to be dumb like her
Disillusion. To a man, its what causes people who were very fervently in favor of free association or democracy to come up with a long list of exceptions.
Live and let live only works if your enemy is willing to let you live. The only libertarians with a chance of survival are Hobbesians.
>wanting to be (((alt-right)))
>wanting to be cucked, starved and beaten by some narcissistic faggot at the top telling you what's best for you
yeah no
>implying you can't have more than one opinion and still be libertarian
>falling for the identity politics meme
>Smart people are free of human temptation and failings
"Refugee" crisis. It was the breaking point. And keep in mind that I originally came here to laugh at racist retards
I haven't' broken.
But I am angry.
Mostly Muslim terror. After Belgium, a switch flipped.
>Live and let live only works if your enemy is willing to let you live.
>muh nap
>muh racism
sovereign lolbertarianism is the best form of gov't for the future white ethno-state. globalists are a direct threat to the nap.
>if x, then utopia
mfw X never happens
My end goal would still be some kind of libertarian state, of course, but the fact of the matter is that if the mainstream left calls me a nazi for being a libertarian then at least for the moment I don't see why we can't be allies in the fight against globalists.
Besides, human societies tend to segregate themselves by choice anyhow simply due to in-group preference, so it's not like I have a problem with the idea of an ethno-state.
Libertarianism is the idea, at its core, that no one should force themselves or their ideas on another.
The left forces themselves onto others.
Its that simple.
The alt Kike is run by jews and jew lovers! Fuck those shills teaching Whites to include jews in our movement and openly advocating for moral bankruptcy like faggots and pedos.
Dugin is a bolshevik pig who gets his dick sucked by richard faggot spencer the jew lover.
That is a great motivation.
Another big difference is that the alt right, no matter what one thinks of them, want to preserve the country, western culture and so on while the left want to tear it all down. So if the alt right wins, there will still be a forum for classical liberals to debate ideas.
We know what the future of the left looks like, and we know what the future of the alt right looks like. And I choose the latter every time.
To be honest, Sweden was an alt right state up to around 1980. It was called "folkhemmet". en.wikipedia.org
I realised that "Libertarianism" was an extremely topical political philosophy and lifestyle, which isn't sustainable outside of conditions approaching Utopian for all intents and purposes. Rothabard's 70's Libertarianism is just anti-Communist propaganda, it was never intended to be applied in reality.
Someone posted a link to Dr. Jason Richwine's doctoral thesis (which deals with IQ, immigration, and economics) in the comments section of a news article years ago, and I ended up reading the whole thing. I then understood that it makes little sense to treat members of population groups as individuals for purposes of social policy if those groups have certain characteristics which will inevitably change society as a whole.
The growth of idpol and "kill whitey" literally caused ethnonationalism sentiment. If you promote pride and anger among every group imaginable, it only follows it would happen among the groups you are criticizing too
The fact that when people are given the freedom to vote their freedoms away they always end up doing it.
Realising that no matter how much I left others alone they would never leave me alone
one tried walking in my front storm door at 3am the FIRST night I moved in. Thankfully I sleep with a gun and he fucking bolted
Open borders. They want the federal government to maintain an open border policy against the will of the people and the border states. Fuck self-determination. Fuck all those whose property is trespassed and ruined by Mexican garbage and littered with Mexican rape trees. Fuck victims of human trafficking, especially children. Fuck the victims of the drug cartels. The GDP supersedes our pathetic human desires.
>Live and let live only works if your enemy is willing to let you live.
This. Having to live (work) in the real world and not being an absolute mindslave, I began to see the world for what it is, instead of projecting my idealized mental model onto the world. Any theoretical politics based on this idealized world would never work in the real world, as the ideological foundation they were built on was inherently flawed. While I still held my left leaning viewpoints, I already sensed a degree of dissonance, as I was aware of many men who once shared my ideals move right as they got older. Once I realized just how wrong I was about society, I began questioning everything I thought I knew, which is when I actually began swallowing redpills.
Lmao. Dugin used to be a National Bolshevik. He tried to create a fourth way. Not fascism, liberalism or communism. It's quite interesting. The Iidea at least. Sadly Dugin himself is batshit crazy.
It's interesting that Weaponized History is used against the White Race, and only the White Race.
Whites are being Demonized from every possible angle (Universities, Governments, Media) while simultaneously every White Nation is being flooded by massive amounts of Non-White refugees. While all of this is going on, White birthrates are also dramatically shrinking.
This is all happening in real time. You'd have to be a blind fool, not to see the synchronicity in all of this.
Here some history. it was a joke to get Pepe back from the normies. There never was an emerging racist ideology.
Fake movement, deep state thought it was real tho.
and the deep state subverted with some deep state operatives (like Richard Spencer) into the fake movement to pull it further and crash it into a wall (figurally speaking) ...think about that
here is the proof, read the Sup Forums messages
>What made you change? What was your breaking point?
I didn't change my views. Stop listening to liberals. They think everyone not them is a racist.
>What made you change?
>What was your breaking point?
heritability in general. I had always known and believed in racial stereotypes since like middle school, but once you learn there's a biological background to it all then you can know with certainty the way things worked historically was the way things naturally are. if intelligence is heritable, political attitudes are heritable, social behaviors are heritable, game theory dictates group strategies are the most successful, and history supports all of this, then to be successful yourself you should advocate for your group and cooperate with them. all signs point to
racism is made up bullshit for the express purpose of virtue signalling. everyone is naturally racist and therefore racism is a meaningless distinction. you should not even call yourself racist, because to do so is to affirm the worldview of a person who wishes to antagonize you purely for the fact that you are normal and they stand to gain from pulling one over on you.
The border. And the Jews using our Goodwill against us by creating an invasion to destroy our culture. Libertarianism simply enables them. Our country and people die with libertarianism.
my views were quite liberal until muzzshits started chimping out on european soil and our own whiteys defending them for it that's all it took for me lol
I wasn't a libertarian long at all - their obsession with open borders and "muh economy" made it clear to be they're just neoliberals with worse social skills.
I think it's because libertarians are more likely to accept facts and statistics which are heavily in our favour. It could also be because it's an "us vs them" scenario, modern fascism is generally born as an answer to communism.
It is pretty funny though, a group based around the NAP can take one step in the right direction and he starts wanting to throw commies out of helicopters.
in short,libertarian politics was spreading in the USA in the late 2000s when sections of the Right became disillusioned with George W Bush's foreign wars. Alex Jones' radio show Info Wars was taking off big style at this time, and in 2008 Ron Paul almost got on the Republican presidential ticket.
Then Obama won because of the financial crash in 2008 and the TEA movement began (Taxed Enough Already) because these fragment sections of the Right really woke up now that there was a Black president ; they took a look around their communities and realized they didn't like what they saw.
This led directly to the wider alt-right movement we see today. You could say it's racist, and parts of it certainly are. But when we're told, in our own countries , that we're going to be bred out of existence within 2 generations, surprise surprise that's not a popular idea. People, on the whole, generally don't like the idea of being genocided.
Really the only libertarian viewpoint I still hold is legalizing weed. I'd rather us be able to use that money on something important over it going to nigger/spic drug dealers.
At this point, I feel like it's inevitable so I'm not too worried about it. Plus, the identity politics war is looming and that is much, much more important.
Once we have rid our country of shitskins, I would be more than happy to go back to a "live and let live" philosophy.
What are ideologies? They are fundamentally ideals. No one ever follows the purist vision of an ideology not national socialists, not communists, not conservatives or democrats, not religions, no one. People supposedly believe in free speech, but most don't completely follow it in practice. The use of an ideology is idealizing its principles by following it closely a a guide. And
I was to young to realise how bad things are. I now know not only the eu but multiculturalism just will not work. Its not whites, its them that are not ready for it.
Libertarians want open boarders for white genocide, and it's become indisputable that the kikes subversion and private grip on institutions is the root of our ills.
I went from libertarianism to alt right than back to libertarianism. I'd consider myself a nationalist libertarian like the founding fathers.
Alt-right wasn't a word until Hillary used it to describe anyone that wasn't voting for her. When you say alt-right, do you mean conservatives?
>Researching how many elected and non-elected high position public officials are dual citizens to other countries (mainly one country) and don't recuse themselves when said countries are being dealt with
There's actually a big thing about that in Australia right now, politicians are finding out they're dual citizens (usually because their parents are citizens) and are being forced to resign.
I was upset by the success of Mark Zuckerberg, it's the Jews fault I'm a loser.
I'm still a libertarian at heart but the country I want is only sustainable with a white majority. maybe someday it'll happen. until then, 14/88
That and
I voted pirate party in our previous election. Now I vote whatever promises to stop shitskins. I'd prefer ethnocommunism over this. You can come back from a failed economy. You can't come back from cultural genocide.
Yup a lefty anti-fa fascist switches to being an alt right fascist. Some switch.
If your ideology dosen't change then you don't change.
the founding fathers were not modern libertarians
I got hit in the head and became retarded.
>kekistanflagfag calls Spencer a deep state operative
Facts to start with
Nap can't work in a world with Jews and niggers
I'm still a libertarian. I don't believe in open borders though.
Libertarian thought allows you to question the established order. Once you question the order, then you think about what is the cause of such an order.
I'm not alt-right or any other political ideology. I'm an accelerationist in the mold of George Carlin, I can't wait to see everything turn to shit and I visit Sup Forums to get a front row seat.
"I want to be free"
>Niggers: shit whitey you can't be free cause i gots to steal and murder
>Jews: Oy vey goyim, we can't let you be free, we need to make money off you!
>Leftists: Oh sweetie, you can't be free! Who else would pay for these african americans' programs?
>Communists: Fucking fascist, freedom is evil
in order to be free, we have to literally genocide all of these groups
your an IDIOT
I'm not alt-right. But whatever people call me facts are facts, and I can take solitude in knowing that my opinions are formed on a solid base.
Trayvon, Ferguson, baltimore, Obama taking the side of the blacks in all 3
Yeah you have to watch them democrat supporters, they will attack anyone. Sorry they hit you on the head maybe you will pick better friends to be around next time.
This, libertarianism is a means to an end.
Muslims and niggers not being good citizens and demanding stuff and special treatment.
So you went from being just an IDIOT to being retarded.
Thats an excuse.
Not an argument.
The aftermath of going to a university.
>libertarian because I just want to be left the fuck alone and leave people alone
thats about it really
The you are beginning to see that your the problem
It's actually the other way around, fascism is the chemo to reach a good libertarian society
you meant solace
Getting a job
Graveyard maybe
The Manchester attack where those Arab bastards purposefully targeted a bunch of little girls. Then the Nice terrorist attack happened and this image was burned in my brain. That was it. Enough was enough.
We have to do whatever it takes to keep our children safe and the rest of the world can go to hell as far as I'm concerned.
Freedom is relative.
I want my own people to be free.
Libertarianism is the ideology of not giving a fuck but then you come to realize that by not giving a fuck (((they))) will take advantage of you
libertarianism is an ideal
it doesn't work if you bring in a bunch of shitskins that don't share your values
Leftists insisted that libertarians were nazis, and didn't want to leave us alone.
If leftists want to blame anybody for the rise of fascism, all they need is a mirror.