Liberals are now guilting white women with white babies to abort them. This will help them get back into office, right?
Liberals are now guilting white women with white babies to abort them. This will help them get back into office, right?
I'm glad people on twitter are saying this. Let's encourage more of this. When will you pathetic whites wake up and do something? That's right, NEVER! Fucking cucked white trash won't do shit.
Take abuse everyday and just keep paying your taxes whitey. Fucking loser. Don't protest. Don't do SHIT.
I think it's good advice. Imagine being a white male born into this world right now. A fate worse than death.
>those men liking this
>drawn avatar profile pic of balding nu-male
so THIS is the power of the wh*Te race?
Nice fake tweet you faggot. Provide a link
Show some of the comments... I got b& from twatter
this is some sick shit
is this person somebody, they have a checkmark or is it just another ecochamber liberal trying to sound edgy
I'm for false flagging their agenda by taking it a step further posting on social media to try and wake a few white people up
Margaret Sanger wasn't for white abortion.
You need to draw a beard on that. Also thinning and a receding hairline. That terrifies trannies.
White men still have all the advantages and power, Trump getting to elected is proof of that. Its amazing how hard you people try and push this white victimization meme when you're the main victimizers, literal psychopath behavior.
White men should be the only ones with power, nothing good has ever come from niggers having any.
We barely have any power left and it's a fraction of what we had 20 years ago. By the time that kid is an adult, white men will be second class citizens, if not genocided by then.
I can't wait till the day of the rope arrives and burn you liberal scum to death.
Let me guess, this is jew
Here is the nigger nurse from the other night. Lets make sure her employeer is aware
Yeah I should since a white male typically has a balding hairline due to the protruding part of the skull which accommodates his abnormally large prefrontal cortex and causes the follicles to shrink until they eventually close up with age. He uses that large brain to create altruistic abstractions in which he blames himself for world problems and advocates the destruction of his own people in return for past "wrongs".
Why is Sup Forums letting her still operate? Shut it down.
Don't do it, that's what got everyone to begin doubting the jews. Just let people come around on their own instead of turning them into puppets, and they'll eventually see the truth.
If someone should feel so inclined to contact her empolyeer and let them know what she thinks of white people.
IU Health
404 E Washington St
(317) 963-2610
Keep waiting Jamal
nu-male genocide when?
People should doubt the lying Jews you fucking kike
Her employer probably feels the same way...
Pathetic. I'll tell my sons and daughters all about you sick hapless people
who the fuck is kate morgan?
get #abortwhitebabies trending.
They want publicity? Give it to them;
Between this and night nurse I see America's shit's being stirred.
The kikes behind it are laughing all the way to the ovens
This woman is ranting about the water in Flint claiming it's racist while failing to remember the water lines they switched to were used by whites before it became a predominately black community. She may as well be claiming that whites tried to cleanse their own before fixing it for the blacks only to turn it back on later out of greed. Makes no damn sense.
>Let me guess, this is jew
Sup Forums is always right.
kek then there's this one
We should guilt niggers to put down their ebt.. stop using raycis white cis money
>ashkenazi jews
o lawd ah mighty
Just name the Jew and everything becomes much clearer
I'm fine with liberal White women not having kids. Nobody else listens to these freaks on twitter. Bet this bitch is Jewish.
Never fucking fails...
Let's put those together.
>"white" person telling fellow white people how to destroy themselves
Like I even have to ask, but... that thing's a kike, right?
It looks Jewish.
>a white women
We transplural now.
Sup Forums is always right
People like kate morgan are the reason why your lives are so shit. She is responsible for all your pain and she continues to make pain most recently racism and baby killing. Do your bit for the world tell her what the world thinks about her.
Buh but I thought Planned Parenthood provided a plethora of services for wimmen???
So (((they))) admit that Planned Parenthood is all about the abortions then. Oy.
>People like kate morgan
kikes aren't people
100% pottery
A mod is watching this thread.
>This will help them get back into office, right?
This. Even if the end goal for the left is to wipe out whites as a majority, why say it out loud? They are pushing away moderate left leaning whites which was all too obvious in the last election.
t. former dem voter
People these days see no problem is saying things like that; other see no problem in reading it. Sick times breed sick people.
Haha that's the Pedo normalizing Jew. That boy better stay inside, i'll never forget his stupid looking face.
Hope they kill themselves faster.
After a trip to her Twitter page, I've concluded that she's evil, but I don't see this tweet. Was it deleted?
This is the worst part
>Jewish Atheism
And people here bitch about atheists all the time not wanting to admit they've been infiltrated by worthless faggots that have turned it into a religion.
>blue check mark
Perfectly ok with twitter.
>some twitter sock puppet account with crazy comments represents the progressive movement
Damn I love trump now
For fucks sake
>"ha ha, we're not all THAT extreme"
>proceeds to like and retweet it anyway
>proceeds to slap the "alt right" label on anyone who challenges the constant calls for violence against white people on social media
God fucking dammit Sup Forums be wrong for once
>making major life decisions based on roastie tweets
*Autistic screeching intensifies*
Is the guy from independence day ? The smart but sassy scientist guy ?
KATE MORGAN is a very smart lady...white males are the cause of all of the world troubles
white women are fucking niggers at higher rates than ever so Im sure they will get their wish
so, does this lead to something?
9Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile; 10But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile
>But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good
Lol...somebody twit this to her.
Yeah well they were the slave owners and the ones who brought you here.
How do you not know Jeff Goldblum
you fucking faggot we're always gonna be on top even though the chips are down a little right now. The uncuckening is happening slowly but surely and if the shit actually hits the fan who you think is going to win. We and only we built civilization. I'm broke and (((unsuccessful))) but thank God every day I'm a white man
Thankfully its only a tiny percent of white women that would listen to that retard.
Rich people should live like this. If you have the money, then why wouldn't you have a lot of kids. Keep good going! It's what your ancestors would do.
>In a society built mostly by white men, white men have a majority of the power
What a terrible crime!
>not wanting to fight with your sons in the racewar then rebuilding western civilization in your image
>do us all a favor
the fucking condescending tone is what gets me the most. Keep pushing, see what happens.
This needs to happen, infact worse needs to happen.
Only then will people say its enough and political correctness will be seen as something that holds back society.
Normies will only get redpilled once they start dealing with political correctness in first person. Also, this whole things in self hate from Caucasians will eventually collapse on its own soon enough.
Middle class and working poor white men have no power and we are the most discriminated and abused demographic now
I would had can here regardless of the slave trade... you see I'm a motherfucking survivor of all bullshit
That cunt needs her throat cut
Daily reminder that cherrypicking literal schizophrenic communists doesn't demonstrate widespread antiwhite sentiment.
>these people are future politicians, doctors and lawers
What a bright future.
lmao, already see the 13% nigger in their genes.
You do realize she's a film maker who has 30k+ followers on twatter right?