Aidoru Kotatsudou
Idle Activities
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Last thread 404'd while I was asleep, was there simply this much time between that and this or did a previous absolutely non-general thread get hit by faggot mods?
I want to fuck Lala.
Nobody made a new thread about this particular topic (or a similar one) in that period.
What kind of pizza is that?
Good to know.
These are some very cute settei.
Me too dude.
Yummer is a total cutie, look at that smile.
Nice general, faggot.
I need subs! Subs for 112!
Dunno if these settei were sold on auction or anything. These were all that I've found on an Eyecuts Twitter account.
I like the armpits are important note
Cutest Cute idol
>be asahi
>have to live your entire life with Yozora and Mahiru being your siblings
I bet that lucky fucker has blue balls 24/7
wow that is an extremely cute cat, mind if I save it?
Cleverest Pop idol
Hey, /ai/, I was told you degenerates might be interested in this. It's iDOLM@STER after all.
>his idol persona is that of an adorable little brother
>he naturally developed it as a result of years of being sexually bullied by Yozora
>*an adorably cunning little brother
>implying he's not on top of things
KinPri & AiStars in an otome idol magazine. M4 is featured on one side of the included pinup poster.
>PR x Aikatsu crossover finally happens but it's with the male idols
I'd still take it.
And DreFes*
What is /ai/?
Tamagorou > Dave > Momoko > Anna
>Tamae was likely just a throwaway joke and we'll never learn whether he was once a trap or not
Is Pripara finally kill?
Is this Ajimi irl?
Yes, quite a qt actually compared to the rest of the cast.
I want to fuck Rola.
I would sniff and lick her butt.
PriPara is NOT kill.
Why is Lala always going so fast?
So what was Janice fucking problem?
Are you implying that iRis isn't cute?
Rola makes me want to give Stars a second chance and try to catch up.
>Are you implying that iRis isn't cute?
Yeah cute.
Don't watch just for Rola, do it for Lily and cat too.
I thought it was Leona who was supposed to be a boy.
Ranflakes ;_;
She's ded, we geneRan now.
I paid TT a large sum of money to have them include this shot. You should thank me.
Giant sized feet.
Someone watch Aikatsu with me.
I thought she was going to shit herself.
What's your opinion on this slut?
I'm not even a pedo or a lolicon, but something about non's design makes me tingle down there
wat do
She will guide you.
Non would be wild in bed. She'd probably sit on your face and bully you about it.
The only thing I regret is not being Mizuki so I could marry Mikuru.
My only regret is not having a job so I could marry Mizuki.
My only regret is not being Mikuru so you could marry me.
The only thing I do not regret is punching Rin in the face.
Yume butt.
How high does Ako place in terms of cat idle rankings?
I would eat Hinaki's butthole.
Stop saying this, a lot of them are genuine cute and im not even an idol or seiyuufag
Don't worry senpai, Iris is kill by next year.
>you will never eat a pon pon crepe
I don't watch Stars, but I downloaded this episode for research to figure out where that Mahiru screencap came from. While I thought that one Mahiru screencap was pandering, I still thought it was relatively tame, that sexual arousal isn't the first thing that comes to mind when seeing her expression and that it was the perverted mind of some anons exaggerating.
However the fact that right after there's pic related, with Yozora's face being like "look how much of a lesbian sexual pervert I am for looking at my sister that way so please buy the dvds and make lotsof hentai yuri doujins of us" heavily triggered me.
Of course, Yozora's face alone may not hint at this, just like Mahiru's face alone. However the combination of both scenes side by side is the problem. I honestly think this is some ultra tryhard pandering unfit of a kids show. And sadly things will only get worse.
It's not because there's worse elsewhere that it makes it acceptable.
What I mean by pandering could also be called forced in fanservice. I think there's a difference between having suggestive shots when girls are in swimsuits in a kids shows to trigger the puberty of young boys watching, regardless of whether you think it's a good thing or not, and between forced in blatant stuff like that Mahiru and Yozora scene.
What do you think? I'm just retarded?
>What do you think?
This is some quality new pasta.
I'm tired of NonSuger shitty plot. at least Pepper calling Janice a piece of shit was funny.
I masturbate to Yozora and Mahiru. I would still do it regardless of what kind of scenes they were put into.
>forced fanservice
Didn't realise kyoani were working on this show
Best Stars song after Summer Tears Diary
Why can't I be in that thought balloon instead? Subaru doesn't even know Ako exists anyway.
fag faaaaaaaaaaaaag faggy fagot fagitty fag
Stop posting these
>and make lotsof hentai yuri doujins of us
Where can I find these?
[citation needed]
My world is centered around Kokone at least.
No, you're not retarded, you're just delusional. It can be fixed.
She hang around with blacks.
[citation needed]
White girls and boys are proportionally much more sluts than black girls and boys though. I'm sure it's the same in PP's universe as well.
t. Tyrone
Flabby tummy. Anime clothes don't work.
That is absolutely forbidden, user.