"Polish death camps" controversy exposed

... in a short and brilliant lecture


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In a perfect world, Germany and Poland would still fight over death camps, but about who can take credits for the exploit.
It would also require the Holocaust being real in the first place tho

It was a crucial mistake of the greedy kikes to defame Poland. We will never forgive it.

I been to Auschwitz lately and i realized that we make good shoah shekels on it. For example we charge Jews for toilet.

We also sell 8 euro entry-tickets

And we sell food in the auschwitz shop for 3x higher price

Can I get a shirt and poster of the hitler artwork on that truck

Finkelstein is the kind of jew, that turn so far to the left, that he wants to destroy Israel - to please the Palestinians..

Here in Poland we are not really interested in Holocaust denial for two reasons: 1) money : we make good money on it. Only our Auschwitz museum is visited by 3 mln foreign tourists per year, new Jewish museum POLIN by over 1 mln of people, we also create new shoah-museums to visit for another million in Sobibor f.e., 2) history: if people begin to believe that Holocaust never happened, they will also stop believing that Germans attacked Poland and killed millions of Poles while destroying our country

Thats videos that i made during my last trip to Auschwitz. Would you walk against Jew-tide like me?


what i don't understand is why its wrong to kill jews? how was the holacaust a bad thing?

I also made some photos of Jews

>Austria pretends Germany did it all
>Poland pretends it wasn't Nazi Germany junior, happily pursuing it's own anti-semitic and anti-communist policies
Sounds like we need another Katyn.


Gas chambers still active as i see

Shut the gates.

80% of Israelis look like a mix of Arabs and Italians. The white Polish Jewry flew away through chimneys, only shitskins stayed alive

Holocaust deniers are the history equivalent of flat earthers.

We have learnt from the best haven't we?

P.S. But isn't Auschwitz actually controlled by Polish Jews tho?

Polish Jews don't exist anymore. We have only Jewish Poles instead now.

They really do
which is weird too since israel is full of white immigrants and most of the wests jewry is white converts

so he is just a regular bleeding heart lib?

>israel is full of white immigrants

I just found out the other day that they took in a bunch of white people from Southern Africa, was really confused/surprised

That's an outright lie.

But at least Israel's elite is white and Polish. For example Bibi's father's real surname was Milejkowski. His wife Sarah is also of Polish descent, btw.

Urban is a good example of such a Jewish Pole, yes. He is not a Jew.

Nah that's fake news mostly.
There are a fuckton of russians in israel, that's the biggest demographic i think

Not only Russians. There is a lot of eastern slav-shit there from all countries of former soviet union like Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan and so on. A lot of them are human trash with soviet mentality, who love Putin and refuse to learn Hebrew.

Oh gtfo you shill.

Yeah i know but ruskies are the biggest in number i think
It would be hilarious if they loved putin considering he is working with assad and iran who want israel off the map

co to kurwa jest

That looks like an American tourist.

Żyd, czyli elita PRLu i pookrągłostołowym PRL-bis lub tzw. IIIRP.

Those aren't White people, they are Jews fleeing the scene of their crimes.

A kim on jest, bo ja w polskim necie wogle nie siedzę a tą mordęznam z widzenia

Israel needs your shekels, Boland.


coś ciekawego polecisz jeszcze poczytać czy oglądnąć?


Imagine the stress when the toilet's ventilation starts malfunctioning.

Some fucking polak bitching about that someone tries to blame the pols for holocaust


Nodoby gives a fuck about you hinestly

What really matters is that Shoah business is booming exponentially. As long as i hear ka-ching of the shekels, i feel fine

Germans are trash. You can't be trusted.

Thats hair of the murdered Jews

Thats ZyklonB that Germans used to gas Jews

Thats a model of Shoah. Thats how Jews were being killed.

Thats pots that Germans stole from gassed Jews

Such a waste of time. Everybody but the most historically illiterate morons don't need these lessons. The reason why this mistake happens because Poland doesn't pay Israel the way Germany did. Poland getting more and more developed is the best way to secure our interests. We can't even make high budget popular movies (though we managed to do it with video games).
Meanwhile there are country whose government openly propose some kind of fucked up version of events like Russia. What about them?

Last reason is kind of dumb. The invasion is still historically accurate. I don't think accepting the truth stops the camps from existing and being used to keep Jews prisoners or it being the final resting place for many of them due to disease and food shortage. I hate how trying to be historically accurate instantly turns into full blown denial, damn Jewish tricks.

Nah niggie that's some dank kush, the Nazi's where into getting lit

Thats leg prosthesis that Germans stole from poor Jews shortly before pushing them into gaschambers

that's right. Ignore Poland. it's a shit country. No investment opportunities whatsoever. You should definitely just tell all the mudskins and tourists to stay away from Poland because it's a 3rd world hell hole. Hell even help take the ones that are suffering in poland and give them proper housing and shit.

Thats shoes of Jews that Germans stole before killing them all

Don't be fooled. Putin is not a friend of Iran and Assad, they are being played. Putin works for jews. RF and USA are hands of the same globalist jewry. It's typical "bad cop, good cop:" technique.
Actual Russian state died in 1917.

Those who died of disease still count as murdered. Still blood on somebody's hands no matter the methods. Civilians aren't meant to be kept for years in horrible conditions.

But just taking a trip to the local WWII cemetary tells me how many people died in 1940. It was a place of mass executions. For example the clergy from local parishes were sent there to be shot.

>that filename
>that resolution

Been to a museum recently? Same here. WWII museum. It does have a significant presentation about concentration camps. It was simply amazing. I dumped the photos in a /his/ thread once.

Well, Russia and Ukraine are ruled by the same Jewish oligarchic elite. Moreover, both these countries have the same economical system, you guys were for Russia the same thing as Poland is for Germans, basically. But anyway, it didn't prevent you from having a military conflict with Russia. Geopolitics is bitch, it breaks all kind of human connections.

Death camps were polish. Gib reparations.

here are teddy bears that the nazis stole from jewish children before they sent them to polish death camps

hey they have one of those in the DC holocaust museum too

The eternal polak spamming fake propaganda again. Even the useful idiots in auschwitz tell you, these are no joes, but an illustration built after the war for (((reasons))). What's next, the fake chimney built by the bolshevists, who used auschwitz until the 60's?

Thats chair stolen from all arriving jews, jews were known to alway carry chair before the holocaust

If you claim you're innocent because "the nazis did it. Then Poland is innocent because General Government.

But the Nazis didn't do anything. All the death camps are clearly in Poland...

Holocaust Museum in the Washington DC is visited only by 1,5 mln of people per year, meanwhile our Auschwitz disneyland was visited in 2017 by almost 3 mln of people. We know better how to make shekels on the Shoah.

>Polish death camps
You do know this whole controversy is based on literally nothing right? In non-Slavic languages, Polish death camps can mean either: camps in Poland, camps run by Poland or camps for Poles, depending on context. There is no attempt to assign responsibility to Poland when people say "Polish death camps", it literally just means " death camps in Poland"

The same chimney that was removed in July 1943 because of a new thing built in Birkenau? Bet you didn't know about it. Later the building served as an anti raid shelter until the museum restored it to its original look.
And yeas the commies threw some prisoners there too but they also built new labor camps.


Poland appeared mysteriously out of nowhere after the war.

Polish thread about

[X] Poland
[X] Germany

This is pile of shekels collected from the ashes, the nazi never bothered to rob them, because they would always get the shels in the end anyway

The West German intelligence formed Agency 114 (German: Dienststelle 114) within the Gehlen Organization; headed by Alfred Benzinger (a Nazi Abwehrpolizei), who in 1956 launched a coordinated action to move the blame away from the war criminals under various investigations. According to an opinion of Polish historian Leszek Pietrzak (pl) published in Polish weekly Wręcz Przeciwnie, Benzinger adopted the deliberately ambiguous, loaded phrase "Polish death camps" in the mid 1960s in order to suggest, contrarily to the facts, that Poles, not Germans, were responsible for the mass genocide during World War II.[19]


I think everybody gave up on Russian government and its lies about history. Russians here are more open about it and you can have a good discussion. Those on Sup Forums are all butthurt and always go "WHY ARR YOU DESTROYING MONUMENDS TO OUR HEROS YOU NATZYYY"

When i was at Auschwitz the guides told us that the nazis sterilized all the jewish women so that they couldn't have children after they left the polish death camp.

heres a recently discovered pile of jewish carrots, the jews grew them in the ashes of their brothers and sisters in aushwitz, the nazis confiscated them and threw them here. so sad


Rubber ducks that were stolen from jewish children as they were separated from their families by german nazis.

I know about it but the historian claiming this said that he found the files about it in the archives. Has he published something about it? Anything that would settle the matter. Because what he's claiming is that there is a conspiracy. But claims about files found in some archives without delivering them is a bullshit story worthy of Sup Forums. Not saying that it's false but I tried talking about this case and people don't believe it for this reason.

>But anyway, it didn't prevent you from having a military conflict with Russia.
And this so called "conflict" didn't prevent russian and ukrainian jews from continuing their dealings... Do you know that RF still sells military parts to Ukrainian army and vice versa? And even if there is some kind of nominal ban, they just sell it through Belarus. My friend is working in police and he told me that their ammo is produced in Russia. How can countries in conflict do such things?
And who is dying for this? Jews? No, Slavs. And if actually look closely who incites hatred between people, it's the jews. Both here and in Russia.
I mean ffs. One of our president's son has Russian wife from Saint-Petersburg and she is a daughter of some high-ranking official. His other son is studying in London with a bunch of rich Russians, his best friend is son of some Russian oligarch.

Here are all the assault weapons stolen from all the jews right before they went into the gas chamber

Seems kind of pointless, in what possible circumstances would they ever leave the Polish Death Camp?

Into the trash it goes. If there was some evidence I might listen, but there is nothing unusual about the phrase Polish death camps in either English or German. Picture related: in this case the phrase "German bases" refers to "British bases in Germany", they aren't claiming that the bases are somehow run by Germany

Did you tell them about all the babies born in concentration camps who all survived the war?

More like some of their treatments might've given such effects.
Those were the so-called women-rabbits. Many died early in the 50s and 60s.


Mortality was extremely high among newborns.

Babies happening in the first place destroys the narrative - you know 9 month...instantly gassed. And every seconds kept alive after birth too....

Until they reappear in the (((media))) as a 100 year old holocaust survivor kek.

Of course the same is true about any concentration camp in the history of ever. Kids are weak. Especially newborn kids. Immune system and such.

Germans were animals

>"The only remaining camp registry for all of Auschwitz II-Birkenau is a notation from January 10, 1945 that mentions a total of 247 pregnant women and midwives, and 156 living children ages 0 to 3 on that day. Yet on January 27 — just 17 days later — when the Soviets liberated the camp, there were only 60 children there."

Oh, those Soviet "liberators". Anyway I've never read anything about male-female relations in Auschwitz aside from sending some women to whorehouses but a number of already pregnant women were sent there as well.

Documentaries exposing zionism

CBS 60 Minutes Exposing Israeli Apartheid

Israeli settlements, explained

The Zionist Story. (Full Documentary)

Israel Lobby

The Israel Lobby's Impact on America

Documentary on Israel / Palestine - Occupation

The Pain Doesn't Go Away - Rachel Corrie's Parents on RAI (1/3)

War By Deception (9/11, Iraq, PNAC , All Roads Lead To Israel) {Full Film}

Not sure. They said they injected all women with a liquid that would sterilize them so that they couldn't have children after they left the polish death camp. It was a male tour guide and a jewish woman that accompanied us. I think all tour guides are required to have a jewish supervisor to fact check them and make sure the truth is told about the polish death camps.

This is where they sent all the dead jews

Thats me and Jews entering the building of the Birkenau camp where Germans killed a dozen of Polish-catholic mothers with children. I was surprised that Jews entered this barrack in which only Poles were victims. Maybe they didnt read the description.

Perhaps only trips organised by the Jewish communities, so usually from Israel, have some extra person. It's a really dumb idea. One book about Jews from our popular historian has an interview with someone who said that New York Jews will like us when we'll become more relevant. We'll see.

Jewish ash rained on Palestine for 100 days and it because uninhabited. Brave holocaust survivors went and built the land back up


The Russians built those Deathcamps during their Offensive on Nazi Germany. That's why there are no Death Camps in the West, where the Allies fought their way to Berlin.

And that's why there are no documents or anything like that, everything went super fast. Fuck you USSR.

The Holocaust is propaganda by the Soviets to make the Germans look bad, it was the Communists who killed all those 6 million Jews.


Tour guides here are usually freelancers anyway. I know because I called one a couple days ago asking him for tips for getting work in the museum but they don't deal in that stuff. They just make a license and make a separate deal with museums.

Wow, what retarded graphic design.

>jews get in for free
>everyone else pays $8
How do they keep getting away with this?

Jews pay too

interesting that the two women survived 2 years and 1 year in Auschwitz,bit of a backlog on the gas chambers?