>25 episodes
Just how much money are they getting from Netflix?
Do they plan to overthrow Harry Potter?
25 episodes
Other urls found in this thread:
25 eps? holy shit
Is Netflix funding all of the project?
>Do they plan to overthrow Harry Potter?
That would be fun.
Kill la Kill was 25 eps too.
That had Aniplex behind, this doesn't.
This won't be a production disaster because Yoshinari's not a retard like Imaishi, right?
It's also split cour
No source.
Producers are to blame for shit schedule, not directors.
If it's a TV anime, it will have a tight schedule and it will run into production issues.
Great, more episodes which for sure will give us at least one episode of Diana themed episode where we will see how cute she is.
It looks like she'll be as much as a protagonist as Akko&co, her parents are even linked to the main plot.
Is the anime a continuation of the two "movies"?
No, it's another continuity.
>No source.
Apparently 7th didn't have a solid source behind the split cour part. Nobody else has been able to confirm that.
>25 episodes
Oh no--
>split cour
I believe in Yoshinari!
>25 episodes
Diana is probably going to be the "main heroine". Like Isako in Dennou Coil.
I swear to god if they make it even an inch yuri, I will be mad as fuck.
It's an all-girls school, we'll probably get a little fanservice.
Pretty sure Yoshinari is a total fuckup when it comes to deadlines
Are you telling me their skirts won't lead to a void anymore?
Show will look like ass after 6 episodes
t was pretty jarring seeing how they struggled to finish the second OVA in time, since there was no real deadline.
He's a prefectionist. When most Trigger staff sat down to watch the first episode of KLK as it was airing, Yoshinari was still working on the OP, not getting off his chair. He also fixed many frames from the LWA OVA, but that's expected of him. I believe there won't be many issues with LWATV if it's split cour, but who knows.
Im' telling you you're
Fuck, should've deleted that last part
Are you gay user?
futaAkko x Diana is a miracle of universe.
Just like Kabaneri
It's been a long time since I saw this being used
Wasn't Kill la Kill split cour.
What does that means? The movies are not canon anymore?
It's a reboot, Akko is beginning school in the TV series. So take that as you will.
Is it coming back?
I've occasionally taken the time to use it in the past few years.
Why does everyone think Netflix gives big budget to studios?
I can start using it
>over 20 episodes of LWA where 2 movies were already enough
It's going to be slowpaced disaster
Just make something new for fuck sake instead using same IP
We must take care not to come across as chuuni, though.
> Kuromukuro
Grando Sponser
I'd say they're no joke.
They gave enough to Gonzo for the right of streaming some of their library to put them back out of the red.
Netflix does pay a very generous sum among the streaming service providers.
Just one movie was enough. The second movie was mediocre.
Yoshinari is too good to keep doing the same anime over and over.
This and Kill la Kill are their only series with any semblance of success, mostly thanks to the west. I don't see the TV show doing well in Japan but might make enough with western deals
Ever since the first OVA they had a bunch of ideas for a bigger story they couldn't use.
That looked OK, nothing amazing.
I'd like citations on that.
How does it feel to know that this could be his last work?
>They gave enough to Gonzo for the right of streaming some of their library to put them back out of the red.
What the fuck are you talking about? What makes you think Gonzo owns any of the anime they are contracted to make? Why can't people realize that anime studios are practically irrelevant. Do you also believe that Star Wars is owned by the thousands of visual effect studios that get contracted by Disney?
The second was more of the same. It was the exacution that was lacking.
The OVA format is shit to develop a complex narrative. Which is why they are starting over with a long series I presume.
Good, I want Trigger to die
*tips trilby*
If you've looked at the concept art they have always had enough material for a 25 episode show. There is way too much unused stuff. Like this vampire girl who has been in the concept art since the OVA and was also in the concept art for the movie. I bet they're going to yuribait her with Lotte since TV Lotte is a vampire fan.
Not a single mention of Netflix, and in fact they mention China. So I'll assume is China streaming that is making them profit.
Because they fucking do?
You're forgetting how competitive the streaming service competition has gotten, since all of them have become so ubiquitous and it's a race to get original content, or at least exclusive rights out there to avoid paying for licensing.
And here's the thing, remember that even the money they gave towards something like Bojack Horseman would be an absolutely insane amount of money for an anime production.
Little Witch Academia will save 2017?
Why couldnt they do something new instead of rehashing this shit
No, Uchouten Kazoku 2 will.
[citation needed]
Please also include actual numbers. I don't doubt Netflix is part of the machine, but it's been said multiple times that as far as streaming anime overseas go, China is the major competitor. People here seem to believe that Netflix funding can pretty much make the studio rich.
Are you ready for best girl to finally debut in animation?
>People here seem to believe that Netflix funding can pretty much make the studio rich.
[citation needed]
The thing people are saying here is that they are generous in giving budget to produce the shows, no one talked shit about making them rich, stop moving goal posts you nigger
It's not just Netflix, anyway. LWA has always been a GSC thing. I just hope this time they will actually release figures.
A qt!
They better include her somehow.
For the love of god please give us just one anime that's all magical and fun and whimsical
and not fanservice and romance garbage.
>all this Netflix talk
So is it going to be released in bulk? Would be cool but I always like weekly discussions.
Will this flop harder than Flip Flappers?
This. I'm already dropping this if they turn into 100% yurishit.
From some guy that was at the screening:
>Diana's yuri qualities are up.
Hetfags BTFO
The first one was great but the parade one was bad. I don't really have high hopes for this series and neither should anyone else apart from above-average animation.
They're going to yuribait her with Lotte. They changed Lotte's character profile for the TV show, they added an small bit:
>She is a fan of vampires and tragic vampire love stories.
It will be released weekly as a TV broadcast first.
Nextflix just airs it one day later in Japan.
Doubt it will have above average animation. This is a 2 cour Trigger TV show we're talking about.
They screened the first 3 episodes and people greatly praised the animation.
That can mean anything dude
They have been getting better.
KLK was just too ambitious of a project for a studio just estabilished.
>25 episodes
Fucking sexy
They screened the first 3 episodes to fans, of course it would get praise. Kill la Kill pre-screenings also had a lot of circlejerking but look how it turned out.
Anyone know if I can email this show's creators, and do they read English?
From what I read, they're increasing Diana's screentime in the TV show and in episode 1's beginning they made it more obvious that she was in the Shiny Chariot show at the start so that's gonna be a plot point.
Most shows have good animation for the first three episodes, because those are the first ones to be finished and given enough polish.
An experienced director working with a good staff should be able to have five episodes finished before initial broadcast.
That's good to hear, more Diana screentime is always good.
But if they actually make her yuri, I'll kill myself and I'm not even joking right now
I remember that episode 3 was screened with the show already airing, not one month before.
A sakugafag that was disappointed with KLK's sakuga praised the first 3 episodes.
Should have used that Netflix money for a good anime character designer and background art studio.
Both are quite the stepdown to the OVA
>An experienced director working with a good staff should be able to have five episodes finished before initial broadcast.
Most shows these days don't even have the first episode done.
It's gonna be all-ages appropriate """"yuri"""" like in Dennou Coil or Precure.
>like in Dennou Coil or Precure
Explain further?
The franchise itself has (or had) too few fans in Japan, a special event for it had to be cancelled because of low attendance.
Who knows, perhaps the situation has now changed.
In the case of this anime having low predicted disc sales in the upcoming stalker threads, I predict the word "passion project" to be thrown around a lot.
The character design is fine.
Akko seems to be the only one who really changes. Diana looks exactly the same.
It's relatively popular in Japan now thanks to Toho Animation.
Friendship that otaku interpret as "totally lesbians!"
No, LWA has always been irrelevant in Japan, even know their social media is ignored by all. They probably know the west is the actual target audience for this.
>Friendship that otaku interpret as "totally lesbians!"
Not exactly. The staff of those show knows about their older otaku audience, and pander to them with subtext, within the limits of a family friendly show.
>Akko seems to be the only one who really changes
It's really just that shot at the end of the first trailer.
She will probably look different according to the animation director as usual, anyway.
More like 3.
Is that 25 at once?
The Voltron cartoon has a similar amount ordered by netflix but their not being put out in one go.