Today is was in Zurich Switzerland. First of all Beautiful city, but i always hear the Swiss say how great they are. Well the city was filled with shitskins, people are rude and prices are ridiculous, everywere you can buy weed in stores and on the christmas market was a SJW demonstration for women. Explain this ..
What the hell Switzerland
It is called the blue pill
Switzerland is based is a fucking meme
The majority of Swiss citizens are foreigners. Just because they aren't part of the EU, doesn't mean they are exempt from jewish marxist hypno.
>was in Zurich
That's your mistake
austria is the worst ive been there and its fucking boring as hell all they have is muh chocolate and muh microscopes boooooring
Yeah apparently, we drove by some nice looking autentic villages will check them out next time!
>everywere you can buy weed in stores
Oh, I was worried there for a moment.
> Zurich
Who the fuck thought turning this beautiful city into Tirana2.0 was a good idea.
The last time I was in Switzerland was amazed at how badly its going there. If I wanted to see a country overrun with Albanians, I'd go to fucking Albania. And that's never gonna happen.
Tldr: Switzerland, will never return.
I was in Zurich too and noticed the same thing. It's kind of sad.
At least they aren't all migrants.
all big cities in Switzerland are cancer. Filled with shitskins etc...
Go in small cities/villages => nicer people, swiss people.
>Switzerland possesses the most disgusting and miserable people and political system. The Swiss are our mortal enemies
>At least they aren't all migrants.
Most "Swiss" people in the cities are migrants from germany and italy tho
>babby's first large european city
yeah sure mate
I'm living in Zürich and can confirm everything you said. Switzerland being based is a big meme. There are more non-Europeans in Switzerland than in Germany and ethnic Swiss people are already a minority. In fact, I don't know anybody in my friend circle who is of pure Swiss descent. Being Swiss is even looked down upon. It was especially hard being partly Swiss in middle-school, where Kosovo-Albanians would mock you for not speaking in broken German.
People were probably rude because your a poor fucking foreigner. Just leave your shit money that you wanted to spend and then fuck off back to wherever the fuck you came from.
Prices are "high" for you because apparently you're just piss poor. Too poor for Switzerland. Fuck off and go back to the Gettho you came from. Thanks for your peanuts btw.
What's the problem with buying weed in stores? Isn't that what you can do in the Netherlands too?
Shitskins? As pointed out already in this thread, big cities all around the world tend to attract shitskins. However, there are a lot of tourists, the biggest group of forgeigners are Germans and Italians. And why the fuck do you know so well about Albanians? Do you recognize what an Albanian sounds like from all the nice words they used to whisper to you when you were sucking albanian dicks? faggot. kys.
How is Rheinfelden?
>people are rude
Nah, they might be cold though, foremost in the cities
there is no "pure swiss". If you had gone to a real school you'd maybe remotely remember that switzerland has 4 official languages. Ask yourself real hard why that is. Because a " purebreed" swiss just happened to speak 4 languages? Or maybe because switzerland is a country made up from people of different cultures and shit? Jesus.
>And why the fuck do you know so well about Albanians? Do you recognize what an Albanian sounds like from all the nice words they used to whisper to you when you were sucking albanian dicks? faggot. kys.
Mentally ill alban roach detected. Where's your russian proxy?
Gah hei du drecks briefchaste!
Someone let their cheese go bad
This is whats very interesting about the swiss, 'multicultural' actually works there, I assume because the population has similar values.
Wow, calm down brah
By "pure Swiss" I mean a person whose ancestors have been living in Switzerland for as long as he/she knows. By the way, genetically speaking Swiss people don't differ much whether they live in the French, German, Romanic or Italian speaking part. Language barriers are bridged through common values and a Swiss identity.
Lol triggered.
No i am not poor, just said prices are ridiculous 9 euros for a beer? even if i have a million i still think its expensive as fuck. Weed is for degenerates you probl. use it al the time.
And yes i know you have them in all big cities but if you would have read my post i said you guys allways say how great Switzerland is. And what the fuck are you talking about Albanians? I did not say anything about Albanians.. Fuck off
i bi z appezöll dehem, nebetbi de kanton mitem gringschte oslendeaatääl ide schwiz. Aso probie doch nomol zom rötle wani echt fö wozle ha. albanischi kackerlake am asch. Woschinli bisch du en asslig dreckige frönte fötzel. Haus ode veschüss di du lääde hond!
Only american gun nuts claim that we're based, even though guns aren't nearly as big a deal here as in the usa.
The only reason we're not a total shithole yet is because we get lots of european immigrants to compensate for the africans and because we're reasonably good at dealing with "refugees" (apart from the idiocy of accepting them in the first place) in that we put them in remote camps rather than letting them run wild in the cities.
And the canton with the most inbreeding and highest suicide rates.
Ajo? Value transends language barriers? Then explain to me why the romandie is red as fuck, the swiss german part is mostly centered with outliers to the left in the cities and right in the rural part and the ticino is really on the right? Because we share the same values? The fuck we do.
but your society works, and it seems to work well? the fact that you have volksentscheid is amazing in my eyes too. and political correctness didnt infect you as much as the EU.
well perhaps I am seeing it wrong. swiss is a rather interesting nation in my eyes tho.
I feel sorry for you guys. Switzerland is beautiful as fuck. I hope the countrysides are better..
>you'll never live in Switzerland
>the faggots who live there hate it just because they went outside and Bogdan asked them where's the bus stop
Y u so thin skinned? Faggots
If you go to places where the beer costs 9 francs and you tell me that you're not poor then you have obviously another problem. You're stupid as they come. You easily find places where beer is cheaper.
No, I don't smoke weed, but I don't give a fuck about it. CBD has medical value and gets taxed. Regular Weed has the potential to fuck the lungs and kill consumers. Fine by me as well.
About the albanians. Yeah, my fault, should have gone to that Kiwi shit.
still hate you
Except we don't. They're just ignored if the establishment doesn't like them. We need to push out the leftists in the next election or the direct democracy is done.
That sucks. I hope you guys can do it, leftism is a diseas which needs to be kept away at all cost.
Dont let them take away the direct democracy, thats the only real democracy. what we have with all 4 years voting bullshit is just volksverarsche.
>Tirana 2.0
Literally this. It's even worse than the albo ghetto in Bronx
Zurich was really polite and nice 20 years ago. Prices were high then too.
inbreeding is a retired meme. And I don't see the problem with suicides? People with mental problems take themselves out of society. I bet you're proud that you have hordes of mentally sick people walking in your midst and procreating
shut up and die from a heartstroke already.
All the Albanians in NYC are in Queens specifically Astoria.
i'd say it works more or less. I didn't take issue with that. The other fella implied that this would mean that we all share the same values. Which we don't.
That is not really what my post primarily addresses, but ok. I was talking about the genetical similarities between Swiss people independent from the language they speak. My claim that we are bonded by a common Swiss identity and values, might just be wishful thinking I agree.
High suicide rates correlate with the rate of mentally deranged people in a region. In fact, the high suicide rate among Appenzellers might be a result of inbreeding.
Nice. Bin au i de Umgebig. Was bisch denn du? Nöd emal me Appizeller sind no richtigi Schwizer, gopferteckel!
they are white jews. the political remnant of the templar order which was based on Talmudic judaism
Kek, pure buttfrustration
The Swiss political system and mindset is antithetical to fascist philosophy. Swiss people actually have a very similar skull form to Ashkenazi jews. This might explain the vacuous and materialistic soul of the Swiss.
Gimme some of dat crack, homes.
sure they can correlate with mental illnesses. But our people kill themselves. In your places they get "treated", i.e. they don't do to themselves what they should do.
Besides that, there are other drivers for suicide, e.g. vitamin D deficiency. This is quite easy in appenzell if you live at the foot of a mountain and only get 3 hours of direct sunlight a day during winter.
But heyy, cool how you practice intellectual dishonesty by claiming there's just one reason that drives suicide. Without a source. Keep fooling yourself you retarded cuck. You're probably depressed and should kill yourself but you're just too much of a faggot. Maybe you can suck on a dick so much you suffocate yourself. I bet that would be your dream.
wie chonnsch of d idee dass i ken richtige schwize seg? i vemuet i ha besseri chance as du :D
I'll be in Zurich around xmas time. I hope they gib me free choclate and fuck me for free cos I'm from California.
you're still on that debunked phrenology shit? how retarded are you?
One question to swiss anons, do you too get Merkelsteine for your christmas markets now?
If you haven't bought a gun yet you're a fucking retard.
die einzige reine Schwiizer sind ganz klar basler. de rescht sind alles schippies und jugos. am schlimmschte sind die analgauer jugos ütz.
>dää Dialäggt
Würd au nid freiwillig dört aane zieh
why buy a fucking gun? most of us here on /pol have their military grade assault rifle stgw 90 at home.
Lol. So if you had to create an index based on well-being, you would count high suicide rates as something good? How autistic are you? By the way, I was not claiming that inbreeding is the sole factor, but it is something to be taken in account.
ja mei, miisli. bisch au e baasler?
seit dr dräcks zürcher, geid ja chum schlimmer
>Today is was in Zurich Switzerland. First of all Beautiful city,
>but i always hear the Swiss say how great they are.
Can be annoying but hey succes breeds jealousy
>Well the city was filled with shitskins,
>People are rude and prices are ridiculous,
True, payed 5 euros for a bottle of evian once
>Everywere you can buy weed in stores
Sounds like our country desu
>and on the christmas market was a SJW demonstration for women. Explain this ..
That was probably against domestic violence, nothing really SJW about it if you ask me, unless it was radical feminist bs.
i wäss, isch z schwe fö di zom all ofeme so höche niveau z bliibe. echti politischi beteiligung wie anere landsgmeend isch wohschinlich au z öbeforderend fö di ond schissisch de no id hose welld di gad im intenet trausch offe zsege wad globsch.
The (((EU))) is rapidly expanding and racial tensions are running high in Switzerland. A gun is needed.
Basel :^)
>*autistisches Gekreische*
Isch jo guet, isch jo guet
inbreeding doesn't have to be taken into account anymore because it's not an issue in switzerland in general nor in appenzell in particular. If I had to make an index of how sane a society is, appenzell would be on the top. because the mentally sick people off themselves at a higher rate. You got those deranged fucks walking in your midst.
So you're saying this thread really belongs in /bant/. 'k.
racial tensions? barely, bud. there are as much foreigners in switzerland as it has been for decades over decades. foreign workers are nothing new to switzerland. that's not a problem at all. As long they don't get naturalized and the quota stays we're fine. Our wealth is intact and getting better by the year. Holy shit, do you americans know anything?
Richtets enkane Wuat liaba gege de scheiss deitschn
chasch au efach sege wennd ke argument me hesch, denn höreme.
Dröff in hier ook n bedden platt schnacken?
eme österricher östlich em vorarlberg losi scho ger nüd zue. ehr sönd mer genau glich z lääd wie die preusse
nei, do inne hets ken platz fö plattdütsches gschnorr. do inne isch platz fö alemannisches dütsch abe nüd fö niederdeutsche dialekt du sack.
Des isch iaz obr nit nett :( Mir hom enk decht nia eppas tun, oda?
Ja du chunsch da vo wege 'schwiz isch multikulti es git kei richtigi schwizer' und denn nimmsch no albaner in schutz, isch halt scho verdächtig :D
t. inbred Appenzeller
Equating saneness with high suicide rates is but ridiculous. According to you insane asylums are the most sane places on earth, as so many off themselves.
Dat is nu obe nich so schoin. Kunn ik vellich morn wolle vörbi kiekken?
Sure. although sometimes they use other objects like trucks to hide their intention of stopping alloa snackbar
Swiss federal election, 2015
Swiss People's Party /
Democratic Union of the Centre
Seats before 54 + 5
Seats Won 65 + 5
Seat change Increase11
Percentage 29.4%
Ideology Swiss nationalism[3]
National conservatism[4][5]
Right-wing populism[6][7][8]
Economic liberalism[5]
d aazahl vo albaner wo schaffid ond stüre zahlid ond debi nüd abstimme chönnt isch ase vill höche wie die vo dene wo stroffellig werid dasses mer wirtschaftlich de wert isch. Wa me nützt, da bhalti. Ond wenns ersch recht no i andere Kantön ondewegs sönd interessiets mi omso wenige. Sege dank föde finanzusglich!
You thought you were in Switzerland but you were really in North Africa. Switzerland no longer exists.
Europe has fucked itself forever letting on the shitskins. There is no going back now.
S letscht mal wo ich nahgluegt ha sind ihr s schlimmste drecksloch nach genf gsi?
i mean, asylums would become sane places if they hadn't delivered new insane peoples from the outside into it all the time.
In an existing group of people where you got 3 people that have to go, and they kill themselves. What are you left with? A sane group.
jooo, mon hets platz fö di, abe im moment mosch entwede alemannisch ode englisch schnorre
me chönnid wiiteschwetze wenn sich s vorarlberg aagschlosse het. me chönnid nemlich en katholische kanton guet bruuche ond ehr bruchids eh nüd
>never been to switzerland and doesn't know what he's talking about
yup, amerimutt
I mean I get what you're saying, but still that's some fucked up dialect right there
Woll, Voradlberg brauch ma schu. De sein di oanzign wo si nit üba ins Tiroler luschtig moche
So a group with sane people will have a very low suicide rate, while the one with mentally ill people will have a very high one. That's pretty much what i said in the beginning. There's not much more to add to that really.
t. Abdul's butt brapper
Übrigens, chumm doch mal uf eusi /deutsch/-Fädä:
but why would you liken it to an asylum if that isn't an apt comparison? What I said is that every group has insane people by default. The difference between our canton and others is that we let our people sort themselves out. In other cantons they try to "help" people and "heal" them and shit. so they keep them in the group. Lower suicide rate = shitty unhealthy group, higher suicide rate = healthy group that keeps itself healthy. Sounds paradox, but maybe it's just too complicated for you because your part of the former group.
likewise. niederdeutsch is equally weird to us as is alemannisch to you
Don't know what they were protesting for. They were your typical sjwpeople. But don't protest on a chrismas market. People come there for fun. Don't push your political views in the face of people who don't ask for it.
And yes we have them everywere in the Netherlands, just did not expect to have them there and so much of them
/deutsch/ ist nur für die coolen Kids. Bleibt fern