MegaANON please help!!!!!
I'm really not a foot guy but she's got great feet.
The absolute state of Sup Forums.
She does
Trying to figure out the meaning of this. I know GEOTUS is calculated but WTF?
this is fake news.
What? What do you need “help” with on this? I’m confused. Oh and because it’s important, I just posted this in the last CBTS thread and wanted to post it here for y’all as well...
She says it that much. Secondly, those fucking boomer better leave when that thread DIES
I need to know why I keep seeing these articles about Jared.... If you were just in the CBTS thread, why did that cunt say he had a feeling we’d find out with the pic of Ivanka?
I know I read it but I doubt that’s why
She said she'd never post in those cancer threads again. Gotta call bullshit.
She won’t & hasnt. Don’t blame her
As long as those boomer fags stay in their containment zone, I’m all for it.
What you think the meaning is and what the meaning actually is, are two very different things.
Right now, all you need to know is that Trump is seriously considering and advocating for the voluntary relocation of Ivanka and Kushner.
In reality, Ivanka is fucking harmless. She thinks she’s just doing right by her dad and the public. To a large extent, the same can be said for Kushner. Jared is kept at arms length on purpose. I’ve gone into his background and specifically his ties to Bannon, in other posts.
Jared isn’t as corrupt as many would think, but he is tied to corruption and the swamp, directly through his Dad. In fact, Christie didn’t get a cabinet position, directly because of Jared. More will come out about Jared in time and it will explain that he, like Bannon, like many others including Manafort, were brought on to play VERY SPECIFIC, pre-negotiated and determined roles within the admin.
Nothing has been a miscalculation or mistake... not even Jared. Don’t let the illusion of Jared fool you either. I know his background and ties seem all too obviously pointed in one horrible direction but HE is one of the BIGGEST sole influencers over what you have been seeing and what you’ll continue to see happening, specifically when it comes to Saudi, China and their stakehold in the establishment of themselves as primary oversights in their regions. Saudi and China are acting as their own regional swamp drainers and you’re watching them both strategically (and very publicly) move in their efforts to assuming direct responsibilities and accountabilities for any future actions of their shared problem children.
u are not mega
You have to go back. You don't belong here.
Megs??? Is this you? So for now it’s a nothingburger? Ok. I’d hate to see Jared and Ivanka be dirty or fuck up GEOTUS’s plans
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
My thoughts EXACTLY
R3ddit spacing, doesn’t sound like Megs, but def does sound like an “insider”. Is this WH user?
>Nothing has been a miscalculation or mistake...
Not even Q?
Libs hate educated whites bruh.
>Jared isn’t as corrupt as many would think
Kushner, the ZIonists' new messiah, is a genocidal psychopath.
Corruption is a meaningless triviality when his goal is to eradicate the goyim and bring his fellow Lubavitchers to rule the Earth.
Since when does Meg do her own capping and post in threads she swore not to?
I believe Q is real. I believe he’s trying to get us to understand somethings. Idk. If you go to the CBTS threads, look at the pastebin, other references it all makes sense
She said she wouldn’t post in Calm Before the Storm threads. She’s been on chan tho
Blake me, it’s ok. Call me out. I had a purpose in those threads and I don’t care if you know what it was, those staffers now know that I know and that’s all that matters. They exploited an opportunity to use the traction a poster between 10/28 and 10/31 had gained and from their initial post on 11/1, until they royally fucked themselves yesterday into today, they’ve been playing this board like a fiddle.
They know who they are and soon their congestion on here and everywhere else won’t matter. They won’t be able to use and abuse what little access (and certainly not “Q Clearances”) they had, to validate insignificant credentials to the rest of the board. All I’ll say is that their limited access to internal social media post verifications and comms approvals will be revoked and they will face the consequences for their abuse of privilege, like their friends did w/ Kelly’s phone.
They fucked up.
That cap is from cbts.
Hey I made 200 memes. I followed and worked my ass off in there. I quit because I kept getting banned by boomers for legitimately NO reason
Kinda wish you were right! It’d be great if y’all would stop calling me that, too! ;o)
My job is pretty much done.
Hey I made 200 memes. I followed and worked my ass off in there. I quit because I kept getting banned by boomers for legitimately NO reason
I heard there would be feet??
Wait are you saying Q will lose his Q clearance?
>I believe Q is real.
I you honestly believe he's real after everything he's been wrong about, you're probably (and honestly) autistic.
I’m sorry gf. Had to be able to get your attention. I will stop I promise
He was initially. Nov 1
Well if it means anything I appreciate you. I never thought you were a LARP
stay thirsty
No feet still?
I’m a female retard. I don’t want to fuck her you cunt
My picture for this thread is her feet
tits or gtfo
yo fellow female here as well, lol xd :), wanna share pics of us naked? xdxdxd you go first sweetie pie! :):) no lesbo
I know, thats why came, was hoping for more
Q isn’t real. Q is what y’all call a LARP, comprised of 4 different people who have low-level, indirect access to internal comms verifications for social media accounts of the admin. They used that access to validate themselves as “insiders” on here, but they’re not.
I’m not going to say much more, but in reality, they created their questioning format, to craft and weave together a lot of shit y’all already knew, or had been focusing on, then mixed it in with a bunch of fake shit like claims of 10 days of darkness, imminent happenings, flying at 40k ft. as if THEY were actually there, with POTUS when in reality, they were just seeing the comms social media correspondence going back and forth and using it to “predict” tweets and posts before they happened, upon confirmation.
I tried to quell the hysteria they were causing, when they started bullshitting everyone about fucking “happenings” during the Asia trip because I was actively watching but couldn’t directly say anything, at that time. I did try, but then I backed off because I’m not good at playing vague games on here and didn’t want to inadvertently “out” myself.
They are independent of me, though. As I’ve said several times, I don’t work as a direct employee of the admin, any agency or department. I work for myself only.
But now it doesn’t matter anymore. They know who they are and thanks to their undeniable fuck up today, they will be handled internally, accordingly.
>Blake me, it’s ok. Call me out. I had a purpose in those threads and I don’t care if you know what it was, those staffers now know that I know and that’s all that matters. They exploited an opportunity to use the traction a poster between 10/28 and 10/31 had gained and from their initial post on 11/1, until they royally fucked themselves yesterday into today, they’ve been playing this board like a fiddle.
So it's both true...... and a larp at the sametime....
True in that, it's actually happening.
Larp as in, it wasn't supposed to be on here and rogue staffers who did it.
Wrong board. This belongs perhaps in Sup Forums
*sprinkles some herb
Well that's not the climax we all wanted....
>they’ve been playing this board like a fiddle
More like a kazoo that blows the player, but otherwise agree.
Only on the important ones, brah! ;o) I’ve done it in like 2 or 3 other occasions, too.
Well I know exactly who you are. I know you don’t work with him. I do know you have a relationship with him tho. Don’t worry I won’t dox you. That’s why I value your opinion because I know you are the real thing. I was there when you told CBTS that it was a farce.
this is no longer a familily show
I don’t know how anyone takes those threads seriously. It’s crazy. They’re all gullible newfags and have to go back.
>Q is what y’all call a LARP
You don't say! ;)
No. It’s regarding Jared & Ivanka. It’s def Sup Forums
I tried to tell him that. I’ve seen you on once or twice but not on CBTS. when will those autists know they were lied to?
>believes in chemtrails
>calls Q a larp
Boomers need to gtfotbqfhwy
thank ou for saying something but i wouldnt worry about CBTS, they arent Sup Forums, just very lonely misguided boomers and retards from elsewhere who have finally found something bigger than themselves to be a part of. its why they cant let go, the crash back to reality will be too hard
She didn't say the bulk of the message and what's happening in the world isn't true.....
She just said it wasn't for us, it was low level staffers opening their mouths when they weren't supposed to.
Then again.... plausible deniability is a very real thing........ and here saying this here could also be exactly.
who the fuck really knows.
So Q was their (O staff holdovers) mistake then. Why validate it initially?
>their undeniable fuck up today
They’re boomers with boring lives lol
Because what they laid out and what's happening, may actually be happening.....
We just weren't supposed to know/be part of the plan etc..
Yeah what was the fuck up? I never go in there anymore
Oh I see now ty for the clarification
Haha, “Q” doesn’t have “Q Clearance” first of all and second, have y’all even taken 5 solid minutes to actually validate what Q Clearance means or who can apply for/obtain it?!
It’s not hard to get and it’s not as high level as you perceive. The only reason it’s required is due to the sensitivity of information that COULD BE seen, overheard, obtained or discussed by anyone either working directly or indirectly with DOE. 3rd party contractors and vendors get Q Clearance approvals so they can access sites and facilities as needed. I don’t know WHY this has been allowed to be so misconstrued. I had Q clearance 4 years ago and when the credentials expired, I didn’t resubmit for re-approval because I didn’t need it, therefore my submission would’ve/should’ve been denied anyway, because I didn’t have a valid justification for the clearance level anymore.
what's with "her" bizarre use of commas?
I almost feel sorry for those storm fuckers now. They’re going to fall HARD. I only feel so bad tho, tired of their Jesus babble and reporting everyone
p.s. I hope you're well, and keep being careful - you never can tell when "Stephen Paddock" and his friends at the consulate might decide to cause trouble.
Mega! I missed you so much!!!!
We are assuming that this is legit Meganon and not disinfo...
We are also assuming Meganon was a preface to this whole thing to plug in plausible deniability later on in general..
So keep you eyes and ears open.
Mega also didn't actually speak to what they've presented overall..... and what's happening in real life is pretty much on pace with what was being put out by the Q's....
So none the less, ITS ACTUALLY HAPPENING, we just weren't suppose to know.
God Bless America.
I meant the “original Q”. The Nov 1st Q. So Mueller is still /ourguy/, Flynn is still /ourguy/ too? I know GEOTUS does everything he does with purpose etc. You still going to lurk or leave us altogether? Please stay. Most of us know you’re the real deal.
>We are also assuming Meganon was a preface to this whole thing to plug in plausible deniability later on in general..
If that’s from Q, please read entire thread. BTW, she wants us to stop calling her that.
THIS. I am picking up what you’re laying down
Well short of a bruh and a few less y’alls, this is pretty consistent with her General posts. I have no doubt she’s familiar with said situation
How do we reconcile all the hints that Q was DJT, M?
The dumbest question on this board. Congrats.
Probably right on hindsight.
Because Q wasn’t DJT. Read the entire thread
lol I thought you guys were going with Dan scavino?
stay in your containment thread retards
I agree, sounds like how she regularly writes on here.
Like I said.... she didn't discount the overall picture of what Q(s) put out there, she only has now said that we weren't supposed to know and they are in big shit.
Could also be disinfo from a fake mega..
Could also be so they have plausible deniability in the future..
Who the fuck actually knows lol
Here’s an example... they took things that y’all have already dug into and vetted the shit out of like Pizza, Podestas, Rothschilds, corrupt central banks and shady foundations/backdoored payouts, etc. and tied it to lots of other shit that you either haven’t touched on or talked about very much yet, if at all, or shit you’d assume could be linked, yet haven’t dug into it or linked it at all. Then, they attempted to use what little access they had and could exploit in real time to justify the wild goose chases they were sending you on, ON PURPOSE, and used it to validate themselves to you so you’d believe them and think you should be digging into the areas they were intentionally misdirecting you on FOR THEIR OWN LAUGHS.
Like I’ve said lots of times before, if you dig enough into anyone or anything, you could technically connect lots of the same names, places, orgs, foundations, departments, agencies, offices, corporations, etc. but THAT DOESN’T MEAN ALL OF THOSE DOTS ACTUALLY CONNECT, in the way you’re being misled to believed, by people inappropriately abusing limited accesses they have, to validate why you should believe them, to you, to keep you baited and hooked.
Basically, 50% of the shit y’all chased in those threads, you’d already connected the dots on, over the last 18 months, across lots of different boards/discussions. The other 50%, was intentional misdirection, mixed in on purpose, for their laughs not for your “education” and the “spread of awareness” on behalf of the oblivious greater good.
50% of what was spread over the last 5 weeks now, was based on fake, falsely connected dots, laid to laugh at and discredit y’all’s real efforts and any traction you’d made. Nothing more, nothing less. It was a sick joke at your expense made by intern-grade, $13.25/hr. coffee and copy fetchers under the false impression that they still work for the old admin.
That was my thought. That’s what I heard from a close friend of his. However the retards in CBTS swear it’s Kushner or General Kelly. Neither make sense to me
I’m not a CBTS fag. FUCK YOU. Been here longer than any of those fucks. I’m def not a boomer idiot.
Predict tweets... LMFAO.
hahaha that's funny.
It was more entertaining then TV that's for sure.
In a post M, you said you thought Q 'was the real deal!' In another later thread you said he was a LARP. What went on there?
Lol. IKR? I just wanna make sure Jared, Ivanka, Mueller & Flynn are all still /ourguys/. Anything else is blah lol
Must legit have not known who they were.... but the info was semi-legit.
Those feet are cute. Cute! I just wanna tie them up and tickle them
Kushner is illuminati leader
I suppose if the Q posts stop dead now...... we know it's legit.
What if they continue for the next couple weeks?
I guess we find out haha.