Shingeki no Kyojin

Which Vanguard Titan is the best?

Kruger. He's the only one that set out to do something, and succeed without bitching and moaning about his lot in life.

Kruger. He is not an obnoxious whiny turd like Eren and to a lesser degree his father.

Kruger. Not even a question.



>Helped murder thousands of Eldians for no reason when he could have just gone within the walls himself and taken the Coordinate the day he became a shifter.

Idiot. He Shifted them so that they would live on in one way or another. Better to live as an animal than not to live at all.


>Better to live as an animal than not to live at all
This is some true idiotic statement right here.

That is debatable. Some animals have shitty lives.


These Eldians would have died either way, regardless of him helping or not. He had to do it to continue fooling the Marleys.


True enough, but the perfect example is Dina. Live as a Titan or become a Bob Daemonculaba.

Well he didn't say you had to like it.

But there was no reason to infiltrate the Marleyans for so long. His ultimate goal was to retrieve the Coordinate.

Back to /tg/

Convenient writing, so Shitren can one day become a shifter and get the coordinate. Same reason why Grisha didn't do anything for years.

Will you come too?

i dont know but i want to just rape eren

Someone beat you to it

>I am neither! I am an Attack on Titan!
holy fuck

Better do it quickly, Mikasa.

post yfw "The Attack Titan"

I loved it.


That's why he founded the rebivalists.


Bert deserved life.

He did get one.


Is annie dead?

>Frieda is not in this world anymore.
What did Rod meant by this?

That she's dead.

Kruger, of course. Grisha and Ragetard are shit.

So we all agree Kruger is best Shingeki literally?

Yes, cute user.

Not best, but out of these three he is. Then again it's not hard to be better than the rageturd.

Not even best shifter.

Eren > shit > Eren

Who is best shifter?

Why do you guys hate Eren so much, he's a pretty cool dude.

Eren is an asshole hypocrite.

Shitty, badly written character and on top of that cancerous fags.

I don't. He's far better than AM.

Erwin and I have a lovely little son. Our Armin is so cute!

How is Eren badly written, user?

Eren did nothing wrong.

Fingers crossed user

Top 3, hands down.

Eren is best boy.

One question though. Which Eren is scarf girl talking to?

This might be some memory of Kruger's that's bleeding through the Eldian hiveming.

Eren Yeager a shit.

Every Vanguard Titan except Grisha has been named Eren.

It's a vision of the future. Mikasa is saying goodbye to him before he dies, right before she eats him to become the AckerTitan

How did shitty Eren get her scarf, though?

Eren is a genocidal maniac that needs to be put down.

Mikasa can't go titan.

Grisha left a recipe to make serum from spinal fluid. I bet my shoes on it

This desu. Don't know where all the wank even comes from when he's legitimately worse than Grisha.

Can they really get rid of all the shifter titans that way?
Won't the power just manifest in some other random Eldians if Eren would kill himself or got killed not by a shifter?

Only way to get rid of it is if Eren would ate all shifters and then froze himself by turning into crystal on bottom of ocean, so the powers could not go to anyone else.

She can not go titan, with serum, or without it.

>froze himself by turning into crystal on bottom of ocean
We don't know if Eren can create the crystal that Annie did. Makes sense though

She can't be commanded by the coordinate, when did it say she can't be titanised?

Endgame right here, brothers.

Read the manga.

LM soon.

Real good answer.

Not that user, but have you even read the current chapters?

Still don't remember it saying ackerdogs can't be titans

Reiner > Eren
Bert > Armin
Annie > Mikasa

It said only Ymir's people can become titans.



He's right. It's literally stated in the manga Eldian blood is the blood of titans, and it's heavily implied Marleyans can't titanize either. That bundled with scene in pic related makes it beyond obvious.

Does that mean there's no chance that the asians were never of the same bloodline?

This. EMA a shit.

Only, and only, Eldians.

>call based Ackermans dogs
>can't even be bothered to read the manga

I wanted to see Mikasa eat Eren and you shattered my dreams. This is a cruel world.

No. FK destroyed them for a reason.

Yes, the east clan is a different bloodline from the Eldians.

>follow masters like a dog
>not dogs
WEW. Maybe you'll stop being blind for a bit if you prevent yourself from self inserting too much

It's kind of obvious Asians weren't the same bloodline as the whites anyway.

LM need to rejoin the master race.

All I wanted was to see Mikasa eat Eren and you shattered my dreams. This is a cruel world.

How? They're literally the last 2 of the master race.

I loved it but it's even better if it's calling the Attack on Titan because "Attack on" is autistic but cool sounding in a broken english kind of way
Grisha's looked the coolest

You call your parents or your guardians dogs for taking care of your autistic ass?

Fuck off whore.

>tells people to read the manga
>uses arbitrary insults
Laffin at you manletfag. An advice


It's about them following orders like a dog and the whole liege thing.

How come Eren looks like LM's retarded son in both of the new s2 promos?

That's the only thing shitletfags do.

Manlet was a mistake.

Grisha's looked like a long-haired bear

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as vanguard titan, is in fact, attack titan, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, onslaught eoten.

>Manlets believing they can truly be like a fictional character
Kek, when will manlets ever learn?

Yeah it looked like a beast, therefore it's the coolest. Eren's has mouth issues and Kruger's looks like a cancer patient

>Mankasa was a mistake.

Annie a cute.

10/10 post


I'm not sure why but recently it's become cool to hate on Eren again. Is it because of the serumb owl where he pathetically tried to save his best friend? Even though Mikasa did the exact same thing and Levi was the one who made the stupid decision in the end? I don't know.
Characters are hated in cycles on /snk/ anyway, so maybe in a few months it'll go back to hating on Ymir again or whoever the fuck.