what exactly is a "soyboy"? Please post example images.
What exactly is a "soyboy"? Please post example images
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PJW was always a soy boy and advanced to soy goy when claims Jews have nothing to do with anything and George Soros is white
I know the majority of Sup Forums is too autistic to function but you gotta stop worshipping all these purple pill pussies on youtube.
another term people use for atheists
A chemically castrated male that consequently has a destructive fear of anything even remotely immediately dangerous, while often being oblivious to long-term dangers. Fully willing to dismantle any right to reduce any perceived immediate danger.
Boys raised by single mothers
> Le Soy Face
>dat filename
Memes aside, is there any reason they pull this face? Is it like how fat women always try to pull a "cute" face to disguise the fact that they're ambulatory mushrooms?
Pretty much soy products increase the body's estrogen levels making them more effeminate, emotional, and physically woman-like.
Since that's how the lefty males tend to act, and that they usually fill their diets with soy products, we call the male SJW's "soy boys"
Call me crazy but imagine these guys were thrown in to a concentration camp and reeducated and made do strict military discipline.
They would make great staunch soldiers, (((they))) have really done a number on our males minds. Fuck..
Why can't best korea just get on with it
In fairness, he looks pretty retarded.
It' s a forced attempt to smile, but you cannot smile when you cannot feel.
Wtf am I looking AT user!?
typical soyboy
>but you cannot smile when you cannot feel.
Guess that explains why I'm scowling in every photo. I only have one emotion and it is anger.
if you want to find out what being a soyboy is all about check out the official soyboy forum
an OP
Terminal case of soylent grin. Sad.
que triste me pone que en Capital Federal se esta llenando de este tipo de minas
Nice non answer asshole
It's what's known in primate facial expression as a 'fear grimace'
They are self conscious and, under the spotlight of a camera, the immediately assume a submissive fear grimace to show they aren't a threat
They think its like a whacky smile but the open mouth exposed teeth is a submissive gesture
They always have their mouth open, as if Tyrone was ready to cum all over their faces.
>open mouth exposed teeth is a submissive gesture
wouldnt that make every smile submissive?
This is the Head Soyboy. Kill him and the testosterone levels of all half soyboys will return to normal.
Same here my family always say I look angry.
>I don't understand borders
Go live in Somalia then you fucking cuck.
A way for fat neckbeards to project their insecurities onto others.
It's just a rebranding of nu-male.
I disagree, Mohamed, just because he like to be called "Jesus" he is not a soyboy.
Go rape some goat while eating eel pie and tea with milk.
is that Trudeau?
Sup Forums should try to get a scientific paper published on the recent emergence of the low test "soyboy" and how easy they are to identify just by their faces. It is quite fascinating.
No, but he's almost as cringe. Happy I don't go one Normiebook anymore. Had way too many mutuals with that faggot.
not PC
I worked as a CCTV operator for Leeds City Council for three years and frequently saw soyboys getting absolutely beat the shit out of by men with normal testosterone levels. I shall now try to greentext what happens:
>Be soyboy
>Receive my student loan for a degree in advanced cuckoldry
>Head into town to pay for Stacey's drinks all night so she doesn't get thirsty on the way back to Tyrone's mudhut
>Some nigger gets bored and decides to beat the fuck out of me
>Being narrow shouldered estrogenic genetic flotsam I have neither the muscle mass or strength of will to defend myself
>Crouch on the ground defending my head with my left arm from Jamal's punches like a complete cuck while sticking my right hand out to be shaken
>Get up from my defensive crouch once my attacker's arms get sore from relentlessly battering me
>Go home and shill for niggers on the internet and vote for Labour
Fuck off Paco el Taco, you little stumpy legged shitcoloured manlet.
Can we get some more posts of this "open mouth smile" that soyboys all have in common? There should really be a collage of them all making that stupid fucking face at this point to show just how similar they all are, like with that nu-male collage. If there isn't a collage already, I'm going to make one.
Also, we need a good term for it other than "open mouth smile."
>"Diversity is our strength" they said
>"We'll all benefit from the new, vibrant economy" they said
You are not a man if you sit like this. The shin/ankle always goes on the knee.
The retard probably leaves his front door unlocked at night, and when he leaves the house.
Oh right, he still lives with his parents, so he doesn't have to worry about such matters.
This is an obvious joke, right?
How is the term 'soyboy' any different from the term 'nu-male?'
They seem the same to me, are there any crucial differences?
So basically everyone on here thats not me or is fat....looks like a soyboy...
This is actually funny
its mostly about jaw structure and facial expressions - nothing to do with weight
There's certainly a lot of overlap but I think nu males are white knights and soyboys are just little bitches
You can usually tell by the feminine features, oily faces, ugly beards, poor eyesight, and gaping open mouths as if to swallow nigger semen that they're soyboys
If only Hitler had used these, he would have won the war. Then we wouldn't be where we are today.
If he used Jewish scientists he would have won the war.
So >soybois
are basically the gays?
Handy guide to identifying the two predominant phenotypes of numales.
My best
Flag checks out
I love how these soyboys go out of their way to prove us right
My smiles are awkward as shit, I’m crap at faking expressions.
I would pay money to see these two beheaded. Especially the one on his knees. Drag it out for that disgusting piece of human waste. I don't give a fuck if it's a joke, I want to watch them die.
This will explain everything.
but i sit like this sometimes where theres not room and my leg hurts
soyim grin
r8 me Sup Forums
It actually is. It's appparently how our smile evolved, as a sign of non-aggression. A true neutral gesture would be just nothing, "resting face" so to speak.
But these fucks are overexaggerating it so much, the desperation to prove themselves harmless and non-threatening is palpable. They are probably terrified of being perceived as "toxic masculine" otherwise, or they have internalized the male-bashing everywhere and hope nobody will attack them.
It's a field that deserves some research, but I doubt there is unbiased research, especially with such a topic.
Is Cory McCarthy the norm or the exception?
Soyboy is a fun meme but I think it’s things like masturbation, adopting leftist beliefs, and refusing to exercise and listen to beta music rather than dietary issues.
Jesus christ someone needs to punch that guy
would be cute as a girl
>Using Applebutt as that GNWP
I will skin this dude, DON'T TOUCH MY WAIFU
Literally low test.
Isn't this the cad guy
Is it possible to grow a beard without looking like a soy-boy? I usually remain clean shaven for that reason.
They even have bitch names
see: Varg
you just need a masculine face. Soyboys grow beards to look trendy or to cover their shitty looking chins
prolly a prank, lulz
mfw i have to shave so i dont get associated with these faggots
Unless you're handsome as fuck like keanu reeves or jake gyllenhaal probably nah unless you want to unleash that caveman aesthetic
Si lees el letrero te daras cuenta que no es una
>the asian has the highest test of them all
I feel like they take manly names to mask the fact that they're weak limp-wristed bitches
Thats why Trump smiles once every 4 months