>He declared the widely accepted estimate that six million Jews died in the Holocaust “overblown.” He said that while the Nazi leader Heinrich Himmler wanted to exterminate groups like Slavs and homosexuals, Hitler “was a lot more kind of chill on those subjects.”
NYT interviewed one of you guys
Other urls found in this thread:
(((NY Times)))
One of us!!!
One of us!!!
There are people on this site who unironically believe in the shoah.
>New Carlisle, Ohio
Gotta love Ohio, for better or worse it's the Poland of America. This town is right near where the Charlottesville driver was from.
Ancaps are closet nazis confirmed.
Ask him how he moved so far right, and he declares that public discourse has become “so toxic that there’s no way to effectively lobby for interests that involve white people.” He name-drops Murray Rothbard and Hans-Hermann Hoppe, architects of “anarcho-capitalism,” with its idea that free markets serve as better societal regulators than the state. And he refers to the 2013 science-fiction movie “Pacific Rim,” in which society is attacked by massive monsters that emerge from beneath the Pacific Ocean.
Libertarianism is the best vehicle for fascism, because libertarians eventually learn that leftists cannot leave other people alone. They learn that leftists don't know anything else but destruction. Then they learn about concepts like physical removal, and finally they learn about the tenets of full-blown fascism.
Really, we have to thank leftists for being so retarded they can't see the forest for the trees. None of this would be possible without their never-ending mistakes.
On the party’s website, the swastika armband is formally listed as a “NSDAP LARP Armband.” NSDAP was the abbreviation for Hitler’s Nazi Party. LARP stands for “Live-Action Role Playing,” a term originally meant to describe fantasy fans who dress up as wizards and warlocks.
This article was ridiculously short and the author spent half the time pontificating on some Minutemen lyrics. Sad!
He declared the widely accepted estimate that six million Jews died in the Holocaust “overblown.” He said that while the Nazi leader Heinrich Himmler wanted to exterminate groups like Slavs and homosexuals, Hitler “was a lot more kind of chill on those subjects.”
so libertarians getting sick of leftists' bullshit is the vehicle for the libertarians to learn how to hate fascism?
i'm pretty sure fascism looks bad enough on it's own just like every other leftist ideology.
Where's the lie?
>In 2012, Mr. Hovater was incensed by the media coverage of the Trayvon Martin shooting, believing the story had been distorted to make a villain of George Zimmerman, the white man who shot the black teenager.
Was George Zimmerman white?
only when it's convenient for (((their))) narrative
That was a surprisingly balanced article, despite the shit "Voice of Hate" title. The author didn't try to make him look bad. It was just a straight report of what kind of person he was and how he came to believe the things he does.
This though. If Zimmerman was reported as the Latino that he is, it would have been considered a Latino on black crime and no one would have paid attention.
>That was a surprisingly balanced article, despite the shit "Voice of Hate" title. The author didn't try to make him look bad. It was just a straight report of what kind of person he was and how he came to believe the things he does.
Agreed. Pictured is author.
was this a (((glen thrush))) article of the jew York slimes no thnx
No he is hispanic
Why is it "hateful" to deny the Holocaust, anyway? It would be hateful to wish that it happened, or hope that it happens again. Why have they redefined hate?
But mainstream historians agree six million is an overestimate
But that’s true tho, the media did lie about the case.
But thats not the real title. They changed it due to being Shut Down (step one, step two is taking it down to avoid generating discussion).
this is real title
Because Loxism and ancient babylonian kind-of-satanism.
Newspeak is very real, you see it all the time and have for some decades.
(((Journalists))) usually don't write their own headlines. They have guys whose only job is to do that, and usually they write them to be as hyperbolic and sensationalist as possible to grab your attention and make you want to read the piece.
His father is white, he's literally the embodiment of the 56% meme
Why does nobody read even the first 30 posts in a bread anymore. This was NOT original headline.
We're all but normalized now. Soon the enemy will have no way of defeating us through autistic screeching.
Harvard did a study that showed that once an idea reached 10% of any group, so long as that 10% proselytized the idea relentlessly, it WOULD become the majority position inevitably.
We cannot be stopped. This train has no breaks and we're going to seize control. The enemy has no power to prevent it. From this moment on, our power is the only power. Our culture is the only culture. The JEW will be named.
It’s the editors that pick out the head lines and nudge journalists towards certain narratives.
Okay we all know you browse here, which one of you was this?
Doesn't matter. The (((journalist))) didn't write it either time.
I don't think this guy is a Jew though. Maybe the editors are, but not the author.
A voice of hate in America's shartland
Why take a picture from so far away and at such an unflattering position of the house? It's almost like the picture helps to subconsciously make the man in the image look smaller and trashier in the reader's mind.
I think the point is to portray him as average and humanize him. That he is alternately either one of few or one of many, depending on perspective.
They definitely thought that far ahead. These guys make a living off this.
Fascism has always been socialist.
>In 2012, Mr. Hovater was incensed by the media coverage of the Trayvon Martin shooting, believing the story had been distorted to make a villain of George Zimmerman, the white man who shot the black teenager.
>Zimmerman, the white man who shot the black teenager.
>Ancaps are closet nazis confirmed
we're pretty open about it--ethnic collectivism is perfectly acceptable when it comes to freedom of association. it's just that we don't want to remove people for things that they have no control over. this is consistent with the morality in the declaration. nazis realize that jews/blacks/spics/etc are over represented in certain areas, ancaps realize that you can't remove jews just for being jews, so we remove them indirectly:
"There can be no tolerance toward democrats and communists in a libertarian social order. They will have to be physically separated and expelled from society. Likewise, in a covenant founded for the purpose of protecting family and kin, there can be no tolerance toward those habitually promoting lifestyles incompatible with this goal. They – the advocates of alternative, non-family and kin-centered lifestyles such as, for instance, individual hedonism, parasitism, nature-environment worship, homosexuality, or communism – will have to be physically removed from society, too, if one is to maintain a libertarian order."
t. Hoppe
The article was not intended to be anything more than a dox with a supporting article for legitimacy. By design the curious can now look this gentleman up and harass him - his punishment for being brazen enough to be candid with a journo.
Sounds like an ignoramus, desu
If he had read mein kamph Hitler totally laid out everything concerning lebensraum and breath room to the east the superiority of the aryan over the slav
Everyday I unironically become more Nazi. I see through these Jewish tricks.
Can't argue with Fuhrer digits
>Lefties in full blown crisis that the media wasn't a one-sided mouthpiece for the party politic
Fits the bill.
>Owning the Feline jew
So the DEATH camps had hospitals? Lmao
Digits make it true!
Holy shit those digits
>A voice of hate
what an unfortunate name
No, but normalfags are basically livestock.
Easy user
Confirmed for not actually reading Mein Kampf
>right wing retards can leave people alone by making the state oppress people
what did he mean by this?
>tfw w bigoted against the well-adjusted
I can't help it, Western Civilization is hateful ;-;
Please don't soil old Sup Forums lore with shitty newfag memes
How kind of the Nazis to feed jews before they gas them. Dont want them to die before the gas chamber appointment.
He was only ever considered honourary, his constant description as white was a running joke
>You say: "I think that fewer than 6 million Jews died in the holocaust"
>They ask: "Why do you want to gas all the Jews?"
Make the people aware of this knee-jerk reaction they all have, and maybe they'll get the suspicion in their head that they've been brainwashed
Jesus Christ you Americans are worse at handling low grade banter memes than Indians
This was one of the first things I noticed. Also when it brings up Heather Heyer it insists she was killed from being struck by the car, when we know this not to be true. And the icing on the cake was the part where it talked about him showing his support for Putin. That's when I knew for sure it was fake- they needed to throw that in there somewhere as a dog whistle to their rabid Clintonite Jewish readers. This guy is probably a lowkey fed who gets paid to do media ops like Spencer.
Seriously stop being a faggot. Times change, memes change and Le 56% Face is funny.
>New Carlisle
Not too far from me.
100% it was from the Mexicans there
>be half jewish, half spic
>kill a black person
>post something where it doesn't fit like a newfag
>people call you out
>hide flag and whine about le banter xD
Not every American can handle banter as well as Aussie men handle cock.
And they doxed his wife too, who's not really relevant to his political views.
At least NYT has moved onto people who actually identify with white nationalism instead of attacking PewDiePie because he's more relevant than they are simply for shitposting on the internet.
If you want to be edgy, remain anonymous. If you want to do things in real life like hang up posters or something, hire illegals to do the footwork for you. It's not worth ruining the rest of your life just to piss some people off. Remember who still controls the world.
I hadn't thought about that, but it makes sense. Why else would the (((NYT))) write a comparatively fair article unless it was cover for something more sinister. He seems bright though, so I'm sure he considered that before agreeing to the interview
if a "journalist" ever approaches me I'm pretty sure I'm going to jail for assault
Never talk to journalists. No matter what.