Is it too early to tell you I told you so?
Anons update.
why do pedophiles always dress with "flair" or however you want to put it. saville did the same thing. why do they want to look goofy.
Fuck off shill. This is bigger than you know. Israel is fucked.
Mueller has been investigating everything from JFK until present times.
how many years have we been waiting?
Norbot is back!
70+ years.
The same reason McDonald's uses a clown as a mascot
Bump. If this happens I will apologize to cbts fags
Dude. CBTS faggots said that Mueller wasn't going after any Presidents. He's going after anyone criminal.
CBTS literally said the opposite of Mueller being /ourguy/
Why does he have blue hair?
WTF is wrong with you. Didn't you see my posts of screen cap? This has nothing to do with CBTS. Look at the 5th and 6th response to this thread.
I read it and it has nothing to do with the big picture of Mueller, he used the fucking term CABAL and he namefagged. That person is LARPing. Just like every other fucking LARP.
It says Manafort, Rosentstein, Comey, Podesta, Clintons etc are all on the same team but that's bullshit too.
There's a reason Paul Manafort got indicted first by Mueller and there's a reason that it's been weeks since the indictment and no others have come out. Manafort is getting a fucking pardon just like Robert Mueller.
Better late than never, journalists.
Maybe. But why would Trump give pardon to Manafort when literally, not a shred of connection to Trump exists in the indictments?
Only reason could be to snatch bigger game. Meaning, the heads of DNC, John Podesta, Clinton, and the whole cabal.
god's work, nordbro
Exactly. Israel is FUCKED.
Quit reposting retarded conjecture that any fucking user could write. There's no fucking information in either one of these posts that couldn't be speculated without some LARP piece of shit throwing all you mouthbreathing retards into a frenzy.
I hate plebbitors so much
>There's no fucking information in either one of these posts that couldn't be speculated without some LARP piece of shit throwing all you mouthbreathing retards into a frenzy.
This sentence sums up everything about me, ever.
Thank you for showing me a mirror and helping to become a better person, user.