Newtype January 2017 cover

Newtype January 2017 cover.

>Lelouch is popular outside Sup Forums
Lads what year are we in?

Why is he so perfect?

We had this thread like 5 times last week. Fuck off CGfags I don't want any more.



>thinking for one second leloucheru wouldn't be popular with the mainstream, reddit, and tumblr types.

We have more in common with the enemy than we like to admit sometimes


Best boy and best girl of anime




Bait harder.

Lelouch won character of the year on Newtype magazine in 2008, of fucking course he would be the cover sooner or later after season 3 was announced.

Jesus Yamato would probably get the cover and a 30 pages coverage if a new SEED season happened.

How is he so best

>babbys first edgy self-insert

Just leave then, you haven't nothing yet. Code Geass could fill its own board with threads during the height of its popularity.

This is actually not that bad of a idea

He's most most favorited character on MAL

so edgy

well apart from the sol episodes

Someone photoshop Gino on this cover please

stop it with this meme

It's been 10 fucking years, of course normies have watched the series by now.

Sup Forums is CG and CG is Sup Forums
Deal with it.
When the new anime comes along the Sup Forums will even change its name to /cg/

Gino is superior

I know a lot of people are yearning for another train-wreck, but I sure hope to fucking God it doesn't blow ass. They had enough time to write a decent script, it has to be at least somewhat solid.

>He doesn't know...

In these types of sequels directors often have more freedom than they did with the original, see: Twin Peaks S3

Lelouch didn't pull off a Jesus for this


>meme arrows

>Code geass
>not leftist and progressive
Is he retarded?

Fuck off crossboarder.

not an argument

>anons are now 10 years older than they were when CG aired
>Sup Forums was actually a better place back then

>Code geass
>leftist and progressive

with a proud white male protag, it automatically becomes conservative shitlord.

most of us already left Sup Forums for a better place.

oh come on the protag is a gay ,testosterone deprived twink

so ? You just described milo
Nowadays, (white) gays are barely welcome in the progressive movement.

So why is Five Star Stories on the cover again?

that's the story of how they are going to make italy great again.

or maybe the new Volume(s). The 14th came out recently I think.

god I can't wait already and it's gonna be a year at least till it airs

best waifu

>newfags still don't know FSS is a monthly manga published in Newtype

Sup Forums is pathetic as usual.

Did I miss the episode where Lelouch introduced Communism and Britannia-care?

>That feel when the king is back

Since when is universal healthcare leftist and progressive per se? Bismarck did it too and he was as conservative as it gets.

Bismarck model is different from American healthcare. No profits, and everyone must be covered. Cheaper and less administration.

>one geass
>not as glorious emperor Lelouch

But there are profits involved. Those are still private insurers as far as I know.

No but you missed the part where he literally martyred himself for world peace run via One World council of lolis, and that was after setting up a multi cultural alliance of nation states to oppose Britannia with his "United States of X" plan

If you stop acting like a retard and look outside modern Murrican Right/Left stereotypes, in the context of history Lulu would range from a Progressive Revolutionary to Enlightened Despot (who were as far left as you can go as a monarchist before dipping into representative government)

Bismarck's model has it that insurers don't take profits so that there is no incentive to deny coverage. If other countries are presently doing it differently I don't know specifics.

I didn't realize that conquering the world was a leftist idea. Alexander the Great was doing it for progressiveness I guess. World peace isn't leftist either. I figure your enlightened despot ideas sounds about right from its name. I don't dabble in left and right distinction myself, but I was looking at it from a modern-day leftism angle. I figure you're also injecting your personal politics when you're trying to interpret Lelouch's actions.

Also be polite you fuckin' peasant.

You just went full retard, man. Major reform of society doesn't mean that it has to come from the left. There's right-wing progressivism too, as seen in the nationalist revolutions of 1848 for example.

Aristocrats survived Napoleon by taking refuge in the new world, but then came Lelouch and they had nowhere to run anymore.

Jokes apart Lelouch's agenda is really not much different from Napoleon's, just much larger in scope.

While Napoleon aimed to unify Europe while ridding it of all forms of aristocracy, Lelouch tried and was successful in doing it with the whole world.

They both were pretty despotic and prone to war. They both were excellent military leaders (though Lelouch was a better strategist, but he also had superpowers).

But Napoleon isn't considered a leftist and neither should Lelouch, unless I'm missing something else that he did.

jesus he is pushing this alt-right meme counter-culture thing pretty hard

I knew Sup Forums would find a way to run this shit into the ground. It's as bad as Sup Forums for when there isn't even any new news it'll just keep remaking the same threads to rehash the same shit. I'll never get it, like if there's going to be constant generals and rehash threads why have a bump limit?

Been a long fucking time since Newtype didn't just feel like exclusively Aniplex and Kadokawa shilling shit for shut in otaku. Anime scene really needs some kind of reboot from all that, maybe Code Geass can help a bit, I mean Your Name finally got regular Japanese people talking about anime for the first time in a while.

Why would Sup Forums ever know about anything that isn't directly related to it's shitposting regimens. Most of Sup Forums doesn't even seem to watch anime anymore, they just react to shit they hear from OPs

Seems like you missed the e-celeb board
Stay there fag

Seems like you missed your website

You seem a little new so i'll do it for you
Learn how to use a website before posting on it next time

Great job.
But then again, you must be used to see it.

Literally /ourgay/

Literal 3DPD now?
>But Napoleon isn't considered a leftist
For today's standard and compared to what the Republic did before yes, compared to the rest of Europe he kinda is, definitely enabled future left movements to gain popularity.

you do realize left/right is mostly a distinction between politics on economy, right?

>compared to what the Republic did before yes

The republic was communistic as fuck just before Napoleon what the hell are you talking about?

Don't engage Sup Forums fucktards user. Just ignore them. Engage with shit and you'll just end up with shit on your hands.

Code Geass is as redpilled as anime gets