He still thinks that is fun to be mean to jewish people on internet

>he still thinks that is fun to be mean to jewish people on internet

Other urls found in this thread:


>he still thinks Communism Works

>He thinks Jews don't deserve everything they are getting.

>he still thinks its cool to preach an obsolete ideology hiding behind a meme flag on a mongolian basket weaving board

>le communism dont work meem

not even an argument and its getting old


What about socialism?

>He still thinks Communism isn't Jewish.
How cute

give me one reason to work hard in a Communist society
And i'm not a NEET btw

>they dont even know the definitions of communism and socialism

is it the joke of Sup Forums even funny?

I'm glad we are learning to understanding the "definitions" which surely aren't arbitrary or volatile this time around. Why couldn't those silly Russians get it right the first time!!!!

every socialist state implemented is valid except the pol pot one (funded by qwen of england).

True communism (as defined by Marx himself in his own writings) is literally impossible on a societal level. You cannot eliminate wealth surplus, division of labor, and biological difference voluntarily. It has to be done through state power (yes I'm counting communalism as a state, because if it is organized and can punish people for certain actions or behaviors then whats the fucking difference), which directly goes against one of Marx's core principles (anarchism). This means that communism is impossible and socialism is the closest thing you can get.
Voluntary communism (eg. a bunch of hippies getting together to live out in the woods) is possible in the short term, but societal capital (eg. one of the male food-growers finds one girl attractive and not another, therefore he shares more food with her to win her favour) will always still exist because its human nature.

it doesn't and it kills

>he thinks that im going to follow orders from a guy in a suit that says that le communism is bad

you think that i havent read marx?

you are so stupid, god

and the human nature argument? hahaha
its not like im studying philosophy in college, fag.

Great argument
>hurr my philosophy teacher said so
Is your philosophy teacher a Marxist? I suspect so, if he tells you that humans aren't motivated by self-interest.
Also you clearly haven't read Marx if you disagree with the definition that I have given.

Please tell us who you are in an anonymous internet image forum. Get thrown in a Gulag and shot in the head.

theres not such a thing like human nature, the human is going to behave according with his surroundings

Jews aren't human though...

You seriously believe that? How fucking indoctrinated are you? You realize there's this thing called biology right? Our brain still has many of the base instincts that urge us towards certain behaviors. Its not deterministic to say that, and if anything, your the one who's being deterministic by saying that humans have no input and are a blank slate to their surroundings.