I did this test for my love, Hitagi.
You should do it too, /user/. For yourself and for you're waifu.
Test yourself
>You are suffering from Borderline Clinical Depression
What did they mean by this?
You are suffering from Severe Depression
ah, yes
>You are suffering from Severe Depression
that was easy
Borderline Clinical Depression.
The test is just as wishy washy as I am.
The hell is this? Only one option is positive in all questions. It's black and white.
>You are suffering from Severe Depression
Ah shit nigga
It's just a tool for psychiatrists, not an actual diagnosis.
Turns out I'm not depressed, I'm just ugly.
>These ups and downs are considered normal
This must be the power of deep meditation, not bad.
>You are suffering from Borderline Clinical Depression
at least I have monkey butt to cheer me up
I expected nothing less.
If you don't get at least severe depression, I don't know what you're even doing here.
>only borderline
I can live with that
>You are suffering from Mild Mood Disturbance
Well time to kill myself.
Oh boy. Crabfags starting another excellent and on-topic thread.
This is why waifus are important
>answer a question
>look back on my life
>feel myself crumbling more and wanting to cry
Not like this, OP. Not like this
>You are suffering from Severe Depression
Well duh, else I wouldn't even be here
user why are you so angry? He's just trying to help. You should test yourself, that reaction is not normal.
At least you're too sad to kill yourself, there's hope in that
So when are you planning to kill yourself?
>Moderate depression
As long as I can keep waking up, I think my waifu will be happy, and in turn, so will I.
>implying I've ever cared about this shitty activity
>lol I'm gonna click all the worst options and post on Sup Forums for Yous haha
Kill yourself.
Guess you'll have to kill yourself twice.
That's actually pretty good. The lack of "kinda/just a bit" means that you can't lie to yourself about it.
>These ups and downs are considered normal.
What do I do next ?
>You are suffering from Mild Mood Disturbance
had severe depression before but i've gotten better
You are suffering from Borderline Clinical Depression
Well the border is very far away but maybe
You might be if you're not bullshitting
>These ups and downs are considered normal.
Weird, when everyone else is getting severe depression. I guess it's thanks to my narcissism,
>You are suffering from Moderate Depression
I'm not as deep as I should because of mom. Once she's gone I'm done with this world Sup Forums. I hope you'll understand when the time comes.
"These ups and downs are considered normal"
Get bent, cryfags.
Get out of here and be a normalfag elsewhere
Just start lifting, my dude.
I'm apparently severely depressed.
Not sure if it's from me being a friendless repulsive loser or because my dearest daddy killed himself a few years back but it's not surprising honestly.
But I don't want to hang out with the normalfags, how do I make my depression worse?
I just stopped giving shit about life since we are all going to die in the end anyways.
/fit/ here I'm Can confirm lifting made me more happy in general.
Or you know you could say it "lifted" my spirits.
>extreme depression
>You are suffering from Extreme Depression
I got this and I clicked the "very good" options in the sleep and eating related questions
You can be a lazy fat fuck and still be depressed.
27 kvh neet checkmate
>moderate depression
I thought I had depression, but I couldn't relate to anything in that test except for absolute emotional numbness and no motivation to do anything. Does that mean I have something else?
Go see a doctor, get medication, start becoming more healthy, get a job, and you're going to be happy again.
Then you can shitpost on Sup Forums and pretend to be a dumb loser too. You'll blend in even better because you really were a dumb loser once.
10/10 post
>get a job
>These ups and downs are normal
Well I answered only the first and occasionally the second option for all of them. Haha you guys are faggots
Shit advice.
Killing myself at the end of the game feels like a better alternative, doc.
>You are suffering from Moderate Depression
Somebody will eventually come and light my life up enough for me to care, r-right?
>You are suffering from Mild Mood Disturbance
Why are you guys even here if you don`t feel happy about living a life of watching anime and reading porn?
Maybe you should try doing something else.
If you won't do it for her, then who will you do it for?
>You are suffering from Extreme Depression
Like I give a fuck
>Moderate Depression
I'm not even shocked, so be it. I will keep up my facade for however long it will be then I will snap.
The only one who can make you happy is yourself.
>You are suffering from Mild Mood Disturbance
I completely lost my sex drive and stopped giving a fuck and that actually keeps me from being depressed.
>borderline clinical depression
Too bad it doesn't show my sometimes crippling anxiety
Senjōgahara is love
Why even take the test, we all know everyone here is depressed
Do I have to remind you that real life isn't at all like anime, user?
>being fat and horny means you're not depressed
>Go see a doctor
How about you go fuck yourself? Psychotherapy is a fucking joke.
I'm planning to kill myself after I achieve my wizard status and you can't do anything about it.
>Moderate depression
could be worse i suppose
>Go see a doctor, get medication
FUCK YOU. I fucking tried this shit. Fucking would've jumped off a bridge but here I was trying to get to a fucking doctor. First I had to go through my college health services for a referral because my insurance is retarded like that, then I had to call like five different doctors on the list they gave me, then the first one on the list to actually pick up is the one I go to, and what do I fucking get there? Some fucking idiot asks me the same fucking questionnaire of the same fucking questions "Do you want to kill yourself?" "No, really, do you want to kill yourself?" "Are you SURE you don't want to kill yourself?" Doesn't give me any fucking advice, tells me to go to some other doctor. Then these fuckers refuse to take my referral, so I get hit with a $100 bill by my insurance for talking to an old guy in a lab coat for 3 minutes. So now I have to fucking contest this shit and at this point not wanting to be fucked in the ass by the medical system is what's fucking keeping me alive.
Fuck you, Anonymous, you brought me down to blogging.
Jokes on you I'm already diagnosed by a doctor.
Go to a professional. A single test isnt enough.
tfw have to pay money to somebody just to pretend to be my friend for an hour a week and listen to my problems
>These ups and downs are considered normal.
Well fuck, time to kill myself
I am your friend, user.
Who else /DiagnosedByDoctorButStoppedTakingTheMedication/ here?
I wish I was surprised at this point. I'll hang myself soon enough. I can't even play drums anymore.
Your welcome.
If you have money, anyone can be your friend, user.
You should get into an abusive relationship when your partner is a fucking asshole/bitch and then dump them. You'll feel better than ever after doing so.
take recreational drugs like heroin and meth.
take up alcohol and smoking.
cut all ties with the outside world, quit your job and stop going to school.
>go to mental hospital
>really just want to get the fuck out
>lie through my teeth on every questionnaire, try to appear as normal as possible
>just do what everyone says and act normal
>still somehow get diagnosed with depression and wind up on meds, which I quit taking after two months
I wonder how bad its gotten
>implying any of us would have the will power to dump an abusive partner
Where do you think you are?
>get into a relationship
If I could do just this one part, I wouldn't need to be here.
I don't even give a shit about anything, but that's apparently completely normal.
You thought you were acting normal but weren't. Doctors can smell fear.
It took time but it worked for me.
Yep, should be taking 60mg prozac and keep getting more because I'm lying to my shirk.
What you at?
Some of my answers were a bit on the optimistic side.
I got "extreme".
If you can't even manage to live in a socialist country that pays psychiatrists for you, then obviously you just are a failure.