What did Sup Forums think of D-Frag? I don't watch much comedy anime but I thought it was nice, enough for me to give the manga a go. Chitose is best girl, but Sakura's 24/7 smug was great too.
What did Sup Forums think of D-Frag? I don't watch much comedy anime but I thought it was nice...
Roka is best girl in my opinion. The show had some great moments and her little antics were my favorites.
>No roka doujins ever
Why even live
The manga is definitely great.
I liked it. Takao best girl, also translations never.
takao best girl
what is your element?
Honestly all of the girls were great, I had a hard time choosing.
Is there any chance for S2?
Manga tl still dead
Tama-chan best girl
Agree with everything.
>wanting to defile this flat-chested, waistless little stump
What happened with the translations? This was big on Sup Forums until anime happened and unlike AgK or other manga killers, it was okay. Other than taking time from Water I can't remember they doing anything horrible.
But the hype suddenly ceased.
I think the biggest hurdle for a second season is simply the fact that the manga is a monthly release.
Dandy element
best girl
It's alright. Read the manga.
The only thing I can understand from the RAW's is that it Takao and Kazuma are getting closer. Other than that, same ole same ole
>Not Sakura and Kazuma
Disappointing. Incest end slipping further and further away.
A damn shame.
So does anyone know why this series is monthly? Each chapter is only about 12 pages long. How does the author make his living?
Darkness is the best and strongest.
He has that demon lord series too.
>Chitose is best girl
No, Chitose is not the best girl. You even mention the best girl in the very next sentence. That's not how to start a thread.
I'm just a sucker for the carefree, borderline-delinquent type student presidents. They kept Sakura in the background too much.
Sakura is so much better in the manga, makes you wonder why they cut out everything about her and focused on Takao.
What's her end game?
Crashing this series with no survivors. But making sure everyone is hydrated first.
Sup Forums doesn't do the translations. And the translators are slow. Each month's raws have been posted here on Sup Forums though.
I'm pretty sure the official translations are on the verge of passing the fan translations though.
this thread needs more tama-chan-senpai
Because boobs.
That's a weird comment to make. I mean, yeah, the anime absolutely cut out most of Water's scenes, though they eventually added the race as an OVA. But it didn't really give Takao any additional focus. It even cut out some of her scenes, including where she actually starts to fall for Kazuma, confusing some animeonlyfags.
The anime did add several Roka scenes though.
Imoutos > oppai slut
Im partial to the imouto element (Ice) but all the girls are great except taco
What are the raws up to?
Ch. 85 or 86
Thanks for reminder how great background characters are in this one.
>we will never see this, the adventure island or Kazuma VS Roka animated
I don't want to live anymore, D-Frag is one of my favorite anime/manga. It hurts.
Becoming Kazuma's legitimate imouto.
last month was ch 88.
How many manga chapters did the anime covered? please spoonfeed me.
He doesn't deserve such a lovely kouhai.
36 iirc. It skipped some here and there though. The OVA covered a few of those, but not all.
any other taka- or chitose is fine also
How does she hope to accomplish that?
Water got so fucked in the anime, fuck.
By exchanging bodily fluids/water, hopefully.
Silly Roka, that will only strengthen her confidence!
Best girl.
I wish there were more doujins of titcow
I want to protect this smile.
what's the d-frag this season? I need a fun anime to watch.
you think sleepy teacher has a killer bod?
She certainly has a killer rod.