>23.3% of Sweden is African/Middle Eastern
23.3% of Sweden is African/Middle Eastern
Other urls found in this thread:
Nope, half of that are Germans, Norwegians, Finns and Danes.
Yeah maybe 5 years ago
more like 50% we are pic related
63% of all youth
(((and it's beautiful!)))
Nobody knows the true numbers, because that would be rayciss.
I would say around 30-40%
elect someone to kick them out
That's because you're a deluded Nazi trying to justify being retarded
hang yourself cuck
Seriöst though har inget emot invandring men 23.3% whew
Känner kristna invandrare som röstar på SD
What's your source
I don't get it. Why are other countries as retarded as we are?
Sweden didn't lose two world wars and had no denazification or shit like that.
Same with England and France. What happened? You guys just became massive pussies and hand your countries to shitskins like that?
I don't mind immigration either, I want Swedes to go extinct in Sweden.
Sweden still exists? Didn't they commit national suicide already?
The Jews.
Hope your closest gets raped.
Nice source, cuck
Takes a while when they have to use grenades instead of fully-American America rifles.
Won't happen lol, too strong. All the weak people will die off though, good riddance.
Why? Just trolling? Are you an invandrer?
What a pathetic dead.
Yeah but how could the old people and especially the men let it come to this?
Most of our men were dead after the war but in England? France?
They just watched while their countries cucked out or what?
Progressive thought.
This hasn't been a wilful concession. It's a cult mindset at this point.
Russia didn't have anything to be ashamed of neither pre-USSR.
And it descended into chaos where the public no longer dared to speak. It can happen there, it can happen in Germany, it can happen in Britain and it can happen everywhere.
If we don't defeat it - this way of thinking is what's going to bring about the next age of darkness
Just now on live tv in Belgium.
The funny thing is what the news anchor says at 0:26 in the video: "If they see the camera it only generates aggression"
Why do some people need scientific proof that blacks are low iq aggressive apes when they casually make statements like this lol.
What is your hypothesis why the NW European countries are so cuckish, that these are just normal reactions to this?
>If we don't defeat it - this way of thinking is what's going to bring about the next age of darkness
That's actually true. The demons or the vampires or whatever you want to call them can't come in to your house uninvited. The trick is always to get people to think there's no harm in inviting them in.
Tänker ni med röven eller? Källa på dem numren
I feel the same way. Germans had no chance against the brainwashing but the rest of us were just weak.
we don't consider them swedes because they are not swedes that is the difference whereas americans considers based shitskins americans, we are fighting to get rid of them and americans are fighting to keep them
100% humans.
Well it's not like there's the thing called EU or anything
That is why we voted for a guy that threatens to ban Muslims, build a wall, and deport the refugees and illegals?
Your government does. Doesn't matter what you think.
uhh what lol
Your government is doing everything they can to keep them there.
Jesus Sweden, put on the braaaaaaakes!
Or you'll be like us.
pic related needs to come back, they would've dealt with the muslims a long time ago
Decades of an almost pointless existence for western nation and a hand full of pointless wars along with a decade of totally pointless existence.
People want a monster to slay a challenge to conquer.
>attempting to exist at one point in time
>The crusades
>the new world
>the napolonic wars
>the Soviet Union
>what do we have to conquer?
The only challenge we have been told is left it to destroy what the media and (they) tell us is our monster. Ourselves and our nations. our race is evil our culture is evil our nations a blight to the world and we have to give it all over to the better races to make it better they tell us . And the weak minded who can't see the monster telling them this shake there head in agreement smile and go right along with it. A lot of these idiots want to be heros and great conquers they want to destroy the evil monster....problem is they think that monster is western civilization and white people
Bohlwinkel? Not Rastapopoulous? Jeez, uncannily similar.
Vrf är du som du är? Är du invandrare? Undrar genuint desu
Inget fel med det men undrar hur folk som inte anser att invandringen är ett problem tänker
Vrf tycker du det är OK att inte ha något Sverige? Ie. ett land för svenskar?
This map makes sense now
FYI invandring är inte fel, den är bara på fucking tok för hög och har varit det på tok för fucking länge. 10M swedes on this planet, and 23.3% of our own fucking nation consists of immigrants. AND WE ARE INVITING MORE.
Our demographics are declining and theirs is increasing at record numbers. Why the fuck are our leaders suiciding us and why aren't people angry at it
Hej, do u have a source ? Cuz i want to send this to a completely bluepilled friend of mine, who doesnt understand why i dont wanna go to Swedistan at this point, even for Holidays, out of disgust.
... says another mentally ill selfhating libcuck.
När i helvete sa jag att det är ok att inte ha något Sverige? Jag vill ha ett rasrent Sverige och inget annat. Undrade bara vart i helvete ni tog siffrorna ifrån då 23% afrikaner/muslimer inte stämmer. Nog för att 1% är 1% för mycket.
Läs ordentligt innan du slänger ur dig sånt skit.
The problem in Sweden is that the government decided to stop releasing data about crime statistics with ethnicity in them. The reason behind this being that ethnicity is irrelevant because this isn't useful when trying to look at reasons to explain the statistics. They refrain from using ethnicity as a factor and say they fear it'll be used to justify racism.
That being said let me give you some statistics from Statistika Centralbyrån (SCB) that will allow you to calculate the percentage of Sweden's population are "shitskins & niggers" or whatever you want to call them.
Here is a summary of the statistics about the demographics of our population:
Based on the data:
In Sweden, the population is:
...72% ethnically Swedish...
...76-78% Swedish with two Swedish parents or one white parent born outside of Sweden
...79% half-Swedish
...80% Scandinavians
...83% Northern European
...85% Western
...87% European
...90% of white European
>Jag vill ha ett rasrent Sverige och inget annat.
Vrf är alla sådana horungar
Vrf kan du inte bara vara normal? Vad för fel är det på en neger i samhället? Problemet är inte att vi inte är rasrena, problemet är att svenskar inte är starka och dominanta i samhället. En neger ska inte VILJA bo här. Vi ska inte behöva tvinga bort han, han ska känna sig som en förlorare. Samma anledning en neger inte flyttar och bor i Ryssland. Inte för att de kommer få sparken ut, men att de hade känt sig som nollor och går hellre till samhällen som är svaga och "toleranta"
Vi bör ha invandrare i våra samhällen, men inte för många. Vi bör va toleranta, men inte mot idioti. Europa har alltid varit invandrar vänligt, vare sig tyskar till sverige eller fransoser till tyskland.
Fattar inte vrf vi måste antingen bli erövrade och utrotade eller 100% rasrena
Hor värld.
Here is a spreadsheet from SCB with immigration year, country of origin and the amount of immigrants:
Type goo dot gl /4TZV6A to access the spreadsheet.
I'm sure the census bureau is as trustworthy as the DOJ, or your local police forces.
Can't trust cucks.
Go back to where ever you came from Leaf. I'm not going to listen to some retard on Sup Forums about how government agencies lie about statistics or how science is a jewish lie.
Please explain why you let in a single muslim.
I know why my cucked ass Jew ridden government did it but why did yours?
According to official statistics about 54% of citizens have two swedish parents.
>I'm not going to listen to some retard on Sup Forums about how government agencies lie about statistics or how science is a jewish lie.
Police chief openly tells you they lie and skew facts to paint a brighter picture of reality
If you trust migrationsverket's numbers you are a retard. They are underreporting things, not including uncodumented migrants (record numbers post open borders in 2005(?))
all those romanian gypsies you see sleeping on the streets in sweden today are allllll undocumented. there are thousands of them in even the smallest of cities.
In stockholm there is one in every corner and maybe 200 of them in the download park at any given time. in göteborg it's the same. in malmö it's probably on steroids. i even saw some in fucking växsjö. Who the fuck professionally asks for money in växsjö.
the numbers are not what you think they are and it's people like you who refuse to take the problem seriously because migrationsverket.
There is literally nothing wrong about it my white brother.
>23.3% of Sweden is African/Middle Eastern
Holy fucking shit. Is that number real? I was in Sweden and Denmark 10 years ago, and everyone was white.
Because goverment officials weren't racist I pressume? Sweden has always prided itself on doing what is morally right. Hence why we've had the most generous asylum program pre-Syrian crisis.
That being said, the issue isn't whether or we should permit muslims to live in Sweden. The issue is when a minority becomes a big minority and how they're integrated into society. Pressuming you're not biggotted and actually racist - the underlying issue is with how Sweden's non-European population was was integrated into society. Not this can't said for all immigrants of course. We had a work-deficit in the 70 & 80's so there was a lot of immigrants coming and actually working, being Swedes and what not. The issue started when Sweden started being too generous and importing way too many immigrants. By doing so effectively ruining any chance of proper integration. Instead what happened was you got these enclaves of immigrants. These are the places you now know as "no-go zones". High-density of immigrants, very violent and very poor.
I refer you to my post;
Sweden is still white, but parts of Sweden aren't such as Stockholm or Gothernburg. Essentially the most populated cities are the cities with the biggest immigration population. Don't go there.
Islam isn't a race. It's a savage ultraconservative political ideology.
You brought in people who harbour violent, savage beliefs.
>Rasrent Sverige i år 2017
Man måste vara riktigt hjärndöd om man tror att ett det går att ha ett en population av 99% etniskt svenskar och ha ett fungerade samhälle.
Space is literally not conquered and will never be. It is an eternity of exploration and conquest but we pretty much stopped even thinking about it the moment the USSR collapsed.
Fin svenska Mehmed
youth is what matters. All immigrant % of total population quotes are jew propaganda. sub 40 population percentage is all what matters to determine how cucked your nation is.
>I don't get it. Why are other countries as retarded as we are?
Because they live in caesaristic types of states. They're raised to be passive when it comes to interest in politics, to be mindlessly observant of authority, they think the state will do everything for them and nowadays they believe in social contract, which is a notion that the history and political orders have been settled, no dangers and challenges await you in life, you can be blind and deaf, just eat, drink, watch tv and maximize bodily pleasures
Swedes aren't raised to be heroic, truth telling, courageous, moderate, vigilant, serious. Swedes are only moderate when it comes to personal relations, but as soon as politics or any kind of authority appears, they're mindless just like Russians, no control of emotion here
This is the case of all of Western Europe. You willingly became unconditionally obedient to any authority. It might have worked for a long time, but now the time has come when vigilance, which you lack, was especially needed
No, space is conquered when Space Travel is so easy and cheap that Hillbillies have a functioning Space Vessel rusting on their Lawn.
Svenskar är inte en ras. Nordisk/Germanisk är dock. (Nordid)
Klart invandring ska kunna finnas men bara inom vår egna etniska grupp. En neger är en neger för mycket.
>Man måste vara riktigt hjärndöd om man tror att ett det går att ha ett en population av 99% etniskt svenskar och ha ett fungerade samhälle.
Har fungerat förr. Vad dillar du om?
Yes Islam isn't a race - but the stereotypical view of Islam is largely that they are Arabic. This is the semantics of the word "Islam" in the vocabulary of your average right-wing.
That being said, implying that Muslims have a homogenous opinion of Islam is demonstratbly false. There are many different sects, many different islamic scholars that will interpret the Quran differently for you. That being said, western muslims do not uphold the same belief as Middle Eastern muslims.
What if you enjoy being raped by immigrants?
>FYI invandring är inte fel, den är bara på fucking tok för hög och har varit det på tok för fucking länge
It will only stop if you start a uproar and kill your traitors and their lapdogs (the immigrants) on mass.
It's like that in some of my favorite animes, so chances are it will be conquered within the next 10 years. I've been thinking Trump will make anime real sometime close to when he gets re-elected.
Ja du... olikt dig så gick jag ut gymnasiet. Hur känns det att vara arg varje dag när du ser att "ditt" lands demografi förändras?
And nothing of value was lost.
MENAs will be hanged with their swedish slaves
Your link mentions only citizenship, not ethnicity.
>i-it's not that bad! S-sweden isn't cucked and Sweden is 99% white!
Good goy, you are not being replaced. No need to worry about anything.
>tfw american
I will tell you our third generation Turks are not integrated and are more religious than ever. So you know fuck your civic nationalism.
What are you even talking about that was true 50 years ago for your country and that is to this day true for japan.
Kolla på mina kommentarer dumma aphjärna
Vad är det du inte förstår med ordet "etniskt-svensk"? Det är relativt enkelt att förstå, jag ska förklara för dig vad det betyder.
Etnicitet är en kategorisering av människor baserat på deras uppfattning om ett gemensamt kulturarv och om sina anfäders gemensamma historia som särskiljer dem från andra grupper. Etnisk-svensk innebär alltså en person som delar kulturellarv och gemensam historia. Kvalificerar detta inte som svensk nog för dig?
>Man måste vara riktigt hjärndöd om man tror att ett det går att ha ett en population av 99% etniskt svenskar och ha ett fungerade samhälle.
Har fungerat förr. Vad dillar du om?
Kan du demonstrera ett land som har växande ekonomi, antal födslar med genomsnitt på 2.0 eller högre, en population vars median ålder inte överstiger 35 och en glad population?
Yeah and that is why our countries are gone. This shitskins and niggers are all under 40.
No, none of those are true today for any Scandinavian country or Japan.
>Thinking I care about your anecdotal experiences
Okay Hans... You got me!
"It's not that bad" 1/4 of the women population is then raped. Which means the results increased by 500%
The most populous Islamic country is Indonesia. Race is irrelevant to this discussion and you can drop that now. It's a strawman and I didn't mention it once.
Islam is a savage ideology regardless of race due to the Hadiths and the word of the child rapist Mohammad. Muslims have no place in civilized society and this is not debatable.
>Vad är det du inte förstår med ordet "etniskt-svensk"? Det är relativt enkelt att förstå, jag ska förklara för dig vad det betyder.
Det var du som drog upp det när jag sa rasrent. Du pratar om 99% etniskt svenska när jag pratar om rasrent vilket kan t.ex: vara 90% Etniskt Svenska 10% andra germanska folk. Är det så svårt att lista ut?
>Kan du demonstrera ett land som har växande ekonomi, antal födslar med genomsnitt på 2.0 eller högre, en population vars median ålder inte överstiger 35 och en glad population?
Sverige på 40-60-talet
How long until its Israel?
Documentaries exposing zionism
CBS 60 Minutes Exposing Israeli Apartheid
Israeli settlements, explained
The Zionist Story. (Full Documentary)
Israel Lobby
The Israel Lobby's Impact on America
Documentary on Israel / Palestine - Occupation
The Pain Doesn't Go Away - Rachel Corrie's Parents on RAI (1/3)
War By Deception (9/11, Iraq, PNAC , All Roads Lead To Israel) {Full Film}
Literally nothing wrong.
Sweden is the capital of degeneracy in the world, I don't see how having people with traditional values can hurt...
>I don't see how having people with traditional values can hurt...
Or people with culture.
Cops are also having a bad time in Sweden after immigrants started comming in. Cops are not able to be in certain areas now without the worry of being killed.
>Sweden has always prided itself on doing what is morally right.
Not true and this morally righteousness will be our downfall.
I guess what goes up must come down
Reminder that as long as Sweden has a socialist government, they will NEVER be able to bite back at the hand that feeds them.
It is the fate you chose.
stop lying to yourself
Again, I specifically said you didn't mention any race. That being said, I disagree with the semantics of the word Islam. Your interpretation is very different from many others, even though you're right about Islam being a religion.
I disagree about Islam being an ideology. I would debate you but i'd rather debate with a fellow Swede first.
ask a portugaltard who lived in gothenburg for 7 months anything.
>super expensive
>people are comically bluepilled
>can never even show 5% of my powerlevel
he's right you know
>t. Mr. Not knowing anything about why Sweden decided to import non-European immigrants but still attempt to make a post explaining how to solve things
>every religion is an ideology but Islam is special