Just started this show, is it any good? What can I expect?
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>Just started this show, is it any good?
>What can I expect?
Care to elaborate? I'm only 5 minutes into the first episode
Why the fuck do you waste your time with TV?
Well, on the other hand, while I do read some interesting stuff and was directed to interesting books this site is a waste of time, too. Good night, lads.
I work all day, I feel like I deserve to watch a little TV, sue me.
Read the book instead.
Kempatai Chief is the true hero of the show. Dont ever doubt him.
I just might do that, I didn't know there was a book
its actually not that bad, its not NEARLY as filled with jew propaganda as you would expect. A lot of the scenes seemed like redpills to me even if the creators didn't intend it to be. The aesthetic of the setting in the alternate America is stunning, theres a strong sense of community, crime rates incredibly low, and good ol eugenics is in place. Enjoy!
Ubergruppenfuhrer Smith is unironically the good guy.
i was surprised amazon produced it, really portraied nazis in a positive light in my opinion, dont know if accurat.
The women is anoying as fuck, and the asthetics are nice. Can watch
I was hoping it wasn't just a piece of propaganda, that's a relief lol
Some lies. The national socialists didn't murder everyone that had some imperfections to them. They also didn't murder fucking kids that were like 1/8 Jewish and the rest aryan which happens in the show.
im sure some things will come off as such to you depending on the fervor of your beliefs, but I honestly think its at least a half decent portrayal at this alternate history scenario. Just take it for what it is, enjoy the good production, and soak it up.
good aesthestic tho
Im a firm believer that Nazi Germany wasn't the monster they want you to believe it was, so hopefully I do pick up on the redpills.
Yup, it's by Philip K Dick. He also wrote the stories that Blade Runner and Total Recall are based on.
IIRC, the kid had a severe degenerative disease and euthanasia was prescribed to avoid unnecessary hardship under the law.
i might be wrong, its been a year or so since I watched it.
It's boring as fuck, to be honest.
The TV show has Ubergruppenfuhrer Smith, who is more interesting.
I'm not talking about the kid, early in some episode the undercover nazi finds some truck driver and beside them is a whole 'burning all the defected people' at some hospital.
It's a great show, but the second season is way better than the first.
The first season basically rearranges the events of the novel, but it's actually hindered by its faithfulness to the book desu.
The second season is where it really takes off, mainly because it breaks from the novel completely, so the writers obviously had fun with their creative freedom.
Note that it's very clearly anti-Nazi.
Yeah, the second second is really great.
Having read the book and found its ending to be dull, I was glad that the writers seem to have decided to explore the world more and not just stick to the book.
It's one of those things like Look Who's Back and They Live where a bunch of bluepilled Jews accidentally make redpilled masterpieces
They show nazis smoking even though they considered it to be degenerate. So the show is not exactly accurate in Nazi views but it depicts the world they wanted to build.
It shows the Nazis as having progressed the world in the 60's in terms of technology such as Rocket planes and hydroelectric dams in the Mediterranean.
It's definitely worth a watch but just skip over the Social Justice BS.
Why is this getting asked everyday here lately?
First season was boring as fuck
Second was so fucking good
I've never seen a show with more unlikable, downright hate-able characters, and they get worse as the show goes on. John (the Nazi dad) is the only character I could stand.
And I don't know why everybody ITT is saying the 2nd season is better, I thought it was worse, I struggled to even finish it. Probably won't even watch season 3.
Story is shit basically muh ebil natsee won the war
worth watching for few really aesthetic scenes tho
How is the book? How does it portray the nartzees? Might pick it up.