Tipping should be required by law

>pic related

If you don't tip your waiter, there's a special place in hell for you.

I only tip non corporate workers

If you don't pay your employees a proper living wage, there's a special place in hell for you.

>my job requires me to do my job
>this means the customer should pay me directly

Wow, you must really hate niggers if you think that.

Fuck you. They took the job, no one forced them.

ps: fuck donald trump and white white people, america was never great, it was Her turn, i'm feeling the bern.

>you make less then minimum wage...

Isn't the minimum wage $8.50?

canadians are notoriously poor tippers. cheap fucks

>less than minimum wage
I assume they live in NY or something? Minimum wage where I live is still $7.25/h

As a waiter, I dont understand this mentality. Why shame Strangers into subsidizing your unfair working conditions?

Is there any group more whiny and entitled than plate jockeys?

>my employer pays me under the minimun wage
>this is now the customers problem

Get fucked

>Hey, we aren't paid enough to do this work for reasons, what should we do?
>Should we demand that our employers pay us more over threat of strike, like all other industries have done since the concept of being paid for a job began?
>Should we lobby for a raise of our wages?
>Nah, that's too much effort, lets just guilt it out of the customers

Fuck right off you leeches.

I don't give a shit. Most restaurant shit sucks ass.
I only go to those shitholes if someone else is paying. I can't remember the last time a waitress got the order right, got my water in a respectable amount of time or wasn't a total dunce. I'd get my food and water myself if I could.

Fuck you.

niggers are the worst tippers

t. every food service employee ever

Why do they assume all servers are women?

The funniest part is servers don't even want minimum wage. As much as they bitch and moan, they earn way more with the tipping system than they would otherwise.

The "plz tip your server" meme is just to guilt people into tipping more.

"i think i deserve more than minimum wage for working in a restaurant just because i'm white"

the mexicans in back work 10 times as hard as any ungrateful sjw bitch taking orders and clearing plates.

give the bare minimum not to get internet shamed and/or cockblocked (if on a date)

It shouldn’t. I worked as a server for Michelin star resturants and they make good wages without tips. With RIPA you see people earning 80-100k per year. The mom and pops shops where they give them 3 bucks an hour plus tips is stupid. Most of it is because they spend too much money on having a enormous menu instead of just having a small menu with good quality items. It’s stupidity and I shouldn’t have to front the costs of their retardation

>$9.90 an hour before tips

>waiting on 25 tables at once as described in OP and assuming mediocre to average service (call it an average 7% tip) and a mid-range restaurant (average $40 tab for two)

>comes out to $2.80 per table in tips which is arguably on the low end, times 25 tables = $70

>$70 in tips for maybe two hours of dining service + $19.80 in base wage for that time

>this bitch is probably making around $45 per hour if not more waitressing and has the fucking nerve to complain about it


I respect someone going out of their way to provide excellent service, especially during peak hours and I'll tip accordingly. But I'm not opening up my wallet for shitty service and fuck this bitch for crying over it.

>he doesn’t tip the white waitstaff more

Smh desu senpai

You can excatly see, how this person is just stupid and likley too stupid for her Job. She doesn't even get the point of tiping.

You know that tipping is the problem? Nobody tips, and owners are eventually forced to pay their workers proper salaries. Yes, few businesses close, but you introduce better and healthier economy in the long run.

Not gonna lie, tipping grows on me every time I visit the USA. It encourages good service and punished poor employees. It is literally handing over performance management to your customers and giving them control.

I see nothing wrong with it.

go to better restaurants then. don't be surprised when you get consistently shitty service when you compensate your server poorly.

At the higher end establishments I frequent I regularly tip +25%. Servers literally argue over who gets to wait on me, and my service is always exceptional because they know they're going to be compensated for it. Stop being so fucking cheap, leaf

As a server, I like making tips. It makes me want to work harder and give the customer the best possible experience, brighten up their day. Then again, you can tell if a person is going to tip well from the first few interactions you have with them. If they're young, probably won't tip well. Drunk [and female, older] will tip well.

If we just got a flat rate (I don't know, $15/hr) I would not want to work any harder than what I think $15/hr is worth. Besides, for a 6 hour shift this past Friday, I made $133 in tips plus min wage so basically ~$200. 6 x $15 is $90 which is a fucking joke

25 customers, not tables, dipshit.

no restaurant that actually hopes to stay in business will give a single server more than maybe 6 tables, tops.

good restaurants, it'll be 4 per section.

By the way I pool tips too, I would hate to work in an environment where I am competing with fellow servers..

Found the waiter

We know. We don't fucking care.

It's not our job to pay your fucking employees.

>not demanding a discount if the service was shit

Retard, the service comes before the tip. Retard, they're supposed to give me good service in order to earn a tip. Retard.

Servers also tend to make more money with tips if they do a decent job, compared to being stuck at $10/hr or whatever

I know a few bartenders and they can easily bring home $600 on a weekend shift.

>you can tell if a person is going to tip well from the first few interactions you have with them

Yea, you cunts need to stop that shit. You have no idea how I'm going to tip you. Your assumption of me being a poor tipper usually becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

they should complain to the employers for using loopholes to circumvent minimum wage rather than blaming the customers for refusing to subsidize their wages. I've been to Europe, they don't tip at all and everything is fine. the fact is that American businesses are too greedy to pay their wait staff. Muh food prices and muh profit margins are bullshit excuses because they don't need tips in Europe and their profit margins and food prices are fine.

Mandatory tipping will reduce the quality of work provided by waitstaff overall because there is no incentive to excel. Much like being forced to use the DMV means rude and lazy customer service. You can go fuck yourself.

I love how these leave out how the non-tippers are almost always single moms and/or niggers.

Just niggers and other welfare coons.

Cheap ass poverty leafs mad as fuck that niggers spit in their food every time they go out to eat across the border. Try covering up those ontario license plates next time you go out ;)

>Tripping should be required by law

I agree OP. Nothing better then some ego destruction with the bros

Work hard and they get rewarded, why is that a bad thing?

I feel like only cheap/poor people have anything to complain about and they cover it up with some nonsense argument about why they shouldn't have to because they basically just don't want to part with the cash.

They're just white niggers desu


That's racist against blacks and Jews

>omg i have to do all these things
It's called having a job

I always give great service, sometimes receiving no tip (one time from 3 bimbos, one said she was even a bartender..). It stings a little but it's not like my service immediately drops when I come up to your table and notice you're young or poor-looking. There's too many factors to take into account; what kind of day you had, if you have dispensable income, if you're with a date and trying to impress, if you're sober/drunk, if you liked me and my style, what you think is good service... better to just try and provide the best experience always.

>Tipping should be required by law
Why are you being racist against niggers, and misogynistic against single moms?

You've misunderstood the problem, nobody has a problem with tipping, the issue is the very uniquely american thing of tips being EXPECTED no matter the quality of service you received. It isn't an incentive, it's a disincentive, it's saying "No matter how well I work I deserve the same bonus from each customer".

Tipping everywhere else is a gift from the customer to the worker for excellent service, not an extra tax.

I don't think tipping should be required by law. I think that waiters and waitresses should be paid real wages. The tipping economy is just a way for employers to get away with paying their workers poorly.

Federal Minimum Wage. The current federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour

person is dumb as fuck.. u should not tip dumb people lol

Tips work as a great way to incentivize good service. Giving the customer control is great. The issue is that waiters and waitresses feel entitled to X% tips, regardless of whether they earned it or not. Their own perceived self value is above their actual market value and they are upset about it.

Tips used to be: "Damn that was good service, I'll throw in an extra 5% or a couple bucks as a thank you"

Now they feel entitled to it. "Wow, i can't believe those assholes only tipped me 5%". They should be thankful to be tipped at all. Filling up my water is part of their job, and if they want to be paid more than what their employer pays them, then they need to do more than their employer expects them to do.

Yup. Service jobs get half minimum wage + tips where I live.

How about: paying them a living wage should be required by law?

That is a nonsense. If the service is average to bad, you tip nothing as a way of voicing is your dislike of the service. But it is expected if you have a problem that you speak up as they may not be aware of it. This is where you limey fucks fall down because of your fear of confrontation and innate cheapness.

Maybe get a real fucking job.


Since when is anything they do hard? Oh my, I had to write on a piece of paper what you wanted, then bring it to you and fuck off for the rest of the night.

15% is too much. But that's what is expected in a restaurant, part of the deal for acceptable service.

I solve the whole problem by avoiding such restaurants, and the waitstaff gets 0 from me. Everyone's happy! At least I am, and I did nothing wrong.

You call everybody else poverty but you're the one begging, insulting, and threatening people for tips.

>Pay for product (food)
>Server is paid by employer to deliver my product
>Server threatens to destroy my product that I paid for if I don't pay him additional money on top of what his boss paid him to do his job

Also why would I eat across the border and inevitably encounter niggers and low-grade meat?

Sorry Ameribros I love visiting your comfy country but your meat products are disgusting and your "sugary" products don't have actual sugar in them.

>Defending poo's in the loo's.
The self entitlement on some waiters is astonishing.
If you really want to make big bucks, maybe, JUST MAYBE, you should've learnt a valuable skill/trade.

Why is tipping culture only a thing in North America (and really only because its big in the US?) I've been to other parts of the world, I don't see resto workers there bitching on social media about tipping. What's up with that?

I'm not a waiter, I'm just not poor enough to worry about a few bucks for some guy that worked hard to serve me, matey. You're a literal third-worlder, you wouldn't understand.

Is tipping expected in Australia?

In all fairness, I've also heard that service is pretty lackluster in restaurants in most other countries too compared to the US. Tipping has it's perks, but I still think it's a retarded system.

Pretty much this. I have withheld a tip on only one occasion and I left a critique for improvement as an explanation. That waiter probably thinks I'm an asshole, but I'm certain he remembers the experience and hopefully improved.

how about make changes so that people like waiters are paid better so that they don't rely on tips to survive???

Ok how about we fire the waitress and I can just go up the kitchen window to retrieve my own food.

Tipping should be illegal because waiters don't pay taxes on tips.

Only at upmarket restaurants, you wouldn't do it at your average place because they're on good money already, so the tip is factored in to your meal price. In America, it isn't.

why is the customer subsidizing the paycheck?

Sure, and maybe go out back and get on the line, help cook up you meal for a bigger discount?

Just how fucking cheap are Canadians?

It sounds like this place would be more your speed, lad.

Isn't minimum wage required by the law already?

>I've also heard that service is pretty lackluster in restaurants in most other countries too compared to the US.
I've been in East and Southeast, South Asia a lot: China, India, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, etc and my anecdotal experience does not reflect that at all. I don't see any meaningful difference between service in these places and North America at a nice restaurant

I honestly believe tipping is just a way for corporations to pay employees less and get away with it by forcing the consumer to make up the difference.

Why does it need insuring? is it at risk?

I'm not insulting you for tips, I sure as fuck don't work for tips lol. I've just seen Canadian tourists fuck over good servers more times than I can count (tho theyre usually poo in loo or chinks)

Are you fucking joking? Do you think the rest of the world doesn't tip?
Of course we tip, it's a bonus for good service not an invisible food tax.

In the UK:
>Get served by waitress
>She isn't friendly
>Doesn't suggest meals or drinks
>Isn't polite
>Therefore does not deserve a tip
>No surprise when no tip given

In the US:
>Get served by waitress
>She isn't friendly
>Doesn't suggest meals or drinks
>Isn't polite
>Therefore does not deserve a tip
>Becomes furious when no tip is given, posts your details to facebook, rebbit doxes you, you lose your job and the wife gets the house and children

Do you really think the rest of the world doesn't tip?

Minimum law generally doesn't apply to occupations that receive tips.

I tip based on time spent not bill amount.
$5 per hour

Well there you go, make laws apply to them lmao

You're comparing literal third-world countries with America (except for Singapore, where tipping is the custom).

Go to any Western country and try it out, the service in America shits all over it.

Wait a second abbo lover, just because i have money im obligated to "subsidy" the wages of some restaurant?
Fuck you, dingo victim.
I do tip, my baseline is 10% for average, wich is 90% of the cases and well beyond 16% for a pretty decent service.
The whole, YOU MUST ALWAYS GIVE 15% no matter what is stupid.
And like i said, you pre natal alcohol victim,
If you want more money, get a better job and stop posting stupid shit on the weebs you marmite slurping fagot.

>go to restaurant
>order a large salad with beer
>waitress has to take one order
>has to bring bring three items items (plate, bottle, glass)
>$10 bill
>15% tip = $1.50

Same restaurant

>order steak and lobster with bottle of wine
>waitress has to take one order and bring three items (plate, bottle, glass)
>$100 bill
>15% tip = 15 dollars

Yea, no.

Tipping on a percentage basis is garbage. I tip on food and service quality. I had dinner just the other day and the bill was $200 for three people and three courses. Not even very good stuff just average Italian food, could have made it all myself for under $40, wine included. They didn’t even decant the wine as evidenced by the grit in the bottom of my glass. tipped $15 which I feel was more than fair.

>Do you really think the rest of the world doesn't tip?
In most of the world tipping is not expected, some places it can even be seen as rude (Japan)

>I'm just not poor enough to worry about a few bucks for some guy that worked hard to serve me, matey.

The guy at McDonalds worked hard to serve you.
The guy at the gas station worked hard to serve you.
The lady at the bank worked hard to serve you.
The UPS delivery guy worked hard to serve you.
The customer service rep on the phone worked hard to serve you.
The cashier at Wal-Mart worked hard to serve you.

So why are you tipping some of these people and not others? You must be poor and a cheapskate for not tipping all these people.

When you call tech support do you make sure to get their paypal address so you can send them a tip after they've solved the problem?

This is the retardedness of tipping culture. The rules are arbitrarily applied to a few services in a few select industries. It is completely arbitrary and doesn't make sense.

From this logic, we should be tipping porn stars who are in Gangland videos.

Here's how to fix the tipping system
>ban the company from accepting it as wages

Fixed. Now the company has to actually pay its fucking workers, and a tip is what it should be which is a bonus for good work.

And the magic word there is "Expected". Of course a tip shouldn't be expected, a tip is EARNED.

wtf? I love Canadians now

>amerifats everybody
Tipping is retarded and in essence a form of bribe and that's illegal

I don't tip. Women belong in the kitchen at home raising the kids not working. That's a mans duty. I don't want to encourage females working.

Those people are already paid on the assumption they wont get tips. The waiter is paid less because the assumption is that they will get tips through good performance.

>(except for Singapore, where tipping is the custom)
I lived in Singapore for many months, it absolutely is not the custom unless its exclusively at ultra-high-tier restaurants. I ate out there a LOT (exclusively actually, I was a student and had no kitchen where I lived) and don't remember anyone ever paying a tip for anything. THe most expensive places I've eaten were like $30-40 SGD per person and that prices (and under) includes the vast majority of restos so idunno what you're on about m8

This is why I eat out only like twice a year, fuck tipping

>that pic
Thank feminism if you don't like waiting tables bitch. Under the natural order all you had to do was be moderately attractive, then shit out some spawn for your C-Tier Wage Slave to finance your sitting on your ass playing with children all day.

You're a complete stooge, in most countries a tip is not expected for average service. In the US, a tip is expected for *any* service.

Oh, so you're comparing fast food places to restaurants, got it.

I ate at Bread Street Kitchen and got to meet Gordon Ramsay, you bet your sweet B I tipped well.

Single moms and niggers are like two peas in a pod, user.

>defending jewish boss practices to under pay employees

According to you, I should go to the supermarket, sit down near the entrance and tell a waitress what items I want to purchase and then when she brings them all back and I pay for my items, I can give her a modest gratuity!

assuming 25 guests means about 4 people per table, that is 6 tips she is getting on top of her base pay. average tip is say $4 to be extremely conservative, that is $24+/hr. you do not deserve $12/hr to move food from kitchen to table, much less $24+ so fuck off kindly

It's not that I'm cheap. I spend freely on myself. It's that I'm unwilling to throw good money down the rat hole simply because somebody feels entitled.

It's my money. Fuck you.