Is she Jewish?
Lauren Southern Poll
she's not ..but she's still one of those (((goys)))
no option for op is a faggot
may or may not be. She looks like a prettier version of Laura Loomer.
Either Laura Loomer looks a lot like a non-Middle Eastern Jewish ancestor of Christian descent or Lauren Southern has Jewish ancestors recently.
iberian shitskin tier white
I heard her voice for the first time today. She sounds like a fucking dude. Dating her would make you gay.
Finncuck must be proxyfagging this poll
The last Thread is just dead for 2 min. and you open up a new one?
Sage for cancerous sperg Moarpheus thread. Aren't you done jacking over her yet?
What a hideous creature
>only 22
31% of Sup Forums is wrong and still believes the FinnKnight's bullshit.
Don't do meth, kids.
fuck off with these slide threads
And here we go again...
i want kissy kissy loreun
kiss her fucked feet
meme aside, is she fucking jewish or not? give me the last ultimate redpill on that topic
Ofcourse she's not jewish
She is 100% pure aryan waifu princess and I donate all my money to her!
If you don’t subscribe to her, you are a cuck!
She looks like Corey Feldman with that stupid underbite, but I still think she is beautiful.
it's not an underbite its just called being white with fetal alcohol syndrome
why do you give a shit
She looks just like him...
One thing I've noticed about Lauren is just how unoriginal she is. You see, when you watch BBB or Lauren Rose ( and even Faith Goldy), it's like you're accompanying these people on a journey of self-discovery, and the ultimate truth even. With LS, you get more of a scripted, and banal ' performance.' It's as if she werestill working for Ezra. I mean, even observing her age is telling. For a 22 year old, she looks like a 40 year old. There is something crucially wrong about her, that even makes me dislike her, ultimately. Of all the ecelebs, i can say with confidence that LS is in it for one thing: money. She won't be herself because of it. She tries so hard to be somethings she's not because of it. And of all the ecelebs, i expect her to implode because of this- to spiral into destruction and death. I mean, she already looks half dead the way her face looks so horrid 80% of the time. I think it's time for all of us to distance ourselves from her.
i have a theory on her why she looks so old for a 22
> she is on coke or meth
> she is older than what she claims to be
i would not be surprised if its option no 2 since most ecelebs are just fabricated actors to push propaganda on us goys. these e-celebs never mention the jew.
The Jews are behind these accusations of Lauren Southern's supposed Jewishness.
Yeah it's kind of hard to believe this is her older sister.
I would fuck all 3 of them.
Jess got the hot genes for sure
I want to impregnate her
I bet her pussy is divine
Which one is the mom again?
lel every fucking time