The absolute state of gulf Arabs in the face of impeding doom

>They can feel the noose tightening around their necks.
>Sucking Israel's dick at any chance they can get.
>Calling Israel a legitimate state that isn't occupying anything.
>Assuming that today's Jews are descendants of ancient Israelites from the Bible/Quran while Palestinians are not.
>Assuming that the promised land still applies to those who rejected Jesus as a prophet.
>Claiming that Jews are returning to their rightful land.
>Willing to throw the Palestinian people under the bus to ally with Israel against Iran.

You can't get anymore desperate and disgusting than that; gulf Arabs just showing their true colours.

Sorry Stormfag. Sup Forums's changed mudshit. We stand with based Israel over m*dslimes

Good goy.

>unpopular opinion

Can I gas them both?

Never even been to that site kike, I know you are mad because you can smell the gas in the air. You should probably go back to r*ddit Moshe with the rest of your tribe.

Fucking deplorable.

Fuck No

Save your divide and conquer for some other foolish goys.

Palestine all the way, the were there first and it is their land. Zionists have been causing all these Middle-East wars with the help of these salafist rats.

>even educated arabs like jews more than Sup Forums
>all Sup Forums can do about jews is whine and accomplish nothing
>m-muh d-day of r-rope
lul fuck stormfaggot losers

Judas Iscariot was described being a ginger

>salty kike samefagging and calling some dumb gulf Arab "educated."

Why would you use the term stormfaggot and give yourself away so easily like that?

Saudis are finished. Iran will take over. They can suck as many dicks as they want , stage is set

I hope Iran and the northern Arabs annihilate these crypto-jews.

So was mohammed or some other big wig fuckhead in islamic history


Palestinians are the niggers of the Middle East, most Arabs have NEVER liked them but had to put on the appearance of caring for muh Pan-Arabism. Now that Iran is top shitposter in the mideast they can put away the facade and come to a temporary agreement with the Jews to take them out before they go back to shitposting on Israel again.

It seems like you're the one who's buttmad about muh palestine.
Get this to your thick shitskin skull - your palestinian kin are the niggers of Arabs. They don't produce anything of value and have no resources whatsoever, and thus there's no reason to side with them.
Gulf arabs are just playing the geopolitical game. Shit, even the Lebanese threw you worthless subhumans the fuck out.

neither of them did

Back to temple rabbi.Remember all jews must hang.

fuck off with that shit, glass the both of them

>Palestinians are whiter than most of the Arab countries that they took refuge in.
>Palestinians are the niggers of the Middle East, most Arabs have NEVER liked them

Not entirely true but since the Gulf Arabs are crypto-Jew shitskins, it makes sense now.

Also, you need to stop samefagging.

>Palestinians whiter than most Arabs
>your palestinian kin are the niggers of Arabs.

Cool story Mizrahi kike

>Shit, even the Lebanese threw you worthless subhumans the fuck out.
No, the Lebanese threw you kikes out of Lebanon in 2006 with the help of Palestinians.

Jew buttmad because he knows his illegitimate state won't last the next 40 years.

Saudis are kikes, they need to be glassed.

He's Kuwaiti which is basically the same shit.

No they aren't you lying shitskin.
As someone who had the misfortune of seeing quite a few of them, they look mostly like yemenite kikes (pic related is yemenite kike btw), which is no surprise since most of them came from Egypt and such. You can almost immediately tell who is arab and who isn't by their skin color alone.
And why would i be mad if you said yourself that even the Arabs are beginning to realize how worthless your sub-IQ shit people really are.

Palestinians should declare war on these shit tier Arab crypto-kikes.

Nigger is not a skin color but a state of mind. If the Arabs had tossed the Jews into the sea in '48 there'd be no Palestine either, it would have been carved up between the Egyptians, Syrians and Jordanians mainly.

>You can almost immediately tell who is arab and who isn't by their skin color alone.
Which is why Palestinians aren't really racially Arab, they are too white to be Arab.

>why would i be mad if you said yourself that even the Arabs are beginning to realize how worthless your sub-IQ shit people really are.
Assuming gulf Arabs have detectable IQ levels in the first place or any fighting value.

>If the Arabs had tossed the Jews into the sea in '48 there'd be no Palestine either, it would have been carved up between the Egyptians, Syrians and Jordanians mainly.
No, they would have probably united all those countries into a single country.

nice try

Not all gulf countries, Qatar and Oman are drifting to Iran. I suspect Kuwait will do the same soon enough.

I hope so. What about Bahrain and UAE?

Bahrain has no opinion, she follows Saudi Arabia like a loyal dog. The Emirates is the biggest cesspit of corruption and kikery in the gulf. They do everything they can to destabalize arab nations and fight moderate islam. They have had relations with Israel for years behind the scenes. Thry've been fueling the Libyan civil war with cash, supplies and airbombings ever since Gaddafi died.

Those traitors, RIP Gaddafi.

Fuck off, muslim cocksucker.
Israel could kill every "Palestinian" alive in just ONE day, maybe two at a stretch, no problem. But despite great provocation, they choose not to. I don't care what happens to muslims so Israel can kill as many as it likes and I'll be quite happy about it if it happens.


There is a reason why Trump is allied with Israel and Saudi Arabia.

I have no particular love for Israel but I have a truckload of hate for the mudslimes, so whenever Israel decides to "mow the lawn" in Gaza is fine with me

>Israel could kill every "Palestinian" alive in just ONE day
And then Israel would be wiped out the next day Moshe.

>"mow the lawn"
Kike detected.

>"mow the lawn"
Kike detected.

Maybe, Abdul, but Mecca would be gone too. Many would consider this a win all round.

JIDF always on call.