what does Sup Forums think about Ayn Rand's thoughts and beliefs?
What does Sup Forums think about Ayn Rand's thoughts and beliefs?
gay af sage
confused Jewess that was just brainstorming and didn't expect to have so many fanboys.
Objectivism is Judaism's final form, right up there with Communism.
because corporations are somehow a better governing force than well the government.
dumb jew
Jewish founder of Libertarianism who was a whore who cuckolded her Husband and was overall degenerate. Also says Jews should rule the world.
Fuck Ayn Rand.
Retard ivory tower college student bullshit.
Anybody that thinks if the rich "take their ball and goes home" destroys society is a free market cuck. What would happen, is somebody else will happily take their spot and consumers would follow suit.
It's entitlement porn.