This is Ryuko, say something nice about her
This is Ryuko, say something nice about her
Ryuko is CUTE
Satsuki a better.
if there were no other female characters in the show she'd be best girl for sure!
Edgy McTits
I want to wear her life fibers on my dick
We need more. Post more
> planning to rewatch KLK when the new year hits
> mfw 2 weeks left
You're cute. You know. For an undying ageless alien that murdered your own species.
Where did her waist go?
She's cuter than her sister
But that's not saying much
She was so cute I hard a hard time actually fapping to her.
I needed to imagine her evil form ordering me to rape someone else to even get her horny.
Her caves are delicious.
Inherited superior milf genes without being a mindless bimbo. Still not the sharpest crochet needle in the basket but not an airhead.
I want to be friends with Ryuko!
I'm gonna fuck you deep right in the pussy.
She makes a pretty great seat for Satsuki-sama.
She's the best and cutest girl.
Stuffing your face as usual, Ryuko
I would put a baby in her.
Her show is the most mediocre shit i have ever watched and it did not save anime.
Her sister is hot tho
Her show ended.
Any interest in her should have also ended.
I haven't watched this yet, i know it's not 2deep4you shit, but is it good? I'm expecting at least dumb fun
The cutest.
It's 10 times better than you expect, but not perfect.
Trips confirm.
It's Gurren Lagann with more tits. And ass.
>klk was 5 years ago
if only
She's not that bad when she's not bitching.
It starts off really strong, loses momentum during the tournament arc, then slowly declines for the rest of the show
Its fine, but you can tell they were trying to recreate Gurren Lagann without being Gurren Lagann
Not even close
Everything in KLK feels like the shit that was too bad to even put in Gurren Laganns 2nd act
>tfw lost my way
>the rape angle
KLK >>>> Gurreddit Lagann
I assumed it was just Mako being bad at taking pictures.
Almost as good as her sister
Without the perspective given by the rest of the image, it wouldn't necessarily appear to have been taken at an angle.
I'd fuck that satsuki
The horizon is literally in sight you biscuit.
We share the same last name. Also she's a cute.
No it's not, there are some clouds, but not the horizon. Neither sea nor land is in the frame.
>You will never watch KLK for the first time again.
Ryuko's mom has got it goin' on
I know everyone who waifus her is insane. So there's that.
Ryuko is legitimately disgusting with how adorable she is.
I tried jerking off to her when KLK first came out and I just couldn't even do it with her innocent eyes looking at me.
She is proof that a woman can still be 10/10 even when her kids are almost legal.
>innocent eyes.
I want to have sex with the bees and the eagles.
I always assumed you took your name from her.
Open up wide, heres a helping dose of MAKO
She's a good girl but her sis is better.
Has a nice fat butt that goes good with Nonon's fat butt.
Yeah, yeah, Ryuuko.
It's me and you, yeah. (yeah)
No one can stop us when we're together (ye-ye-yeah)
We can stand together (yeah)
We're unstoppable (yeah)
If you trust in me like I trust in you (yeah)
We'll fight together (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, son)
Thanks, 25 Cent
A tiny girl with a giant fat ass is quite literally gods greatest gift to mankind.
Waifu for 2 years so far.
Best girl
I agree.
Why is Booker T cosplaying
You're super cute and so is you're sister. I think you're really awesome people.
Loved her since day one
Consider self immolation
I like your boobs, whats your snapchat?
>Cutest girl
>Best personality
>Best hair
>Best seiyuu
>Best taste in clothes
Edgy cute is best cute.
God I want to fuck Ryuuko
Go pure or go home
I want to impregnate her and take responsibility.
Consideration declined.
Neck yourself.
Her sister is best friends with best girl.