Mongabay has always been one of my main sources of environmental news, but I'm extremely dissappointed by this recent article they posted
Mongabay is bashing conservationists who want militant defence of endangered animals, saying that cracking down on those who harm these species as "colonialism"


If Africa was 100% White there would be so many elephants we would have to hunt them the way we have to hunt wolves and seals here.

I agree with you on the first half of your sentence, however if you completed high school biology you would know that Canadians don't have to hunt wolves and seals at all, their fertility levels drop naturally when there are less prey animals from too many predators
The only people who spout bullshit about how we need to hunt to control populations are people who want an excuse to kill for fun (not for food) and ignore predator prey cycles

Shut the fuck up Soy boy

Killing innocent animals for no reason will totally make up for your lack of masculinity

They eat all the fish retard

If you completed high school biology you would know that seal populations drop naturally when fish populations drop, therefore leading to a boom in fish populations naturally

That's OUR fish retard, oh yeah let's just let the seals eat it all so the poorest region in Canada has no jobs anymore and we have no food because we were too much of a pussy to kill a few seals. Wow no wonder New Zealand is the best country in the world and isn't getting taken over by the Chinese

Fucking essjaydoubleyous really will worm their way into and destroy absolutely everything they can

The author of that article is just another hypocritical liberal soyboy that hates law enforcement and white people more than he cares about saving animals.

Isn't the poorest region of Canada full of nonwhites?
Civic nationalist detected
Also Canada is catching up to NZ fast in cucking for china
Good luck on your upcoming free trade deal, it fucked NZ and it will fuck you too

Newfoundland is 99% white

There is plenty of fish for both the seals and your very low populated island
No need to kill seals, their populations decreae naturally when fish populations decrease

t. Soyboy

How is it being so omega that you kill innocent animals to make you feel like a big boy?
The bullying at school really got to you, Kek

I didn't get bullied, Im White we bullied the Chinese kid

So you bullied the most omega people on the planet
Tough boy you are


We didn't have any other foreigners except Albanians, and making fun of Albanians is like making fun of the retarded kid

t. roach rape baby

Don't lie, you were too pussy to bully Albanians and other whites

hey thats my flag

Who gives a fuck about some faggot elephants they are retarded anyway for how big their brains are

will be posting it everywhere user

They are a vital animal for ecosystems that spread plant seeds and fertilizer across Africa through their dung
They are very intelligent despite what some cletus like you thinks

There was literally no bullying in my school, the Albanians all got expelled due to bad attendance, one girl was bullied for giving a guy a blowjob. That's about it

Who gives a fuck about some fatass mutts they are retarded anyway for how big their brains are

>They are a vital animal for ecosystems that spread plant seeds and fertilizer across Africa through their dung

their dung becomes a Turner Prize contestant's material
pic related, the "Virgin Mary"

Just because some groid makes shitty pictures with elephant dung doesn't take away form the fact that elephant dung is vital for ecosystems

it does validate the argument that nigs are no part of the ecosystem tho