Let's face it, the destruction of the west was completed
There is no western culture anymore. No tradition, no moral values, no honesty, no decency, nothing.
We are living in Weimar Republic 2.0 and white women are the most traitorous enemy one can imagine
Let's face it, the destruction of the west was completed
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Seriously, LiL PEEP is dead. There's NOTHING left except being a Nazi and seeing the Jews pay.
yeah literally the only thing left is to start a civil war. they won the culture war totally. our women are nigger lovers
>There is no western culture anymore. No tradition, no moral values, no honesty, no decency, nothing.
If that was true then Trump would not have been elected. Spit out the blackpill and move to a red state if you have to and save what you can of your culture. Its not over yet. America is still a conservative and christian nation at its heart.
Take the trapill
People need to understand that they're fighting for Nazi values before any violence breaks out. Otherwise it's just partisan rioting.
Yes, the West died with it's defeat WW2 and we have been living in its decaying corpse ever since. Our cause is to resurrect it:
>If that was true then Trump would not have been elected
Trump won't fix the moral degradation issue. In fact he is making the US economy better and when white trash make more money they get more degenerate and more liberal. The 60s revolution wouldn't happen without a bunch of upper middle class white trash doing the dirty work for the jews
A civil war will also lead people to become steadfast in their convictions. At the present, people are allying themselves to the side of truth at an exceptional rate, but there are still many people who can be shown the light before they're forced to "pick a side".
Look at this shit, lmao.
> Trump will fix everything
> He isn't extremely incompetent
> He doesn't implicitly and explicitly support the Jewry behind the rot of everything
> He himself isn't a huge degenerate
He's just a blowhard who knows how to appeal to white outraged individuals who have no actual outlet which will really fix things.
Hitler was an infinitely better man and politician than Trump.
>Weimar Republic
This is the new Pepe.
Traps are gay
>there are NEETs on Sup Forums who will dall for this obvious demoralization tactic
Lmao thanks for the laugh Herschel
>A year ago civil war was at our doorstep
>Now adays the liberals are a known laughing stock to all unbiased observers
>Can somehow claim all is lost
Come on Sup Forums, don't throw a pity party just because you're bored - Just give it a couple of hours and we'll have a new mass shooting that will further push society away from the liberals.
Stop with this faggot fucking wigger meme. It's shit and always has been.
The Greeks were having sex with boys and holding it up as the highest moral standard. Now there is meth and heroin and mindless pleasure seeking is it's own curse.
>nahtzee values
No. European christian values enforced by fascism
>yeah, move to a red state
Uhm, so people don't body shame anymore, so what? That doesn't mean the west has fallen, the west is only getting stronger. We're more free than any civilization on earth, appreciate dat.
Yeah but I can get laid really fucking easily and that makes it all worth it. Literally nothing else in life matters so long as you're getting a stream of consistent sex with high quality partners. If you live in a shack but manage to pull hot girls from around the world every weekend or so you're doing better in life than some medieval kings.
>There is no western culture anymore. No tradition, no moral values, no honesty, no decency, nothing.
Never was.
All an illusion created by the older generation rarely being honest about the debauchery of their youth.
Canada is the only place I'd actually enjoy the slimes taking over.
You deserve it.
"Red state" masses are retarded selfish degenerates as well. They voted for Trump for economic reasons, and because they're resistant to the leftist fringe issues like transsexual children. Their children will be less resistant, as they're indoctrinated with more hard line leftism via all media outlets, education, etc. from cradle to grave. Propaganda works when it's total immersion, it just takes time and gradual radicalization.
The last principled and firm resistance to the Revolution ended in 1945. The masses have been thoroughly conditioned to instinctively/emotionally hate and fear even thinking about tradition and social sanity now.
Why fascism? Just morals and values.
There's a fair split in the U.S., especially now. We were divided, again.
The Shabbos goy has arrived!
We need a military rule that enforces labor work and prison for traitors.
A society that don't deal with traitors from within deserve to die. Interestingly enough all muslim countries have harsh punishments for traitors but in the west we worship and treat them as if they were equals to everybody else
Even in Israel there are laws to deal with traitors
Because you need someone to tell the retards what to do, someone to fix all the fucking problems in our countries, remove the kikes, the subhuman cunts that ruin the country and dismantle the central banks.
You need fascism for that, and afterwards once everything is put right democracy can make a comeback.
You can't have a country run effectively with a 50-50 constantly disagreeing populace (we have the same over here, it's just pure infighting and headaches)
Fuck off with your gay ass religion you christfag.
Ya people who spend their time on Sup Forums would totally love having the government telling them what to do and forcing them to work. Pol would be the firat thing to go in a facist state
>we have the same over here, it's just pure infighting and headaches
Now you understand why communists, jews and white trash love democracy. They love the reality show. They hate stability and order
>Our cause is to resurrect it:
Some would say it strange that the fire of the resurrection would be birthed in such a place. I would argue that it could not have happened any other way. Who but those that modernity has rejected could possibly fall in love with an idea, the west, that is so heavily propagandized against. Part of me wants to give up hope but that type of thinking is counterproductive. Those people who are destined to save the west have history on their side. The great wheel of time will soon crush the forces of decay and the divine order will be restored.
We are going to make it my Australian friend, because we have no choice, there is only forward.
But, does "democracy" come back?
We're supposed to be a Constitutional Republic, so the minority is protected from the majority (i.e. Electoral College). I don't think true democracy accounts for that.
Explain to me how anything you plan on doing in life has any real meaning 100 years from now when you and everyone you know is dead, besides maybe your children, who just die shortly after you? Unless you really do something special your existance will be wiped from the universe and nobody will know it happened in 200 years.
How is chasing after our biological imperative, literally the only reason we are here, a waste of that time?
It's european christian VALUES, love thy neighbour, death to usurers, love thy parents, no gays, no stealing, no murder, chastity etc. Not enforced christianity, I'm agnostic.
Christian values are perfect, but they only work with the fear of god, you need to replace god with punishment or at the very least social shaming
> We are living in Weimar Republic 2.0
What followed that
> white women are the most traitorous enemy one can imagine
No, pic related.
tell me something I don't know OP. We all know this, most of us are looking for a solution or the next step. As of right now there isn't one, shit's just fucked.
You can listen as well as you hearrrrrrr oooohh
It's too lateeeee
when we dieeeee
to admit we don't see eye to eyeeeeeee
*machine gun fire*
Even nu-males aren't this fucking traitorous.
I guess the republic works for you, America is fucking massive so I have no idea how such a country can function with a supreme leader, go with the founding fathers I suppose, they were excellent
are there any more photos of this girl?
>mfw someone tells me we need to "save western civilization"
>tfw unable to banana
>We are living in Weimar Republic 2.0
Hmmm.... What comes after Weimar Republic again???
Fair enough, agreed on all accounts.
I don't understand what this means.
>A man falls into water, and is drowning
>But if we preserve this man, we would all be drowning in water
You realize save in the sense of "We need to save western civilization" is actually saying "We need to revert to a less destructive time"...?
Can't wait.
weimerica homie
400 years ago this famous painter painted a painting of a woman who lifted her skirt to anyone and everyone, how is this news and what values were universally accepted?
This time? nothing
The mass media demoralized every single middle class family in western society and once you have no decent white people living the democracy can run like this for the next 1000 years
Let's hope not. For your sake, and hers.
>he sees Drumpf as moral, honest, and decent
>he thinks civilizations are like cars where you an just "reverse"
the demonic abomination we created has nothing to to with the Romano-Germanic civilization that once bore the "western" banner
you can't reignite something that is nothing more than a ghost
>America is still a conservative and christian nation at its heart.
>a supreme leader
It's a hierarchical balance of power, federally and at the state level. States can make their own laws within the confines of federal law and the constitution. The problems we have would happen faster inside of true "democracy".
You don't know anything.
phew. i thought it was a guy under there. this is fine
To make a better future for your children, and your childrens children and your people, and to help humanity reach the pinnacle of technology and achievement and learn the answer to the big questions of this universe, selfish cunt.
The world is bigger than you and there more important things than getting your dick wet.
Also your reason for being here is to procreate not fruitlessly fuck slags
>whores didnt exist back then guys, west is fucked
what do you mean m8
I already said I didn't, why would I know about your government?
>90 million out of work
>most of the rest have part-time shit labour
>economy is better
>once you have no decent white people living the democracy can run like this for the next 1000 years
So that is what they mean by the end of the History. This may be the twilight but I refuse to accept that it is the end. The decay will never be permanent and chaos will not reign supreme. Order will reassert herself and the backlash against the forces of decay is going to be significant.
Well that's really abstract and all, but you mind speaking in more tangible terms for me?
Society undulates as generations die and laws are created and redacted, there is no permanence in a society.
dumb frogposter
>Be a faggot
>Live pointless life of hedonism and fleeting pleasure
Nice purpose you got there
truvada. why did adam and eve live forever just by eating an apple, the word, of which, was never in there?
Germany had somehow retained a healthy traditional right wing, especially in her officer corps, but among a great number of other men as well, at all levels of society, state, economy, intellectuals, etc. The Third Reich had a vast reserve of capable man-power to draw on across the spectrum, and most of the rest of Germany were at least open to working with them. Today? Look who Trump had to resort to to staff his administration, the same people he was elected to fight against.
The worship of whores and their vital role in society is very new. The first feminist-focused movement happened in nov 1917
societies do not ondulate back to their previous states, that's a plain delusion, ask any Empire to have ever existed
societies break up and face their destruction, plain and simple, and if they are lucky from the rubble something will flourish again
you gotta be completely deluded to think people in the west will ever be Roman catholic like in the early middle ages, you can't reverse time
Women love getting naked. This goes for any time, any place.
Fuck that wigger faggot, he lived like a nigger and died like a nigger.
>haha dude, this jewish puppet was elected, we're all saved
Oh god it's the extra mentally ill one
>Today? Look who Trump had to resort to to staff his administration, the same people he was elected to fight against.
That's because Trump is trying to fix USA economy most specifically. Democracy and Republicanism is incompatible with high moral values. A politician will never be allowed to restore a country spiritually. That's why the separation of the Church and State is something that both jews and communists will never give up. Remove separation of Church and State you destroyed the core of modern society
i'd certainly hope not. toplessness has been legal here for 20 years. i saw one, 80 year old mayor of a small town ride a float during a parade topless. and at nudie beaches. but nobody takes out their tits. this one time a girl got so wasted hers fell out at the bar. ive never witnessed such scandal
God fucking damn it, you're not supposed to tell people about THAT pill. They have to figure it out for themselves.
listen. if i ate a knowledge apple my mind would bother me. just like now. because we know shit. so you ignore the live forever part and everything else and ad hom and then specific questions were asked of them. Apples being impossible as an option. And then they covered their tits and got banished and got married and died and had kids
>the purpose of life is to keep doing this
>an apple a day goyim
Hey, you're that burger who's forcing that degenerate c-list celeb still? Is there any particular reasoning behind your actions, my fellow internet-user? I just assumed that you are both homosexual and autistic and that the artist you're posting is both your love interest and your obesessive-compulsive temporal interest. I work with autists myself and they are genuinely very interesting people!
>you gotta be completely deluded to think people in the west will ever be Roman catholic like in the early middle ages
I wouldn't personally want that.
>societies do not ondulate back to their previous states, that's a plain delusion
Nothing ever reverts - but, it does synthesize and progress (Which, starts the entire process over anew).
This is how it's always been, and how it always will be, and if you look at any given time in history compared to now...it looks worse, and in the future they will look back at us, and it will be worse. Always progressing, always synthesizing...that's society. We're just in an antithesis stage, it's Woodstock 2.0
>Let's face it, the destruction of the west was completed
>biggest right swing since nazi germany
>fixing the economy by bringing in the Goldman Cabinet to sacrifice children to the market algos
Come on now.
I've never seen women behave this way. Why do I always miss out on the fun
She was married but I grabbed her pussy.
im trying not to barf please
Daily reminder that after kikes and niggers the fucking shills making hundreds of anti-white women threads everyday will be hanged on the day of the rope.
Pole reporting in.
I honestly feel the same, man.
This degenerate cancer spree spreads like wildfire. I honestly hope Central Europe won't get affected by it.
We already have some young-adult/late-teen cucks swaying towards indulging in it.
Black pill might be black pill, but this shit is dire. And it's getting worse the more time passes. And this is me talking about the entirety of Europe.