Why do people here hate on cucks so much?

Why do people here hate on cucks so much?
If they are in a happy relationship and don't hurt anyone why does that offend some people so much?

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Why does it offend you that I use tax payers dollars to fix my teeth?

>Why do people here hate on cucks so much?
Depends. If the cuck is rich and supports all the niglet babies, I couldn't give a fuck less if he removes himself from the gene pool.

But the moment my tax dollars have to support some bastard kid due to some degenerate sexual fetish, then I, and all tax payers have a right to hate.

Now when you consider most cucks are college loan debt having Bernie supporters...well...We got a lot of bastard niglets in the making.


People have a right to do what they want, it's called freedom.

bo, fuck it. if your teeth were that fucked i would pay for that shit.

I've been a bull twice in my life..

those cuck husbands are truly pathetic beta faggots..

With one I fucked the husband up the ass well... he wanted to be a little sissy.. his wife fucked him with a strapon after me.


Some things are harmful to society even if they don't have immediate physical or financial harms on identifiable individuals.

>muh weed
>muh cummies

Grow up. Society denigrates with your attitude.

>a single instance of degeneracy doesn't hurt anyone
I'm so tired of this libertarian/ancap meme.
>somebody doing drugs in the privacy of their home is only hurting themselves
Then you look at entire towns ravaged by the opioid crisis, entire neighborhoods destroyed by crack and meth.
>what somebody does in their bedroom doesn't affect me
But on a cultural scale we've seen the destruction of the family, gender roles, stds, an entire generation taught to believe a mental illness is a kegitimate identity.
You are the reason western civilization is going to hell in a handbasket.

>With one I fucked the husband up the ass well...

we dont hate cucks, we use it as an insult because it gets under people's skins

Cuckolding literally more degenerate than a trap thread on b

sage for being irrelevant.

that makes you gay

and he ate my cum out of his wife's pussy also.

I find their sexual behavior and their seeming desire to share it with everyone to be personally repulsive. If a cuck insists on sharing that he lets other men fuck his wife, I'm going to talk shit about him because that behavior disgusts me.

Simple really.

it's only gay if you are the receiver.


Ffs. Why would anyone let it get that terrible?

most do it anonymous T parking spot or in forests at night. Or at truck driver stops.

They knock on your window and ask if you want to fuck the wife.

It essentially outs them as a weak, pathetic, and self-loathing loser, i.e., someone that doesn't belong in a civilized society.

Cuckold Porn is Jewish culture.
Jewish culture has a matrilineal society. A matrilineal society dictates that all offspring are a continuation of the mother's womb and not that of the father's seed. So, it is in this respect, that the Jew is naturally inclined to accept and even promote cuckolding as a cultural norm. The Jew male is not the sex that will pass on the parasidic gene to posterity, rather his job is to raise the woman up above him so that the Jewess can dominate. The male, therefore, is a sissy slave worker for the Jewish family unit, while the woman is free to fuck and suck off every bull that will seed her womb.
Now, it is important to understand that cuckolding is not just a cultural norm for the Jew. The Jew actually needs to cuckold in order to carry on with the race, or parasite strain. As can be seen clearly in all Jewish children, there is a natural physical and/or mental defect in the racial gene pool that cannot be explained other than by a defective parasite. This means that the Jew will try to breed outside the parasitic strain so that the parasite can survive. But, in order for the physically and mentally defective Jew to accomplish this inter breeding, they must first spread their culture to the host Goy.
The Goy then is a seeder so that the parasidic gene has continuity. You see, the Jew is truly a parasite, such that, the female is open and free to reproduce, even at the cost of a marriage vow or the moral compass of the host nation or race. Cuckolding is a necessity of the Jewish survival, and the goy need to be sold on it before the parasite gene is extinguished from the planet by natural means. In other words. the parasite gene of the Jew will eventually regress into a monsterous subhuman if the parasite does not find a suitable host, and because the Jewish culture is matrilineal, the Jewess must cuckold the Jew males in order for the Jewish parasite gene to survive as a "people."

it's a wrong - abnormal behavior ... of course it's confronted

The matrilineal Jewish culture is not by accident. If the Jewish parasite were passed on through the male, which, biologically speaking, will pass to the offspring of the male Jew, then the so called "race", or parasite gene, would have a harder time surviving. Physically deformed Jewish males (that are often times also mental defectives) could not find mates as easily as a parasidic female Jewess, so having a matrilineal culture ensures an easier survival and a clear cultural motivation in cuckolding the male.
This cultural cuckolding can be easily seen in the push of Jewess females to marry host goy males. The Jew male in his cuckolded position in society will offer up his wife, sister, cousins, or even daughter to the first non-Jew bull that comes along. It is a matter of survival. Jewish women have always been huge fucking sluts, and jewish men have been watching their women leave them for taller, stronger, and more handsome white European men. They are the inventors of cuckoldry as a fetish and that is why they promote it as "intelligent." That's JEWISH intelligence, for you goyim.

This cultural aspect of the Jewish parasite explains the reason why most Jewish men are cuckolded sissies that frequent homosexual bars and become gay activists (Havery Milk amoung many examples). The Jewish male is expected to destroy the host's moral foundations of a patriarichal society, which is easily done by a promotion and proliferation of homosexual ideas into the host society (earliest know Jewish influence of homosexual behavior was in Athens Greece around 2500bce by the Phoenician Jews that came to live there). This has a two fold effect on the survival of the parasite gene, such that, the weaker of the host nation and people will become homosexuals and thus wont be picked to breed with the Jewess parasite, and also the Jewish male now has an outlet for his cuckold lifestyle that is independent of the Jewess parasite wife that innately treats him as a subhuman that cannot breed worthy offspring. The Jew then has killed two birds with one stone with the promulgation of homosexuality.
One might also note that the Jew will promote homosexuality in the host people at a very young age so as to make it a cultural norm by the time the young men of the host people are old enough to fight in wars. This has a serious effect at culling a nation before it is able to violently strike at the Jew and erradicate the parasite forever. What can also be seen in Jewish culture is a propensity to divorce and also join political activism for the most counter-productive ideologies, which is really just one more symptom of having a matrilineal society for the survival of a parasite gene.

only stupid people hate on cucks

kys faggot
>in all fields

. The Jew female will often cast out the dominant husband before the age of 30, given that the marriage even lasts that long. This divorce is not necessary if the male will be openly cuckolded, but often times the Jewess will be seperated from the male at an early age. This aspect of Jewish culture is also important for the involvement in political ideologies that ensure that the parasite is protected from extinction--natural or otherwise. The Jewess parasite, now single, will support political groups like a man fighting a war, of which there is little difference. The female parasite is just protecting her children like any mother would for any species. The mother knows that the parasite gene is going to have to pass on the parasite just like she did, so the political violence and unyielding involvenment in clearly unnatural ideologies only serves to protect the next generation of parasite. This is why one can see the Jewess parasite promoting ideologies that empower women, homosexuals (gender identity), and even more disgusting ideologies like beastiality and BDSM.
This is not the end, however. Understand, that this offspring is not human, it is a parasite and will continue the parasite's ambition to exist within the host. So, the Jew female will, at a middle age, become an activist for women's rights till about the age of 45 or 50, which is about the time that the now old Jew female parasite decides she needs a care giver. Now, the Jew male at this point will be starved for sex and will remarry the Jewess and the circle of Jewish life is complete. Or, it might be the case that the Jewess parasite lives alone with only a minor involvement in the offspring's lives. Either way, the Jewess can be expected to be in most single's events at a very old age as if a prize to behold.

Is it still degenerate if you're the bull?

>closet fags actually believe this

Because they want us to think their cuck lifestyle is normal and acceptable when it is not. We should not be teaching our children that it is okay.

The JEW PARASITE needs to promote cuckolding so that the parasite does not lose the host for breeding. Multiculturalism and interracial marriages are another corner stone to the Jewish survival. It is Jewish culture and should not be the interest of the other races unless those races of human want to support the parasite. In supporting multiculturalism, the Jewess parasite supports a potential to mate with other human races so that her parasite can live on into posterity.
This also works well for the Jew in a general sense because a racially aware society will also see through the push for matrilineal indoctrination, that it to say, a pure race will have no need for a parasite and will easily see the parasite as a sore to be removed from the earth. The host nations must remember that all things Jewish in Culture are either stolen from the host human races or created to promote the continuity of the parasite.
It is in the best interest of the humans in this world to finally understand that the parasite can latch onto the negroid races with all impunity, but it should not be allowed to latch onto the master race, for the master race must continue to create a world of common sense and understanding.

most cucks I met were low IQ people.. simpletons

Here's an honest answer for a baited question:

The idea of letting another man fuck my partner is horrible to me, and letting people do this without shitting on them for it is acceptance, and I don't want this behavior to be normalized in ANY way.

It goes against every instinct and every biological urge. It doesn't make sense and we can't understand why anyone would do it.

>if it doesn't affect me directly then I'm cool with it bro
This is the additude that has destroyed the West. The inability to see beyond the individual to the large scale effects of degeneracy on society as a whole.

most of those husbands are closet gays who can't be bothered... and don't have or rarely have sex with their own wife for that reason.

Everyone knows it, except /pol

High divorce rates, STDs, and mental issues stem from it.



because women will start to expect that shit from any man they are with.

You're gay as fuck, faggot.

it's part of the game, but they're very smart
