When will pol realize that iranians are the true aryans and master race

When will pol realize that iranians are the true aryans and master race.

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Iranian women are whores are dumb

why do you think they are whores

If they're so good then why do they can't keep their religion?

I would definitely keep her in a cage and take her for nice walks on a leash

Whites didn't keep theirs.
> Inb4 Christianity is white

her calves are disgusting and her legs overall are shaped weird. Into the trash it goes..

Zoroastrianism is pretty rad.

There's actually a resurgence of Zoroastrianism in Iran.

Iranians are dope. Their supreme ayatollah is not.

Gib milkies


So she's Israeli? Fail OP


can confirm, iranian professor admitted this in a rant

You can have a nice body but still not be the master race.

My dad went to college with the daughter of the Shah's head of security back in the 70's. He said she was a massive coalburning whore. Most Persian girls I've met are sluts.


Indo-Iranians are indeed Aryan but we have to keep in mind their current state. Islam is complete and utter kikeish nonsense. Even if they claim to be against Israel and tbe Jews, so long as they worship how the Jews want them, you would need complete media control to break the constant brainwashing against Iran. There is also no incentive to believe that the only reason they say "death to America" is because "ohh uh you're just puppets of da Jews" even though nearly every civilization at one point or another has dealt with the ways of the Jews. I don't hate iranians to be quite honest but they're far to hostile to the West. And once the kikes are gone I bet theyd side with them and fuck us over. The Jews have a way of buying politicians to do what they want despite whether or not it's in the interest of the the politicians country. And if you think the Jews won't want revenge after we get rid of the see WW2

Fucking retards, you can't convert to Zoroastrianism how would it ever come back?

nigger detected

Oh tell us wise swami

Powerful seed?
Family values?

Nah it makes sense. That come from an overbearing culture and when they get to swim in the sea of the Jew's filth, they'll be the most vulnerable and easily manipulated. It's the fashionable mentality, and most women go by that. Whatever the herd does, they do also

what a shit beach/


When they stop blowing each other up

Iranian women are whores, but the claim of the woman coalburning in the seventies is a dubious one for me, I don't think that kind of activity was popular at the time. Iranian women fucking inhuman niggers only became a thing at the beginning of this century, I think, when it became the mandated reproductive behavior for women.

Yes but you can't convert is the point. So how would it ever grow as a religion?

Iranians ie Persians are ethnically close to Europeans, closer than Levant Arabs.
But, Iran is fucking inbred, and blacked.jpg by Turks and other shitskins

Pakis are also white. Skin color doesn't matter.

She is jewish though

It was at Tufts in Boston, everyone was a lefty jew.

From my Iranian ex, from my lil brothers Iranian best friend's female relatives, from my good half-Iranian friend's description and opinion of his own female relatives, and from my impressions of Persian American women on social media.

Iranian men seem intelligent and motivated, but their women act like dumb wannabe latinas. But maybe that is because I live in Latina

I'm from a real Zoroastrian family. How about having no religion since it's fictitious? There's no value in Zoroastrianism, there's no value in any religion. It's time to evolve, my niggers.

the only iranian woman I know is a desperate mega slut in her late 30's trying everything she can to settle down before her eggs are dryer than the Sahara

It's afraid.

While I can't speak specifically to Iranians specifically at that point in time I do know that in the 70s the Jews were heavy into their propaganda of miscegenation and hard drug use. So, it may not have been as common place as it is now unfortunately, it is definitely not unrealistic that it was going on. The 70s was the decade of (((free love)))

massive 2inch gap between tiddies = fake tiddies.

Ah, maybe ur right. I'm no expert on the seventies.

>you can't convert
Unless you do? There's nothing physically stopping the Iranians from adopting their old religion back again after suffering through the bullshit that is Islam. There may not be a mechanism in the religion itself but that doesn't mean people don't have ways of "converting" really just a readoption of their previous religion

Agreed. Not to mention the absolute fucking they take because if their shitty religion that "replaced" (forcibly) their old religious practices

>tfw I impregnated a persian girl 6 months ago
>tfw she wants me to go tell her muslim father because she is too afraid to
>tfw she wants me to marry her but she's a crazy bitch so I don't know what to do

What do I do, Sup Forums?

(Her 23andme only comes up as 25% middle eastern, btw)

This! Afghans too. I am Afghan but consider myself white


Lol, sounds like you're going to be a father my friend. Better stock up on diapers. Is it a boy a girl?

I keep seeing this posted and I never get a name. Sauce.

I think us Sup Forumssians need a containment thread. It's cancerous enough that Richard Spencer said we were ok because that means that anyone who says we're ok is a cuck.

Feels bad. I just want to see Iran put an end to its problems so the average civilized Persian feels welcome and secure there again. I don't see that happening if we aren't wise to the (((problem))).

If she's into you and you think it will work out, do it. Even if you do decide not to marry, you still need to be a Man and take responsibility for this; make sure her father doesn't hurt her and your child is well taken care of.

>black eyes
>black hair
>dark skin
Deport, deport, deport.

Oh I don't pretend to be an expert my friend, but it's definitely true the subversive ways of the kikes in the 70s had already permeated our colleges. They were occupying the dean's room demanding crap they would shit on the dean's desk and just generally being a sorry excuse for braindead white lemmings


Marry her and have plenty of children with her.

Save the west. Raise your kids in the traditions of old.

i would breed her

Boy. She could be a real bitch before I knocked her up. Now she's intolerable. I want my son to have a proper family, but I don't think I can deal with this cunt. I shoulda just stuck with the submissive chinese qt. God damn busty persian seductresses!


Also this

>women are whores are dumb


That looks like a trap

There is an obvious difference between the Persians of old and the Iranians today. It's sad a once proud civilization that could've been a righteous ally of Europe had to fall to the cancerous religion that is Islam. Who knows where Persia would be today if it would've been able to defend itself against the hordes of Muslims

suuuuuuuuure they totally aren't.

>muh dik
worse than a nigger tbqh


I already decided my wife will be persian

They were an ally until CIA meddling allowed the far right Islamists to take over the country.

Beach looks like shit.

Like gravel covered in seagull shit.

The picture on the left is actually degenerate though

Oh believe me I know. The combination of radical Islam and probably our most destructive and Jewish organization, the CIA. They've caused us more problem than they've solved it seems

Lurk moar memeflag

Don't judge those qts

>that pic