Why is it so important to have a real Christmas tree?

Why is it so important to have a real Christmas tree?

Do you have a real Christmas tree Sup Forums?

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Smells good man. Also family fun to go pick one out and cut it down together.

I have a bush out back I use as mine since I celebrate Christmas itself with relatives. Close enough for a basement-dweller.

No the pine needle shedding takes months to clean up

always but I won't put it up till christmas eve

Do you even have pine trees down there

I did until one year I was hospitalized for an allergic reaction to something on the tree (probably Gypsy Moth pesticide) for 4 days and had to have an emergency tracheotomy.

Plastic since.

The smell of christmas.

That's why you put something down around it retard

I use a Juniper tree, they suck water like a fiend but smell great, last over a month and are excellent fire wood when done

Holidays are sentimental and pointless