HARD MODE: don't use leftism, feminism, islam, sjws, lgbtq+ in your answer.
Why do we hate /reddit/?
They're oblivious bugmen dorks.
Why do you ask that and put in a T_D snoo?
You're supposed to hate reddit yourself, T_D.
Too heavily moderated by power mods who control all the main subs. Go read the rules to /r/NintendoSwitch it's like a novel.
Before they showed the Upvote/Downvote on every post so you could see how many people down-voted, now they hide it so you only see the difference. All the content is very low-level images and gifs that can be consumed easily on mobile.
>Too heavily moderated by power mods who control all the main subs
This. I could care less about it's political leanings. It's completely controlled by faggot mods on power trips who enforce rules arbitrarily and at their own whim. You can say what you want about Sup Forums but the mods rarely overstep and when they remove something (which is 99% of the time due to CP) it's for a good reason.
They're in for the trend, they parrot everything they see as popular, they don't dare to challenge themselves to create new culture as they would lose upvotes, they tend to play safe, they want recognition first and creativity second
Sanctimonious pseudo-intellectuals who think they're hip and are obsessed with entry level "geek culture", atheism, shitty circlejerking memes, and thinking they're creative and edgy and above "normies" when they're just normies themselves.
Upvotes and mods and userbase.
theyre lurking in this thread right now, on Sup Forums to get a screen shot for upvotes purely to boast their online statuses
At its BEST Reddit just copies Sup Forums memes 6 monhts later and sanitizes it for mainstream h3h3/idubbz/filthyfrank-sphere consumption.
I never though I would say this, but.
I agree with the commie on this
look through the comment history of various redditors from time to time, it's depressing as hell.
That being said, I miss r/coontown.
I can't stand their stupid "jokes" and puns and dopey "inside" jokes and shitty memes. It's all fat girls and beta boys. Ugh.
self-indulgent, smarmy, condescending narcissistic asswipes who get their sense of validation from upvotes to their posts. Posts are just recycled garbage from their collective circle jerks devoid of any sort of intellectual diversity.
Plus the mods are faggots and asswipes
Middling intellectuals quoting popscience and being condescending faggots.
This wasn't hard at all.
We don't. Other boards complained about Sup Forums being ''the most reddit'', whatever that means. Then it slowly started here on Sup Forums until /mlpol/ and /sg/ drove it into the ground.
downvote and upvote system, forced namefagging, horrible moderation and admin decisions , and a super shitty layout.
It's an echo chamber.
If you say something that doesn't go with the community they'll downvote you to hell and then an you.
Reddit would change instantly for the better if that karma shit were gone.
>hard mode: can't be the users
Okay then I guess I like Reddit.
11/10 thread OP, shills trying to slide this.
*then ban you*
I mean
they're as dumb as a bag of rocks
their movie section only knows about cape movies
their book section about YA novels
the music subs are trash
the ask sub reddits are supposed to be comprised of experts, actually made up of people with BAs from fourth tier universities
the politics section is a circlejerk
the sports sections are fun though
80% of US Sup Forums posters are redditors that had never visited Sup Forums before 2015
You literally aren't able to get your opinion out without circlejerking idiots suppressing you so no one will see.
They banned me for posting a white girl getting blacked once. It was deserved.
...literally 95% of Sup Forums
(((Alt right))) kekistani faggot enabling cucks that worship degenerates like mentally ill blaire white and kike faggot milo. The day of the rope will come for their kind.
>Reddit spacing and claiming to hate reddit
Serious senpai, kys
Between the heavy moderation, and a system that rewards group think and avoids dissenting opinion it was never going to be anything more than an echo chamber.
It is more addicting than Sup Forums and it almost destroyed my life so I don't go there anymore.
pseudo intellectualism
You have to go back
Seems more like the old Sup Forums to me
LOL, what sub was that on?
The site's core design does nothing but encourage groupthink with upvotes/karma. Take those away and there would be much less of a circlejerk.
I hate fedoras
If you have to have a map drawn for you, you have to go back.
Tie a cinderblock to your fat, neckbeard ankle and jump off your nearest bridge.
It's the major source of the neo-commies infecting several boards.
this one is true
The r/t_d to Sup Forums migration after the 2016 elections was pretty disastrous for the quality level of this board
shit like pic related being posted here unironically makes me want to puke
it's populated entirely by normies, you can't say nigger without getting banned, the karma system makes the site an echo chamber, they steal all their jokes from Sup Forums, they have terrible taste in everything, even their porn subchans are vanilla normie shit. i thank god every day I am not one of those faggots. I really cannot adequately express how much I loathe them.
we do hate it....
Because they have a hivemind mindset that's dictated through censorship of non-like-minded people.
Free-thinkers get shit on.
Truth-speakers get shit on.
The CEO is a hack who edits posts it doesn't like.
Because downboats are easier than explaining your viewpoints. Fuck that shithole.
Reddit is %80 idiots as opposed to Sup Forums's %40 idiots.
attention whoring
/reddit/ is just a tool like Sup Forums. I just use them in different ways.
It's a combination of all of these: Reddit's karma and up/down vote system is annoying as fuck for actual conversation, makes a cancerous culture.
It's all on purpose though: Reddit remains to be relatively profitable because that culture will easily consume whatever advertisers want the users to consume, with a stupid grin on their faces.
Most all of Sup Forums's posts are cancerous, but the culture at least allows a (meme filled) open dialogue. Horrible for advertisers though
Upvoting and cunt powertripping mods
The issue is upvotes/downvotes. They can be helpful at times, they filter out genuine spam comments and comments that don't add anything relevant to the discussion, but more so, they are used to suppress different opinions. In some places, this doesn't cause much of an issue but whenever the subreddit covers more divisive topics (i.e. politics) it results in unpopular opinions being absolutely crushed by those that disagree.
Meanwhile here, no one has any reason to treat my post in a specific manner. You can't look at my profile and hate me based on previous opinions, you can't gain anything by posting ":(( I'm so sorry, I hope your life gets better! :))" on any bullshit sob story I subject you to, and you can't hide by post by having you and enough other people hit the "I don't think this" button.
If I post something here and someone says something nice, it means more because they actually meant it. They don't get any Sup Forums-points for posting it and they don't risk losing any by calling me a faggot. Likewise, if someone posts an argument against me, it'll matter based on the actual argument, not the amount of up-chans they have.
>the absolute state of Sup Forums
they are brainless fedora-tipping normalfags who unironically think that their website is some kind of "holy grail" on the internet. Now go back to that shithole and never come back
every (((social media))) site ever
They're literal bugmen.
Heavily censored, I mean moderated, and nothing but pop culture references mixed with propaganda.
It's a controlled jew website.
because they are controlled by the NSA as an internet stronghold to infiltrate and destroy all online self expression.
Welcome to the front page of the Internet!
Its only good on smaller subredits and for non politics subs.
>leftists only
>over the top political correctness- don't dare say the "n-word" or anything negative about women on reddit
>shitty pop culture reference
>upvotes to make people feel good about themselves when they make an abhorrent comment
Everyone has a voice here on Sup Forums.
A stupid karma system doesn't put the garbage everyone wants to here at top
Why not? Those are pefectly good reasons.
This is one of the best parts of the jewish plan to destroy civilization. Simultaneously preaching scarcity of resources that demand reduced family sizes for the goyim and at the same time the humanitarian need to export food to support exploding populations of a near human sub species in africa which in turn must be imported to replace the babies the western nations did not produce. Its as good as the west african slave trade (also run by jews). The direction seems to be towards impoverishing the world population while extracting ever more from them and depriving them of their liberties. At this point everyone should be able to see who is orchestrating this.
Maybe the middle path is best, eliminate the source of suffering on earth and stabilize population while expanding living standards as technology improves. Choose prosperity instead of slavery, it seems so simple. Only a tiny number of jews stand in the way, why not do it?