If Raditz never came to Earth, how would that have affected the story?

If Raditz never came to Earth, how would that have affected the story?

The androids would have killed everyone, I guess?

Gohan would have had adventures of his own, with Goku and Piccolo fighting in the background. Gohan may have had to avenge his father worst case scenario.

Not necessarily, Gero's calculations would have been dramatically different.

Well goku would have been dead from the heart disease, vegeta would never have come so no trunks to come back in time with the medicine.

So probably.

I think what would happen to vegeta playin space badguy with his sights set on freiza would be much more interesting. Would he ever have become ssj on his own through his whacky adventures with nappa and raditz?

The biggest factor is that gero only unleashed 17 and 18 because of super saiyans meant he had to.
So the androids wouldn't run wild, cause gero would be around with his assistant.
Radditz, nappa, and vegeta would likely have eventually gotten strong enough to potentially stand up against frieza, especially when you consider the oozaru factor. But that would have taken at least four more years.
Nah, what most likely would happen is frieza would eventually make his way to earth around the time the androids did. Kami and piccolo fuse, goku goes ssj, and by then, all his troops would be slaughtered and the saiyans would rebel.

The heart disease was contracted as a direct result of goku fighting frieza on namek

>So the androids wouldn't run wild, cause gero would be around with his assistant.
Everything after this is backed by nothing

Namek saga with Vegeta, Nappa and Raditz outsmarting Frieza and bullying namekians, fund it.

Vegeta wouldnt know that dying makes him stronger, or how to detect power level without his sensor so he is gonna get his face raped

Fuck, I'd fund an entire reboot starting with the first episode of DBZ
That chapter was so shit too, Toriyama should have stopped there but was forced and is still forced today, so he brings in some fanfic writer to hopefully kill it off

It's more likely Gohan would accidentally see the moon and go Oozaru. Goku wouldn't be prepared to fight an oozaru, so he (and possibly ChiChi) would get killed.

Piccolo would probably sense it and destroy the moon like he did in canon.

He wouldn't have known to blow it up unless Raditz had said anything.

Where was this stated

Oh yeah.

Everyone knows that Toriyama wanted to end it when Bulma shot Goku.

How exactly did the moon come back again? Completely forgot. Last person I remember even mention the moon was manwolf

Kame restored it.

I thought he got it from Yardrat

You're damn right.

He did
He took ginyus pod, and went where it was programmed to go next, yardtrat
Thus, no frieza fight means no emergency escape, which means no yardrat

Not him, Kami did it. After he took Goku's tail.

Android Saga happens first, shit goes down and eventually Freiza and company show up.

I would prefer a complete DBZ reboot to Super as well. They have so many characters that there is a ton that could be done with an AU. Maybe we could even integrate a bunch of the movie content into it. Hell, I'd be ok with the whole black star dragonballs thing, since the concept in itself had a lot of potential.

Hell, even in the games we barely get anything original. Best we get is a bunch of time travel shenanigans, but for most of the part just replaying how DBZ played out for the billionth time.

Goku went Oozaru before, and the Z fighters know to cut off his tail when that happens. I imagine that Goku would protect Chichi until one of the others senses it and comes to help, or he figures it out himself.

A lot more than if random Japanese highschooler reincarnated as Yamcha.

How would Great Ape Goku do against the Androids?

Goku didn't seem to know what the transformation even was until he fought Vegeta, and even with King Kai's training, he was going to lose. I just don't see Goku pre-King Kai's training holding up there.

Also, did anyone know how to sense ki yet? None of the Z fighters seemed to be aware of Raditz unless they were there to see him.

>tfw you realize nappa was the first true super saiyin blue

Gohan would have a dad and keep his tail, Goku wouldn't learn the kaio ken until later (assuming he would die later). Saiyans fuck everyone up

Gohan had a dad though, Piccolo.

>Freiza and company show up
Why? They would have no reason to go to Earth.

Raditz just isn't strong enough to be sensed from a gigantic distance, or their sensitivity wasn't that great at that point.

Theoretically, they would reach Earth eventually in their systematic universal takeover.

Yeah, but who is to say they were even in the neighborhood? It could have taken them decades to reach that one specific planet.

Maybe something happens while fighting the androids that draws the attention of some of their soldiers? Hell, Raditz just kind of popped up there.

Raditz popped up because he was looking for Goku.

What would be the link between Vegeta, Raditz and Napa heading towards Earth, Jaco? I can imagine an alliance happening towards the four, Jaco tells them about Bulma Saiyans arrive on Earth but Frieza follows after learning about the Dragonballs there.

this. this is what toriyama should've made trunks's story

"dad died, so i had to give up all scholarly ambitions and become sole defender of earth. dont really enjoy it tho tbqh"

instead he was more of a

"i train u trunks and then i die tragically"

No, the saiyans knew about their near death powerup. He even stated it when frieza told them about the destruction of their home planet and also right before frieza killed him

Would going Super Sayan form cure his baldness?

How did Raditz not get killed before, he was such a weakling. Did Vegeta and Nappa feel sorry for him and protect him?

Android saga and the whole Frieza Arc should have been inverted.

The adroids being stronger than super-saiyans is completely non-sensical.

The Z warriors would have remained much weaker, in fact Yamcha and Krillin might have given martial arts up completely without a threat for years. Goku would get stronger but much slower and probably only have a powerlevel of around 1500 by the android saga

Gohan would never become a warrior, Trunks wouldn't be born but Goku and Chichi might have had a few more kids.

Toriyama needs to find a way to basically reduce or completely null the Dragonballs ability to revive the dead.

wish the first time goku died it would have been a near-definitive thing and he'd spend there with Grandpa Gohan and let the other Z fighters handle themselves and develop character in the the physical world.

>Vegeta and Nappa would have never come to Earth
>Frieza would have never found out about the Dragon Balls or Namek
>Piccolo would have never trained Gohan and become an ally
>no Super Saiyan
>no Kaio Ken
>no Spirit Bomb
>Gero's Androids would have been a lot much more weaker
>Goku wouldn't have caught Space Aids
>Babidi would have searched for a planet with stronger warriors in order to awaken Buu
>Beerus would have never found out about the SSGod
>Zamasu wouldn't have had the means to fuck everyone's shit up

weaker androids would have killed a weaker goku, and trunks would not exist to warn them. but piccalo and kami would be separate so the dragon balls would be safe.

>Kami and piccolo fuse
well then its over, piccalo would be stronger than frieza, the super sayians, and the uncalibrated androids.

goku and gohan would be dead of old age by then, so it would be between gohan's kids and piccolo

wouldn't Turles find them and kill them all before gero finishes the androids??

Turles would have killed goku and destroyed the planet before the androids were finished. the only thing that could stop him is piccalo and Kami fusing.

It would have been awful

If Raditz hadn't been to Earth none of them would have known about the Dragon Balls

Nah, Goku would have found a way to defeat them.

Is Turles canon?


>trunks would not exist to warn them
Everyone keeps saying this like it matters, every single hypothetical DB situation that's discussed

BULMA was the one who made the time machine to go back and save Goku. Trunks doesn't matter at all

no, but super saiyan 3 might.

What about Super Saiyan 4?

or if Piccalo's dumb nigger ass didn't tell Raditz

He was probably only sent to weak planets.

Pink mousatche.

>People who didn't watch DB

>time passes until Piccolo attacks again
>Gohan in danger, ?Chichi/Goku? killed
>Gohans Potential discovered, gets Ultra Devine Watter shoved down his throat
>later, Gero finnishes C16, has no desire to fight
>even later, Babidi turns against Friezers men to collect energy
>Friezer survives in space, his army lost
>peace at earth
>then Broly

You know if you're trying to fight one it's difficult, but it's not that hard to run away from one. Berserking apes are slow. Goku and Chichi are fast and have the nimbus. They would be fine.

Goku and friends would have been completely oblivious about Veget and Nappa's impending arrival and they possibly would have won

Glowing peach fuzz?

>tfw Zamasu probably would still fuck everyone's shit up and become the one God he was always wanting to be and to end all life.

Humans were shit in his eyes and meeting Goku only sped up the inevitable.

Goku wouldn't have kickstarted the otherwise pure Zamasu's sheer hatred of ningen.

The "hero" of dragonball is responsible for everything bad that ever happened in the show.
>M-Muh Frieza though
The Frieza Empire is fucking comfy if you're not a monkey.

Yeah, but you're comparing a giant monkey Vegeta, who knows what he's doing, to Gohan, who's powerlevel fluctuates based on how he feels.

I'm sure Goku could avoid being killed by him

>The Z warriors would have remained much weaker, in fact Yamcha and Krillin might have given martial arts up completely without a threat for years.
The only reason they gave it up is because SUPER SAIYANS ONLY i.e., being written out of the story.

Everyone was still on board with the martial arts thing, even if nothing was happening for four years.

Goku would have died early and Gohan would've been the MC

>Piccolo attacks Goku again
>Goku gets killed
>Gohan goes full LEAVE MY DADDY ALONE mode, kills Piccolo
>Afterwards, Gohan goes back to being a scholar and a momma's boy
>Vegeta never attacks because no Raditz
>No way to travel to Namek; they don't even know it exists
>Androids never attack because Goku is kill
>Babadi never tries to revive Buu, because not enough energy
>Beerus never comes to Earth, because no Sayains
>Frieza never comes back to Earth because he never got beat in the first place
>No universe tournament because Champa doesn't know about Earth food
>No Zamasu because he never got whooped by Goku

Vegeta and Nappa wouldn't have come to Earth if it wasn't for Raditz.

>A lot more than if random Japanese highschooler reincarnated as Yamcha.

Some story got posted here not too long ago that featured a Japanese teenager who died and got reincarnated as Yamcha.

More like, what would've happen if Krillin was there to kienzan Raditz. Goku and Piccolo wouldn't have had to divulge anything about the dragonballs reviving Goku with a wish and they would've just trained anyways to beat Vegeta and Napa. Frieza wouldn't come into the picture, Goku wouldn't get a heart disease and the androids would get rekt once Goku unlocked ssj. Babidi wouldn't go to Earth because Perfect Cell wouldn't exist and have forced Gohan to become ssj2.

i'm not getting any results off your image


Piccolo becoming the strongest being in the known universe. Why does this sound like the best scenario?

Everyone already knows that this was how Toriyama wanted it to end

>No Goten
>No Trunks
>Bulma forever a cake unless with Yamcha
>Tien and Chiaotzu still do their own thing
>No 18
>No Maron
>Possibly Marron
>Chi-Chi a widow
>Earth will never have another threat again

So no series, really

>Piccolo continues living alone in a wasteland plotting his revenge
>Vegeta, Nappa and Radditz continue working for Freeza
>Namekians continue to live peacefully
>Freeza continues controlling the universe
>Gero probably kills Goku and everyone else
>Babadi probably takes Buu's pod to some other planet where not everyone is dead

You mean

>Goku dies of a heart attack and Gero realizes he spent all those years plotting his revenge for nothing