If you could have any single person butt-blasted by the unfolding (((((sexual harassment))))) scandal, who would it be?
Who is your White Whale?
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This isn't politics, this would be better posted on /bant/
Thank you
>(((Bill Nye)))
yesss please let it happen
Personally? Raimonds Bergmanis. I have no proof against him, but man... He really pissed me off at the last NATO conference.
A journalist specializing in politics is embroiled in a sexism scandal.
You don't get to define politics, moosefucker.
Piers morgan
Bill Nye hate thread? Bill Nye hate thread!
You mean Piers Brosnan and Morgan Freeman, you lazy fuck?
SeƱor Spielbergo
There are some convincing rumours out there (and they're nasty, much worse than mere sexual harrassment) but he may be untouchable. If he could be brought down it would be absolutely huge though
(((j j abrahms ))) for all the nerd and (((film studie))) soyboy butthurt