Listen here

shimakaze is mine and all who oppose me will get fought to the death immediately

Fine, I'll just settle for her elder sister.

>settling for shit

Sorry, user, but Shimakaze is public property.

wouldn't having her thong so high up give her the most incredible wedgie?

She's probably used to it.

She probably likes it.

She probably grew to like it

look at that shit
it would definitely be pulling inside her at this point

I want to be inside Shimakaze's butt.

Tell me about Shimakaze, why does she wear the thong?

Why don't all girls?

>liking boys

Blatant wankbait, only good for sex, and not the consensual kind either.

what did he mean by this?

Much better as a boy.

Is she going to rape me?

because they are too lewd?

Too poor to buy more fabric.

Search "Shimakaze" on sadpanda and you'll understand.




But if all girls wear thongs, we'd live in a world where girls showing they're wearing a thong is common place. The world would be a much better place.

>implying she isnt doing that on purpose

for what purpose?

I want to do bicep curls with her thong while she's in them.








I like this Shimakaze a lot more.


shes so hot





What about not-shimakazes?




As long as i get puddi




Did they give her a personality yet or is she still just fap fodder?

>No Shimakaze-kun


Shimakaze-kun was a mistake.

Is she still good if she was a loli

but thats gay

I thought this place here is Sup Forums , not /c/ ?


Kiyoshimo is sexier than Shimakaze.

Sexy? nah.

Mind elaborate?

She's the best DD for lewding.

Not by a longshot.

I just fapped to this.
So ashamed of myself

I like this kaze a lot more.

I'm not seeing it.

Why is she naked, while crying?

But she's just so sexy.

>Why is she naked
Because she's ready
>while crying
but you wouldn't give it to her.

>Shimakaze gets animated in the shitty anime
>Nothing from anyone commenting on how indecent her clothes are
>She's just the goofball who doesn't give a shit about anyone else, except one time where she's giving advice to Fuwhoki about upgrades or some shit
>Always playing with her robot toys

I liked her before the anime, and I liked her even more after. I don't even play the game since it doesn't tickle my fancy, but boy does her costume tickle it right good.

What's up with her costume, anyway? Just a random design? Or is it explained/hinted at in the game? She's gotta get one hell of a draft in that skirt.

>give it to her.
Give what to her? I don't understand.

Disregard armor (clothes), for more speed, basically.

Your "passion".

Dem thighs and hips
Dat pink blush
Erect nipples

Shimakaze is 2slow.

So I should give her a big hug and tell her my feelings? I can do that.

This is on sadpanda, and it's a fucking laugh. This artist knows how to deliver.

>What's up with her costume, anyway? Just a random design? Or is it explained/hinted at in the game?

The ship she's "molded" after was a 1 off prototype advanced Destroyer design. That's why no other ship in Kantai Collection has the same dress as her. The ship was built for speed an was one of the fastest warships of WWII. Her costume design reflects that; less amount of clothes = less weight and less drag = more speed.

Give her the more advanced form of what you mentioned.

Does she want me to kiss her on the cheek too? How indecent.

We know Shimakaze is fast, but is she fast enough to outrun a Kenyan athlete?

>Metal Gear Solid 5 DLC never

She wants it in her mouth.

Shimakaze's clothes represent her armor. She has less of it to maximize her speed.

Oh my. I guess I can kiss her on the lips if she wants. I don't know if my heart can handle this.

What kind of sound would this make?


That Usan Bolt you idiot.

It would be extremely painful.

Why's Amatsukaze almost always drawn with Shimakaze? Sisters?

Best boat + best not-boat


Best boat coming through


Is this a meme bait or did you post the wrong image.


The real life Amatsukaze was outfitted with a prototype engine that would go on to be developed into the one Shimakaze would be equipped with.


Rensouhou-kun a cute.

>Shimakaze actually got outsped by a French ship

A ship falls asleep on your lap, the TV is turned off, and the TV remote is too far away to reach for. What do you do?

Hard mode: no lewd.
Elder God mode: don't wake Shimakaze

>no lewd
Fuck off, I'll touch her in inappropriate places and there's nothing you can do about it.
