natsoc/fascist/stormfag hate thread
Natsoc/fascist/stormfag hate thread
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you seem to be alone on this front user
slide thread, saged
kys faggot
>supports authoritarianism
Doesn't sound like you have a very consistent worldview
theo only goo one itt
All this reddit "behold le masterrace xddd" humor
rare french version
That impotent rage must feel micropenis no?
>itt the eternal kike works ever harder
Yep das juden
lol natsoc general hasnt been on pol for months and you faggots are just pumping out the memes now? Fuck you losers suck! no wonder we are all going execute you by firing squad when the day of the rope comes.
stormfags are no better than nigs. blaming all the problems on another race
that meme is very accurate OP, it's frightening
leftypol will never be able to meme because memes are truth
This is the only one if these that needs posting.
>corporate hierarchy
Kill yourself hypocrite
Get a job.
t. stormfront
Death to Israel, fucking neonazi fucks
Heil Hitler
Death to shills
I like being a conformist.
Guess what retard: If you somehow magically transitioned to living under Stalin tomorrow you would be handed a shovel and forced to work 20-hour shifts in a salt mine until you died, and that's if a tunnel doesn't collapse and kill you first. (Although you would probably hope for the latter after a few days)
Yeah, fuck israel
>kekposting faggots are a minority next to legions of fanatical soldiers
Pretty flattering depiction of Sup Forums if you ask me
t. unemployed
The worst ones I hate is the ones that literally do nothing but want their ideology to succeed.
They cling to nazi imagrey that they full well know will never help them win anything but a punch in the face, they call you a "Lemming" for merely suggesting they do some real activism or perhaps not cling to imagery that will get them in jail, in-order to better spread the ideology.
nonwhites be mad
>The weak shall fear the strong.
>loyaly serves jewish supremacists and their puppet regimes
>screeches about hypocrisy
Kill yourself
Most of the things on this list actually apply to libs though
fuck you OP
Sieg Heil!
You fucked up the face. It doesn't look like Hitler, it just looks like some guy with a Hitler mustache. There's no way I can masturbate to this.
You fucking dumbass, don't post kike shit
this belongs here
I’m pretty sure this is by a Sup Forumsack mad at the influx of redditors from the Election.
your the dumbass if you don't realize that certain aspects of kike shit can be used against them!
I have to admit it, this image represents me.
I'm the Roman saluting Nazi in greyscale.
>your the dumbass
Go home Kostya, you're drunk
you realize that I purposely do not spell those words correctly? It is the same as saying "U" instead of "You"
typing "your" is faster than typing "you're"
I dont give a fuck if it is grammatically correct and you should be thrown into a gas chamber for even caring that much about peoples internet spelling faggot!
>hurhur reddit
why do Nazis do this?
You know, you're the reason why Europeans think we're retarded.
Documentaries exposing zionism
CBS 60 Minutes Exposing Israeli Apartheid
Israeli settlements, explained
The Zionist Story. (Full Documentary)
Israel Lobby
The Israel Lobby's Impact on America
Documentary on Israel / Palestine - Occupation
The Pain Doesn't Go Away - Rachel Corrie's Parents on RAI (1/3)
War By Deception (9/11, Iraq, PNAC , All Roads Lead To Israel) {Full Film}
I explained above why i spell it that way faggot. Thinking that spelling "your" instead of "you're" is any indicator of intelligence actually means that you are fucking retarded.
I purposely type things incorrectly because it is faster that way. U is easier to type than You
The fact that i even have to explain this to you morons is laughable