There is someone out there who's seen more anime than you.
There is someone out there who's seen more anime than you
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user everyone already knows that you are just a bit slow.
poor bastard
There's also assholes out there who get free merch for blogging shit.
The rabbit hole is deep, unending and merciless.
Are you some sort of fucking loser?
It's me. I have seen more anime than you
You mean you aren't?
Does it matter?
I've seen the only 7 good ones so it's irrelevant
Naw, they pay something far worse than money
Well, I only watched Kuma Miko this years
Not gonna watch Part 4 because worst Jojo
I don't really care. I like to diversify my tastes by experiencing manga, VNs and live-action drama instead of just anime all the time.
>Spent a whole year without watching anime
Fucking hell I could've been an anime savant by now.
>85 Days watched on MAL
Of course
Tfw at 143 days
Must be nice
This. Everything I've watched in the last three years was shit, I just don't care as much anymore.
A special kind of hell user
>118 days
Holy hell
It's actually funny, I've never met someone who has watched more anime than me but then I come to Sup Forums and I'm a newfriend.
probably, but i barely function as it is, the guys ahead of me are probably rightly fucked completely and utterly.
>250+ days and haven't watched near enough classics
it never ends
actually i stopped caring not much time ago
gonna try to enjoy each episode to the max and whatever
245 here, there are people above me. My only solace is that my drop/watch ratio is almost 1:1 so its not as autistic as most.
Not me, but someone I know. I'm always kind of amazed that he has kept up his watching habits for this many years.
But is there someone who has watched yuyu hakusho more than me? I've watched it 11 or 12 times now, not counting the sporadic viewing from cartoon network way back when.
that drop/completed ratio tells me they are depressed.
yea I've only got 225, pretty much newfriend, but I don't want to waste my time watching something I won't enjoy. I also slowed down my anime intake this year, nothing interests me anymore, I need something good to get me going again
>implying you didn't count series you watched as a kid to inflate your stats
Sad people, all of you!
>there are people out there who get free money for doing work
This world is really messed up.
Any 200+ can recommend good anime or manga that's not well known?
Perhaps they don't list drops too often. That or he's got an autistic commitment to shows like me
Can anyone recommend a "must watch" list for someone who is practically brand new to anime? Preferably sci-fi/action/adventure type genres
>There is someone out there who's wasted more of his sorry life than me
>watching crap
>not knowing when to quit a shit show
>specials, recaps and /e/ OVAs
It's still anime, even if you watched it when you were a kid. Don't see the problem.
I haven't seen that much anime,so that's not hard.
They could also hardly ever pick up a new seasonal shows and just watch the shows that are generally liked .. like me.
This gives me hope desu
>literally me
I don't think he's "out there". He's probably hidden in a basement or something.
It's also easy to get bad shows over with if you relegate them to 2nd monitor status, which isn't really watching but whatever.
>tfw only completed 200+ TV series
MAL bloats lists so much with movies, ovas, specials, etc.
There's this guy,though how legit his list is is questionable.
They must've really watched some shit anime, then.
Wouldn't surprise me if it's legit, i could see myself being that guy if i was born 70 years ago. I mean, what would be more fun to do then watch 2d girls all day when you're 70+ years old?
There is someone out there who likes Shibasaki Roka.
1930 was 86 years ago. Someone born in 1930 would be 86.
I like Shibasaki Roka.
Wow, what a fucking loser.
You are completely a newfag, not to mention you could have watch 40 years of anime and still be a NEWfag when you are NEW here.
You're one hell of a fucking idiot too I see. Lurk 2 years before posting, neophyte.
That feel when I've watched over 400 animus, and have spent many weeks drawing anime girls.
Not enough desu
Yes Sup Forumsnon, i was just saying in general. i expect myself to be dead before i turn 86
what about 30?