Post awful nigger videos
Nigger Hate Thread
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NO! I live in America. My reality is an awful nigger video everyday
So satisfying
Imagine the feeling of that kill. Seeing him drop just as he gets to the door. The man is a hero. It must have been the highlight of his life
>not posting the full clip
This was whitey though
how we do in NYC
you know if it was two niggers and 1 white guy the other would have jumped in
I'm staring to find myself visiting Sup Forums so much more than any other pages
Fuck Nigs
why not .. it's a slow day
Dumb niggers try to rob pawn shop, get shot in the head
where do these niggers even get these guns? Was that a Desert eagle?
this is in Arizona, and how we do there!
They steal them. Where do you think they get anything? They steal it. Why would guns be any different?
That is orgasmic!
Get out while you can.
ho ho ho i am tired of your shit nigger
Welcome newfriend.
what kind of retarded mouth breather has their guns stolen? what's the point of having a gun when a nigger can steal it from you?
I hope this feral nog was blinded.
And probably still would have lost.
whats happening here?
That was fucking disturbing.
God damn beautiful. Better than any video game or movie. I need more NOW
Rap-a-rations for the niggers when?
White people be anti-nubiansemetic and anti negro
is there a one with audio?
ok now i am angry
Why am I even in this thread?
someone post the black wedding webm
now I feel bad
Do you all find it cathartic to hate "niggers"? How does it make you feel? How does watching a black person in pain make you feel?
>my boy dindu nuffin
Tour Detroit never gets old
>They all just sit there
>no one tries to help
>a lady moves her drink out of the way
there's another angle where it shows the kill shot go through his left shoulder and out his right side torso. wish i had it to post.
>time 1 time in Sup Forums webm where shit actually didn't come out the butt
that was fucking SMOOOOOTH!
Them big girls got powerful haymakers
Could use me some coon farm equipment
Not enough.
hail the golden one
That I need to avoid interacting with them given every opportunity.
Around Blacks never relax.
name one other country where could shit like this actually happen
You're starting to derive pleasure from seeing niggers in pain. Don't forget, you're here forever.
or.. they steal some money, and buy them from "good law-abiding gun owners"
Do you believe this random act of violence represents the behavior of many black people?
Yeah. It's fun to see them punished for their actions for once instead of being sucked off by every person on earth.
Kid shot 6 times, 4 of them into the pavement in front of him.
im not even clicking on that shit again i don't have time to be angry right now
>manages to stay fat
I think they could avoid shooting the nigger here if they wanted.
He basically isn't aware of their presence and has an almost unloaded pistol. When he turns and realizes the police presence I'm sure he would surrender to a "drop the gun" round of yelling. Also he looks like someone whos is drunk.
Cop should have done the wee wee thingy with the sirens too.
Now go ahead and hate me Sup Forums
idk bout all that nonsense.
ok maybe you're right.
they buy them on the black market through dealers. Haven't you ever played Gary's Mod? Fucking casuals on this board need to go man
Nigger shot in the head by another nigger.
Does anyone have this webm?
Nogs usually chimpout in groups of three or more. Once those numbers are reduced they head for the jungle.
Probably the same way your mom felt giving birth to you. Go ask her about it.
african gymnastics?
hey asiatic nigger..dont you have a nuclear cloud looming over that shit hole you call a country?
dindus have a strange hatred for animals, especially cats
>pulling out a pistol in front of a cop
What a fucking moran
Just go with it. Face it, if this was a thread about animal cruelty you would be disgusted and leave. You realize niggers deserve it where as animals don't though.
Is it just me or does anyone else cringe at fat black women?
that was a wigger though.
>he thinks americans don't have guns on their person and at their home when they aren't there
Niggers steal a bunch of guns at a time. Sell them on the street.
I laughed more than I should have. These are my favorite threads on Sup Forums
Is the fat bald guy a cop?
please stop with the racist videos...he will not divide us through bigotry and hate
if you filthy niggers keep on posting after these digits, calling uncle hiro
Is there any context for this one?
Do you think that piece of shit deserved to live?