If a husband and wife mutually decide that they can see other people, but only for sex, that's fair, isn't it? Apart from muh Christianity, why is this wrong?
What is pol's opinion on open marriage?
It's a deviant perversion and destructive to the family unit.
go to Sup Forums for that shit
That's not a marriage friendo
It is a political issue. Right wing conservatives would be against it because they think there's some harm to it. But really, what is the harm? If BOTH husband and wife can do it, what's the problem?
If BOTH husband and wife can do it, what's the problem? That's equal. Why should this be a problem for conservatives?
Open marriage is ok if both agree, lying is not loyal not sleeping with others necesarly!
Only of the marriage is essentially over but they are staying together to raise their children.
Divorce is significantly more degenerate and results in children growing up to be criminals and deadbeats.
This is a BOT thread
Just get a divorce. You don't love her. She doesn't love you.
I want Mistress T to smash my balls
Trouble in bed, Italicuck?
It's not a real marriage. You're just roommates who are occasional fuck buddies, not a family.
You missed the destructive to the family unit part, imagine children raised in this atmosphere? Surely they would start castrating or sowing dicks on themselves. KYS faggot
It is easy to get bored of one partner for years, friend.
>But really, what is the harm?
It is hedonistic and create an unstable family environment.
Retweet if you would love to eat Sarah Sanders' pie
You must be new here. If you weren't you would understand this shit by now. I can't word it any other way, what you're proposing facilitates the breakdown and decay of human civilization.
If you think that sticking your dick in some new strange for two minutes in worth losing the loyalty and companionship of a woman who has seen you at your absolute worst and stuck by you for years you are a faggot and deserve the rope
Thrill seeking people are scum.
>If a husband and wife mutually decide that they can see other people, but only for sex, that's fair, isn't it?
What's the point?
Just don't fucking marry?
Hey man you're, homosexual, it's fine, plenty of other people are, homosexual, too so please don't even bother with women, they're not for you, go on you, be with who really want to be with, Gary,.
there's the door, bitch. it's open. gtfo
What's the point of getting married if you're fucking other people?
> He want more women, therefore he is homosexual
> American intellectual
Open marriage is a broken marriage.
If the guy suggests it he's either Chad enough to be unshackled in the first place, or too beta to break up with the woman.
If the woman suggests it, it's game over man.
Because sex encourages emotional bonding, which leads to side relationships. If your wife fucks a guy on the side, there's a good chance that she'll consider leaving you for him.
It's never mutual. She wants to smash strange dick. Hubby has gone beta bux and she wants Alpha fucks since she doesn't get the vagina tingles anymore. He is some nu-male beta pussy that she has zero respect for when she walks all over him and he has zero leadership or masculinity to be had. He is soft and boring. She wants chiseled and exciting. It always turns out that she can ride the cock carousel immediately and, unless he's fucking Dan Belrizian(?) in the flesh, he will be left raising the kid she has from some other dude and never get to fuck any other woman.
Truth hurts. Redpill men win.
Then divorce her, you're not meant to be if you're bored of her, the attraction chemicals have gone, I'm going through a divorce now, got bored of her and her character in general (think Skyler off Breaking Bad) got along better with wymen at work then her, i used to have one-off flings regularly but having a wife holds you back trying to commit with someone who's more likely a better match. There's always the "i've got someone already" excuse. Talking to a new pregnant qt at work now and the banter and conversation flows x1000 better than it ever did with the ex. Found out the ex was having an affair and apart from maybe three days of rage I couldn't care less, his a 45 year old 4-5 in looks, her looks have gone down hill too and i just feel bad for her really.
The courts take half my property if I divorce.
>if both can do it
That's the problem.
By and large the woman can do it.
The man will suffer a life in solitude.
All a woman has to do is spread her legs and she'll have her victory in the open relationship.
A man meanwhile has to go through the whole process of conquering a woman every single time.
That's why open relationships always end up breaking apart.
Companionship, children, financial stability, love, etc.
Being with the same person starts to get old after 15-20 years. There is a reason why so many people have affairs, and it isn't necessarily that they or their partner is at fault.
If my wife had an affair I would leave her without a question, but I would never be so delusional to think she's never wondered about being with another man, because I've thought plenty of times about being with other women. Some people just decide to take it to the next level. If it works for them then kudos, but I wouldn't ever do that.
Hum, just have to eat shit. Break off or you'll just slowly age away your best years with someone you don't like. You only live once. Luckily i got her to keep her house with the "property investment" renter excuse when we first met. Always had that. Planned ahead as I couldn't see us lasting past the kids even at the beginning. Her brother even warned me off her. Now i'm out more with the m8's, got hobbies, chatting up wymen much better looking, my autism is stopping me asking for numbers but it'll happen. In a much better place.
I would happily lose myself in Sarah Sanders' pie.
Upvote, liked, and subscribed.
That's the sunk cost fallacy. Might as well get out before your net worth increases even more, you have kids, etc.
>literally fucking other people
>financial stability
>implying it won't lead to severe backlash if they leave the partner due to finding another through their open relationship
>implying they couldn't just do a different contractual obligation instead of a religious meme
>Will tapped in the head
>may not even be one of the "parents" children
>creates legal issues for said child if they have a different parent to the established legally bound contract
>in fact, non marriage contracts of partnership would ALSO have issues with this unless construed with said possibility
>implying marriage is a simplified mechanism to prevent the above said issues from being issues in the first place
It was there to make these issues simpler. But by making it open... it ruins the purpose of marriage in the first place as a legal/social tool.
It essentially becomes pure "legal fiction".
>implying marriage is a simplified mechanism
is not*
yeah have fun when your kid turns out to be a polyfurry transfat octopuskin because it grew up in a degenerate environment
Thats the spirit of true vikangz.
I think it's gay, but do what you want as long as you're not hurting anyone.
I don't think people get married with the idea of having an open marriage. If I use my imagination, I see it as a couple drifting apart or becoming bored from a sexual perspective. Instead of becoming increasingly bitter and eventually breaking up, they decide to remedy the situation by having an open marriage.
If jealousy weren't a problem and it was truly honest and open, it would be an ideal situation. Forget all the cultural/social norms and adversity towards being a cuck or cheating - you basically have a great marriage and family and get to hook up with new women when the situation comes up.
Of course life isn't so simple. And neither is being in a relationship: sometimes you love someone but there is still something missing. That's life. Only inexperienced neckbeards would think that love and relationships equate to pure virginal anime fiction.
1. this 2. Weimar levels of degeneracy
I hope you read my post Mario.
I refer you to
I have sex with other females and my wife knows but it's only our daughters. Does that count?
In practice this rarely works.
First of all, if you are married this better be in your nuptial agreement that you can fuck around because if not your wife can run off and get a divorce and you're paying 100% for everything as the cheating party who broke the marriage vows.
Second, jealously is a real thing and women are needy for attention. If you're running around with whores even if she agrees to it, it's a recipe for disaster. Even if you're doing threesomes, one of you will pay 'too much' attention to the third party and it will all unravel.
It doesn't work, just stop obsessing over sex. Find some meaning in life besides muh dick like your kids, your career, your nation, ect.
Marriage is for dedicating yourself to one other person. If you want an open marriage dont fucking get married.
Monogamy is crucial for a solid family unit. Men will never be able to clear their heads of whether or not their children are even theirs. Women are worried that their children will be forced to split their father's resources with another woman's child. This erodes trust. Ultimately it leads to the marriage falling apart and forces the children to be raised in a shitty half-assed environment. Destruction of the family unit damages the society as a whole. That is why this is a bigger issue than what even the couple wish.
Not for me but I don't care if other people do it.
You're an idiot, I'm a right wing conservative and I'm not against it. I just don't think it should be the norm.
>Skyler off Breaking Bad)
I hate that bitch so fucking much!
why does this feel like a shill post for a future Chelsea for President. background demographic market research? Fusion GPS anyone?
Why bother to get married, then?
You think she's happy? She's 40 with no kids.
How can one woman look like such a shrewd cunt?
>I see it as a couple drifting apart or becoming bored from a sexual perspective.
Open relationships lead to broken relationships because they get bored with each other.
Marriage is meant to be the concrete that overcomes this.
You're effectively removing that concrete and just putting in sand.
So what's the fucking point?
Just don't marry if that's the mentality you're having.
If you can't deal with a fixed relation to "death do us part" then you can't deal with the definition of a marriage.
Regardless of the subsequent legal/social issues involved.
>If jealousy weren't a problem and it was truly honest and open
Just don't be human then.
Because it's impossible to not feel such passions.
Every girl I've met since I was 29 has wanted an "open relationship" or at least thought it was normal. There truly aren't many women worth marrying now.
I still hookup now and then but girls get pretty salty when I move on as soon as they talk about living together or any commitment. inb4 "where have all the good men gone"
This. The sooner you get out the more of your own capital you keep in the long run, you can build anew without worrying, the kids will eventually grow up and they're expensive are af anyways, 20-25% income is getting a good deal imo. Just make as much time for them as you can and have them over for a week every month. As long as you are keeping them grounded they won't become complete degenerates.
>even replying to this shit
Open marriage as in when you open up a mouse over her eye with fresh deliveries of backhands cause she talking back?
I feel bad for you young guys. Women in my generation weren't perfect but they were leagues better than the whores in your generation.At least bitches used to lie about being sluts, now they take pride in it. It's like roles have reserved.
Not every bloke who knocks up a wymen with a kid has a choice, I didn't, i was practically forced as it went from 1/2 of conversations she brought up to EVERY. DAMN. CONVERSATION/ARGUMENT for months on end. I was weak and brow beaten into it.
Opinion? Why ask me? Ask your Priest or your fake spouse.
knew several from fetlife. Only one was successful. They were older (60s); 1 male and 2 females in a Master/slave relationship. And the guy was one of the most redpilled person I've ever met. Any of the relationships that allowed the female to be with other men or women always ended in disaster.
>Talking to a new pregnant qt at work now
gr8 b8 m8
>open marriage
I hate to use the word, but degenerate is what comes immediately to mind.
1. I see marriage as exclusive, in all aspects. Family is the basis of society, and couples must stand together, alone.
2. Sex serves the marriage. It is either a method to have kids, or it is a way h&w get increasingly intimate and stronger in their relationship. A means, not an end.
3. Just, ew.
Seriously, are you new here??? Cucks are mocked mercilessly here
yeah its pretty bad. I met a girl a while ago through work, who clearly liked me (i'm not a major chad but i suppose I'm close to one)
Within a few conversations she bragged about fucking her married boss from another job, and watching porn all the time. She has 2 kids (single mom of course) and brought up how she likes to work all the time so she doesn't have to deal with them. All of that was supposed to impress me or turn me on or something? lol wtf.
I feel like no one knows what marriage is any more. The 80s and 90s generation grew up basically parentless in broken households so it kinda makes sense that people don't get it I suppose.
Here's how I'd do it: if you have sex with a married woman it is automatically rape and the punishment for rape is death.
In fact any sex outside of marriage will be considered rape so "she told me she was single!" will not matter.
Equal /= Good
My wife already fucks 10 BBCS at onw time
they fuck are holes. and they love to pound her ass. Make her a BBC SLAVE. They beat her with the cock. Then they cum in the pussy make BBC baibies.
. They pee on her
. they face fuck her
. 6 guys two in each hole
. She loves to suck the bbc
. 3 in the pussy
. Then a huge cum dump on my BBC whore
I lick if up im a cuck.
Kek didn't she do a Cheryl Cole and ride the BBC carousel till she finally wanted children and ended up with a beta cuck white guy?
Who let this Pajeet near a keyboard? He is getting poo all over it.
>"'If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death"
They should be publicly burned alive for violating the sacred vows they made to eachother and to God. Marriage is a holy sacrament. The area's bishop should build a great pyre upon the footsteps of the local cathedral, and the faithful should come, and watch the wretched degenerates spend their remaining moments on earth in the same state they will spend all of eternity within the bowels of hell.
Oh fuck lol
I seen a thread on Sup Forums the other day where a guy is forced to wear a chastity belt by his wife. He also has to wear a condom while her boyfriend gets to jizz in her raw. Someone asked him what happens when they want to have a child and the guy said that it would probably be the boyfriend who would father the child. He also said that the boyfriend would be moving in soon and sleeping in the same bed as all 3 of them, and the bf would fuck her while he slept in the same bed because he gets off on humiliation. I looked into him and he wasnt trolling. He has a reddit account and shit where he posts his cuck bs. Theres no excuse for being such a faggot. The guy shouldnt be recognized as a human and should be buried alive with a corps and feces laying on top of him with steam rolling in every 30 minutes like a sauna to make it as stinky and uncomfortable as possible for him. Would a garbage human.
ITT: People honestly think a relationship system is good when it fails more than half of the time and makes it a requirement to be deceitful.
This. Any woman that likes things like bungee jumping, sky diving and roller coasters is a thrill seeking degenerate who will suck nigger cocks for shits and giggles. Red flag!
As someone in a happy marriage I’d have to say only autist on 4chin believes normal people do this bullshit open marriage like Jew tv shows irl
Just fuck off with it. If you love someone you’d do whatever you want to keep her/him to yourself. This is nature and instinct. These fuck mental cucks thought they’re capable of “love” lmao what a clown’a world
>happy marriage
>still Canadian
Hope you find your way in life friend