Its seems that all the racist posts confuse correlation for causation in their conclusions on race and racially...

Its seems that all the racist posts confuse correlation for causation in their conclusions on race and racially categorized intellectual and economic outcomes. Why do you all do this? What about "Correlation not equating to causation" do you all not understand? Honest question....

How do you explain Africa

Ok let's pretend that their blackness isn't what is causing black people to be assholes in general. Let's assume you're right and it can all be explained by tertiary reasons like income, culture, whatever.

Do you want to live in an all black neighborhood? Do you actually want to spend more time around black people? If liberals truly believe what they preach, why do they all live in upscale white-only affluent neighborhoods if black people are such wonderful people?

Crime rates, income, SAT, and graduation rates all place blacks below whites while controlling for socio-economic factors



The causal connection between IQ and income, crime, academic achievement, and life success has been teased out pretty thoroughly.








and haiti, and black communities in the usa or in the uk or in germany or all over the worldXD
btw braindifferences relate to different risk taking behaviour also obiously blacks have hard time acepting whites as part of their group and so eve see whites as outgroup but still altso fight other blacks

>Correlation not equating to causation
It does if the there are multiple angles tested and proven everytime.
Why is ignoring the problem a good thing?

We need to tackle the IQ problem globally.

I would honestly rather live in a place with community than in the depressing, judgmental, isolating white neighborhood that I currently live in. I might be more likely to die, but at least I would feel something.

That's aptitude, not IQ.
And that's another fucking issue.

How tame is too tame?

You can't effectively control for socioeconomic factors given the American tradition of white supremacy. We've developed much of the Great Society social policy around this glaring fact.

Then go do it. Let me know how that works out for you. Hint: Your black neighbors won't just be judgmental. They're fucking selfish assholes that don't care about anyone else. If you think they're going to form some kind of bond with you, you're retarded. They'll dump trash on your lawn and probably knock your ass out if you complain about it to them.

You’re just gay and have jungle fever.

The lack of community in your homogeneous neighborhood is CAUSED by all the multiculturalism. Look up "Bowling Alone", multiculturalism literally causes homogeneous sub-communities to be isolated and hostile. This wouldn't change in a black community, you'd just have a higher chance of getting shot.

Who hurt you......

>Jaffas calling

Black people when I lived in an apartment complex during my college years. Worst experience of my life, and a defining experience. I will never, ever live near black people again. They are mindless, selfish animals.

Correlation never equates to causation.

I'm sorry they hurt you. I am black, and I wouldn't have hurt you. I can't really apologize for them or any other black person cause that's not a thing, but I wish you would reconsider.

Black people, actually.

Im curious what kind of area you grew up in and how often you spend time with people of your own race

The statistics you all point to show a tremendous amount of growth in 200 years but sadly for you all, they don't point to an essential difference stemming from black skin. There is nothing essential to African Americans or Africans in the disparate data sets you all display here. For those data points that aren't blatant forgeries of reality, they display the outcomes based on both legal and therefore economic segregation. This was accompanied by debilitating circumstances that haunt our country to this day in the realm of housing, urban deconstruction, prosecutorial discretion run rampant throughout our criminal justice system. These are systemic injustices occurring throughout the entirety of the black experience in America.

So that fucks with 90% of science then.
Including the ones suggesting parity.


My community is 89% white. It is one of the wealthiest in the country with a strong liberal bias of 5 to 1 registered democrats to republicans. Crime is low but growing up in this rich community was isolating as fuck. The local high school, which is topped ranked in the state also has a sexual hazing tradition, but I wasn't picked for it because I was to weird.
College students are fucking assholes. You shouldn't attribute your awful dorm experiences to race. I had the person next to me tried to kill themselves and I had to listen to their dying screams for 30 min before the medics removed them from the building.

I hang out with black people every day. I grew up in Brooklyn. Strange enough I didn't even meet a white person until High school.

it seems op is a faggot and should kill self


Shut the fuck up nigger

Yeah college kids are generally assholes. Its the sudden and irreconcilable freedom that does it. Alot of people cant handle that.

>muh correlation doesn't imply causation
Good skeptical view when statistics are involved, as a rule, but in this case it's a causal relationship.

You can in statistical analysis you dweeb

Oops wrong pic

the jew did what they did to you, not europeans btw


Bullshit. The kinds of institutional or even private business discriminations you're talking about are illegal, and people go to pound me in the ass prison for it. The niggers here should be happy they live here with whites and not in Africa with their own kind.

I always wanted to know why you all hate jews so much. I always brushed it off as a backwards reliance on conspiracy theories.

Then join some community groups, get to know your neighbors. Find out of any old folk need shopping done.

Michelle Alexander's book The New Jim Crow has alot to teach you. There have been major triumphs with regard to updating our criminal justice system but you have to understand all of this legal change has occured within the last 100 years or so. There are people that are 100s years old. This is a generations old problem and it will take a while to fix it entirely and take even longer for African Americans to see acquire social and economic parity. housing discrimination is still a thing, We're even finding that facebook is having a lot of issues dealing with housing discrimination. Its not a cut a dry issue that has passed us. Neither has prosecutorial discrimination, nor any of the other systemic issues I've mentioned. The Republican party is, to this day banned by federal courts from drafting election laws in certain states due to their malfeasance in the past.

The 14th and 15th Amendments are total disasters and will lead to America's inevitable decline into a country more closely resembling most of the ones south of her. Your books won't change this obvious truth that you came here to argue against.