Is there any serious argument against white privilege?

There's no question that those struggling financially, lower class whites, are facing many of the distinct challenges that people of color, or those in the religious minority, or those who are not cis-gendered. However, I consider the opportunities along a continuum - access to full equality slides along the scale of subjugated status. I definitely don't agree that bringing up race is making it more divisive. If anything has been indicated in the last 6 months it's that our Civil Rights progress is distinctively under threat, so not discussing it isn't going to fix the issue. Having cases of minorities (or people from a traditionally oppressed status) succeed, such as the Jews pol addresses, doesn't negate the experiences of institutional barriers to the majority of subjugated class holders. It's like the old adage about Oprah Winfrey. Look! A black woman who's rich! Well, yes . . . but how many more black women are in poverty, and why is that occurring so disproportionately along class/race/orientation lines?

Other urls found in this thread: points on the SAT'sian-race-tutoring-20150222-story.html#page=1

No. It is all cultural marxism, which is literally subhuman because it is spiritless

Nobody ever explains what white privilege is supposed to be.

serious question here. I wan't to hear what you have on this subject.

I know the concept of white privilege is a challenging one for many (generally whites) to consider.

There’s general two reasons people oppose the concept of white privilege. First, many feel that white privilege is trying to push ‘guilt’ onto whites. That’s not the theorists’ intention (there are many race theorists who believe in white privilege). The point is not to feel guilty for the crappy ways our ancestors behaved which created a pervasive system of advantage; the point is to recognize that it’s happening, and then work to combat prejudice when we see it taking place. Not guilt, but activism.

The second reason whites oppose the concept of white privilege is because they have experienced poverty first hand. People think that poverty is the great equalizer of us all. I would argue that’s not exactly true. Undoubtedly two people both poor and homeless are sharing experiences. However, there’s still greater likelihood that the white person in poverty can get a job (extensive discrimination in the labor market), can pursue higher education (minorities have much lower rates, proportionately – which is key—of college graduation), and even to stay out of jail (the increased prevalence of minorities in correctional facilities is *overwhelming*). If you’re going to argue that there are more minorities in jail/prison because they commit more crime, then you’re really not paying attention these days.

Call it Fiscal Privilege.

we DO have an obligation (whites) of recognizing how our life is made easier by the past *and continued* subjugation of minorities. Once we can do that, we can move towards real equality.
In our race class, we generally address the question "what is white" with the response "whatever can pass as white." If one can go through life without having their race or ethnicity questioned in any manner, that's generally considered "white".

So being the majority in a county is a privilege? Wow who could have imagined?!

I oppose the concept of white privilege because it is a delusional post-hoc apprehension of history predicated on the ignorance of its proponents and leveraged as a political weapon by a class of unscrupulous political elites

talking about it helps no one and is lateral to your stated goal of helping fight inequality, you are spinning your wheels

Thanks for your input, would you say minority civil rights have been more under attack in the last year?

Good point.

so no one really has an argument debunking white privilege? I am disappointed pol...

"debunk this undefinable idea that i believe. cant do it? looks like i win another debate"

I didn't want to win this one though. I'm here to learn. (on pol yeah I know but where else can I go). White privilege (or white skin privilege) is a term for societal privileges that benefit white people in Western countries beyond what is commonly experienced by non-white people under the same social, political, or economic circumstances. According to McIntosh and Lee, whites in a society considered culturally a part of the Western World enjoy advantages that non-whites do not experience

You answered it in your first line. Wealth is a privilege, poverty is not. Has absolutely fuck-all to do with skin color. That's just a ruse to spread racism on the left.

So why are more minorities in jail or in poverty than whites?

Because they commit more crimes, have a 70% motherhood rate and piss employers off with their "muh white privilege".

*single motherhood

How do you account for the disproportionate amount of non whites below the poverty line?

stats on the single motherhood one? or where would i search to get that data? Not doubting you here I just want to know where you got that source.

the average IQ of a black american is 85, and at least 25% are retarded (below 70). Puerto Ricans are just about as stupid.


If you look at the "white privilege" checklist colleges give, you can replace "white" with "Majority" and it works with every country on earth. Its not white privilege, its majority privilege

>be the race which builds the society
>make the society benefit you the most as is natural
>get called privileged

If they don't like it, send them somewhere else where they won't be oppressed.
Far easier method than destroying a 200 year old society which over a million men have fought and died for.

Abraham Lincoln had the right idea when he wanted to send the Blacks back to Africa but unfortunately, it never fully came to fruition due to his assassination.

Into archive

You have no place in white nations, nigger. We are coming for you.

Nice. Good point I'm going to use this one..

>Affirmative action
>Forced busing and integration
>All Black schools
>Race based caucuses
>A literal Nigger as president
>Free points on the SAT's
>Free admission to some schools
>Dozens upon dozens of race based scholarship
>Race based hiring quotas
It is sad how dumb white guys prop up the entire society, and then get placed in an awkward tug-o-war between "You all need to die" and "But right after you foot the bill."

>>Free points on the SAT's
>>Free admission to some schools
>>Dozens upon dozens of race based scholarship

I am not pulling out the books on this one. But if you are interested, try reading: "White Identity: Racial Conciousness in the 21st century." That will give you plenty of sources for all three. (I'm at work and didn't grab any of that info off of the web but from books. Also phonefagging otherwise I would pull up something for you.)

*By Jared Taylor. Whoops

No because even though it may be more accurate to say fiscal privilege based on current data, it is benefiting from a system of historical white privilege therefore Whites are still the issue.

>>>Free points on the SAT's points on the SAT'sian-race-tutoring-20150222-story.html#page=1
>>>Free admission to some schools
>>>Dozens upon dozens of race based scholarship
These two go hand in hand. You can just google them, they're not difficult to find.

>Whites out compete people in a society made by them, with their languages and ancestral culture
Truly shocking how pathetically simple the social sciences have become.

Sure let me tell you about my "white privilege". I was forced to go to college at a for profit school because I am white and not female so I actually had to fucking pay for it on my own and also had to keep working while i did so you niggers could keep raping my children's future. So after a 4 year degree then another 2 for my masters I am now WAY fucking north of 100k in debt just to START working. Wait my "privilege" gets better..

On top of my "privilege" to undertake crushing fucking debt in order to capitalize on my "privilege" as you fucking mouth breathers like to call it, I get to spend the next 30 years of my life making payments on my "privilege" that impact my ability to live my fucking life. So when I decide I want to settle down with a woman and have a family, one of the things my "privilege" brings to the relationship is inescapable debt.

Lets move on though shall we? I mean its not like you niggers want to actually work for a fucking thing anyway so the debt from school you just use as another sign of my "privilege" anyway because in all reality you apes are too fucking stupid to learn to read at a level that allows you a graduate education. Another thing my "privilege" gets me is the fun time around April 15th of each year when I get to see damn near half of the money that I FUCKING EARNED be forcefully taken from me at gun point if I refuse to comply and given to you low life motherfucking parasites. But hey! that is fairness isn't it? I mean its not fair for anyone other then white men to have to earn anything right? After all there were white people a long time before you were a cum stain on you illiterate, herpes infested mother's leg that kept your nigger ancestors as slaves weren't there? so why should you have to earn anything right? I mean I can totally see how terrible there suffering must be for you as you infest your own people in your own neighborhoods with drugs and then kill them when they cant pay you for it anymore.

When you look at a clean cut white person (as opposed to a biker, homeless person etc) you can assume they have at least average iq, a work ethic and trade Western European values of hard work in a high trust structure. Simple pattern recognition. Successful social eties and crime stats bear this out. If such a person goes to Asia or Mexico for example, even if they are rare, they have the privilege their culture and society have earned for them. Exceptions exist.

Traditional not trade. And society, etc.


Do you mean A "white person" who goes to asia or mexico still has white privilege? What?

Absolutely. Clearly you jest.

No! We were slaves to the black egyptians only because we were low in populace numbers! But given we are of superior intelligence we kept our knowledge secret in order to be useful and survive long enough to multiply and become free of their tirany! Once again we are becoming outnumbered and have forgoten our history!

Yeah we're not all born equal and certainly not all raised equal. Bitching along lines of race (or any collective groups) is divisive and a mistake.

A bigger mistake is acting on these prejudices if it's bullshit like positive discrimination, infringement of rights etc.

Don't take on a justice crusade or the survival of your race. Just get off the internet and tidy your fucking room.

>blaming chimps because you chose the wrong field.
get over yourself, nigger.

This is intentional my fellow leaf. If they never give "white privilege" a concrete definition, other then white people have it and it's the cause of every good thing in their life, they can use it as a club to hit white people with for any reason they so choose.

So let me get this straight. If a white man goes to China, Even if China is majority Chinese, He still has white privilege? .... how? Will a Chinamen hire a White guy in China over his own kind? why?

Shut the hell up lol.

>Is there any serious argument against white privilege?

Are there white people who get treated like shit? Yes. Are there white people with problems? Yes.

"White privilege" BTFO.

Oh boy you stumped me on this one! Ever define what white privilege is?

Is white privilege being done in South Africa right now, where innocent white farmers are being forced from their land, raped and murdered simple for being white?

Is white privilege having a a highly disproportionate black on white crime?

Is white privilege being a Ukraine refugee being refused by Germany over that of economic migrants from African countries?

Historicism + social engineering =tyranny. Read a book

I don't get white privilege. im white and I cant find a job. I bet if I put im black on my application I would be hired instantly. this would explain the sea of brown people in south lake union area of seattle. also minority and female owned businesses have higher chances of getting government contracts.

Because they are collectivist in in an individualist society. They internalize much race when nobody else does nor should they give a fuck.

It's called personal responsibility

Another race moaner. Go to vocational school and learn a skill and stop whining

I'd argue majority rights have been under attack for quite some time now. We have an immigration policy intended to to replace the white majority while at the same time we have policies like affirmative action which discriminates against whites making it more difficult for them to find reliable work, not to mention all the other subversive activities designed to undermine us. We also have to listen to people like you claim we're privileged while it's happening. White privilege is a theory designed to guilt whites into capitulating to useful idiot minorities who won't hesitate to install a socialist leader.

Jordan peterson does a good job dispelling the myth of "white privillege" its not till around the last 30 mins tho but the rest is also very good

This, obviously. American was built by Americans, for Americans. White privilege is just the inherited advantages of being part of the majority that built the Nation.

So while I think that work should be done to fix problems in the Black community and help them integrate (because African Americans are Americans and did contribute a certain amount to the construction of the American Nation), they rest of the vermin trying to invade America can fuck off. They have no right to any privileges in America.

Of course Commies don't believe in the right of inheritance, so it's problematic for them.

I hate white people. They're either stoners, soccer moms, autists, or try to be another race
Black people scare me. Never really saw them sooooo
Asians are hot (meh autism)

Which specific laws/rules/institutional barriers prevent people from succeeding? Be very specific, and I'll fight it together with you.

Nice post. Good info in this thread

Alright I'm coming around. I found Jared Taylor tn too.

stop squirting kids you cant afford you fucking subhuman bunny

I just put that in my paper. btw I'm writing a paper here on white privilege.

I've worked with women who got promoted because they fucked someone senior. Fear meant she left the company with a golden handshake.

I've been passed over for promotion in favour for a girl (initially hired alongside me). She was fairly useless and not a grafter but she was the only girl in our role in the company ... and having women is important to some clients etc.

I have two black friends. Both are sensible and don't act like niggers but neither are well educated. They have both been fast-tracked in HR and Engineering due to diversity numbers.

I've met 'refugees' that have walked into University degrees level courses and picked up grants that I'd have to pay $40,000 for.

I work a physically demanding job now for shit money. Very few women could do it. Yet a diversity officer (a girlfriend of a friend) will get paid three times as much (tax money as she works in a government department).

I'm liberal, not racist or sexist. But his is bullshit. I'm privileged?

Jeez. So what do we do about it all?

You're such a fucking seppo fag. This is why Americans aren't white and why the rest of us hate you

Kill the Jews and then we can talk.

... why haven't you killed them? Why are you even bringing this up? haha

The privilege isn't so closely associated with the skin color as it is with the class. People that "act white" just end up better of than those that act liner inner city/white trash/hoodrat/etc.

It should be Acting White Privilege. Besides, every black kid and adult i know that"acts white" by speaking correctly, putting forth honest effort, and abiding by traditional moral norms is just as well situated as the white middle class.

The best argument, analogous to all race issues: black neighborhoods are covered in garbage.

See, when the average white person sees a candy wrapper on their lawn, they pick it up and carry it to their trash can.
When the average nigger has a candy wrapper in their hand, they drop it on the ground.

You can think about the implications of these facts and discover from them everything you need to know about the falsehood of the concept of white privilege.

Niggers vote democrat.
Democrats raise corporate taxes.
Industry jobs move out of democrat areas.
Niggers keep voting democrat.

They're addicted to garbage. A housecat will shit in a litter box. A nigger will throw garbage onto its own lawn.

There is no white privilege. There is merely a race whose average example is objectively better than another, and their superiority of character is reflected by their superior quality of life.

Yes, according to modern think and news sound bites. But its people like you who refused to drop the liberal moniker in favor of right wing, so the pollsters will know half the country thinks these new policies are crazy. As long as you continue to call yourself a liberal, the more these purple haired mongrels will think they have your support as they push more and more shitty legislations through. Man up and come out. If it swings too far right you can always dump us and go back to your drum circle. But now is action time, not bitching time, so no bitch to me...


I don't take it personally and I'm not stupid enough to think it's the fault of women/blacks/immigrants etc. You play the hand you're given don't you, that's all they've done.

Any policy meant to level the field in favour of minorities is most likely total cancer though IMO. All talk of white privilege has to remain in the the academic circle jerk and out of my life please.

Other than that ... tidy my room and try to get a business of my own going.

You may want to directly approach small (really small) businesses and offer to work for them. Large companies aren't great to work for unless you walk in high up and they don't usually care to train/invest in you. Good luck.

>Is there any serious argument against white privilege?
Yes, it's not a privilege to be treated normally so the use of the word 'privilege' to describe a person being treated with non-preferential treatment should be viewed with suspicion due to bias or political intent or, assuming good faith, be seen as an ironically systemic error in modern day sociological study.

... that last line was aimed not at you but user who was out of work.

cheers. Same to you

Still good advice lol.

White Privilege is the doctrine of Original Sin rewritten for the new secular irreligion.

Yes, much like the Japanese enjoy privilege in Japan or the Han enjoy privilege in China.
The Western world is OURS. Deal with it.

Nope, white privilege was made up by people that don't want to better themselves. It's as simple as that.

Nigger there's no fucking privilege on me just because I'm white. Half my family came from the middle of rural ass Portugal and the other parts came from equally shitty rural areas of Germany and Italy. They had absolutely no money, no properties, were all illiterate and uneducated, starting out in a completely alien land with some language they didn't understand. They had nothing to do with slavery, weren't in public posts, weren't here early enough for colonial mining privileges.

If I'm educated now and have some money it's because they worked for it, and allowed me to work for my future children as well. I don't give a fuck about the US and frankly I hope you drown in mexican semen, but if I hear another "privilégio branco" bullshit because some pseudointellectual tupiniquim saw the term in the internet from some retarded american on twitter I'm going to flip off

I don't care about poor niggers. Just go back Africa and let's focus on helping poor whites at home. Perfect white privilege.

I always wondered why historically white countries are for everybody...

The concept is objectively racist. You are judging someone's economic status based entirely on their skin color.

A liberal is a hypocrite if they say white privilege exists.

Didn't the term originate from a white person though in 1988?

The rules are retarded and apply to anyone with a decent economic status.


1) Why should I feel guilty because my parents made sure they are financially capable of having a child?
2) Why should I feel guilty because my parents parents made sure they were financially capable of having children?
3) Why should I feel guilty because my parents parents parents(... and so forth) made sure they were financially capable of having children?

Agreed. Thanks a ton. I hope professor lampshadeberg likes my revised white privilege assignment. Thanks anons.

White privelege = success built up over generations thanks to stronger societies. The inequality would be way bigger if we were being 'fair'.

Any saffer post is gospel truth in regards to this subject honestly. Hope you're getting on alright down there man. Haha has anyone In south Africa ever asked you to check your privilege?

>The inequality would be way bigger if we were being 'fair'

Fair how user?

also, keked at this.

Not giving out unearned advantages, the principle behind all this 'white privelege' whining in the first place. This starts with bussing, affirmative action, and HUD, but extrapolate further and you could argue that blacks don't deserve to live in the United States at all. However, 'fair' is kind of a bullshit concept when the reality is we are all fighting for a piece of the rock we all live on, all of us with more or less understanding of this reality.

Ah i get your point... I'm just going to tell my professor that I identify as a Black Jewish Woman and that she has to respect my opinions and pronouns.


>institutional barriers
You missed the boat on that one by almost half a century. The talking point now is "systemic" racism/discrimination, since it doesn't actually require you to point out any concrete examples which the "institutional" racism/discrimination does. Which there are none of, save for AA in the "minorities'" favor.

It's unfalsifiable, and that's the point. If you're wondering why someone isn't interested in a discussion with someone who holds the conclusion(it's racism) as an axiom then you're just a fucking retard who can't divorce your reason from your ego long enough to recognize circular logic.

Groups' results differ, you assert it's because of racism. Don't bother with any examples, I know you don't have any. Instead riddle me this, what evidence, if any, would make you rethink your views? Ignore the fact that causal racism is a positive assertion and the burden of proof is on you, as well as that forcing me to essentially prove a negative.
What evidence would be sufficient to make you question your axiom(that's also your conclusion)?

actually this thread pretty much did that. I was actually wondering, and my question was answered with a few stats and sources. I'm pretty satisfied to be honest. Do you have anything more to add to your post though? Or any parting advice? Also is it really that bad in Sweden or is that mainly a meme, I heard it was worse in the UK. in b4 "Hurr newfag". haha

You post real fucking weird
Google is your best friend at this point, I would say look at all the rape and crime statistics for the USA.

>You post real fucking weird

Sorry should i add some "Niggers steal, Jews lie, Mexicans sell drugs, French people are african, hurr durr mohammadstan Germay isn't white, I know what's white, muh guns, jfk was a lizard, the moon is a zionist hologram, bigfoot is a nigger, 4d chess, hurr aids spreading faggots."

would that be more appropriate here?

The UK is worse demographically and speech-police wise. Though they are a sovereign nation. It's not as bad here as you'd think regarding that whole mess, but it's a hell of a lot worse in other ways you probably haven't heard(50% starting income tax, private education illegal, gifted education illegal, housing market, self-defense de facto illegal, free speech not even nominally extant, grades in university not really a thing). Basically the whole "nordic model" talk is just a load of shit. It's socialism, and works just about as well as you'd expect it to. Sure, a slightly milder version, and we were rich enough to get away with it, but it hasn't in any way been a positive except for the incompetent and the work-shy.

>Or any parting advice?
Ryan Faulk is a goldmine on race and genetics. Great youtube videos(ignore eceleb spats) and great articles on his website.

I'll add that IQ is pretty much entirely genetic in first-world countries. Shared environment is completely irrelevant. The heritability of IQ is strictly increasing with age(no positive feedback form environmental effects) which directly contradicts environmentalist's predictions. IQ (the g factor) is also a phenomenal measure and by far the most robust, predictive and extensively studied psychometric tool there is.
And if you're a newfag don't fall for the civic "nationalism" meme. The state exists to serve the people and that's that. Also it really was the jews but hitler(did nothing wrong) worship is a trap, there's nothing strange or nazi about not being a xenophilic traitor. You do you and we'll get to them when the time comes.

thanks man. I'll put on my researching jack boots haha Lycka till med din niggrer(s?).