You Defend Net Neutrality? You support Communism

You’re one of those people who doesnt want to pay for internet connection. You just want free or cheaper internet.
Ever thought of working? You communist douchebags?

Other urls found in this thread:

idc if its communism, its better than having to pay twice as much if i still want more or less access to all websites

wtf I'm a /comrade/ now

Hopefully Mr Trump shuts down shareblue, heres some sage too

Hey, those website creators deserve to get paid, you know. If you want to access to Sup Forums, reddit, youtube, facebook, twitter, instagram, pornhub, wikipedia, redtube, funnyjunk, pay up. Or else you’re a fucking commie.
I fucking hate it when users like you refuse to donate to website creators. This is why they rely on ads. But you commies use adblocks.

Cancelling Net Neutrality is the only for web creators to make profits

>someone makes a thread that deviates from the general beliefs the board has
>muh shareblue

Only way to get paid.

Do you know what Communism is, mate?

>shitpost=debateable thread
sharenigger fuckoff

Cancelling Net Neutrality is the only for comcast and big companies to make more profits

Fixed it for you

Fuck those faggots, the internet is supposed to be a wild west not some business mill. YouTube paying people for getting views gave rise to all sorts of cancer like twitch and GoFundMe.
Only way anyone should make money off the internet is buy selling shit like Amazon and Ebay.

You gotta problem with companies that make big profits?

Big profits= higher wage, Trickle Down Economy works, you commie scum

No it's not. It's like saying: "You are one of those people that doesn't want to pay every time you leave your house? You are commie that want everything free."
It's a retarded thought. Net neutrality is a right. And we are fucking the jews in the ass with it. This is a desesperate grasp of total control over the last bastion of free-thought: internet.

>>Only way anyone should make money off the internet is buy selling shit like Amazon and Ebay.
You should listen to yourself. You sound like Kim Jong Un.
The internet is supposed to be a gold mine, more like a cotton farm.
Consumers pay to watch youtube, netflix , etc. Those companies gets money, workers get paid, CEO's get rich and invest in some cancer projects. #Capitalism.

On the other hand, People defend Net Neutrality.
Companies like youtube, facebook, twitter, etc doesn't get paid enough. They lose money, trying to stay alive through relying on ads.


>>Net neutrality is a right.
The law doesn't say anything about it being a human right.

I'm one of those who doesn't pay everytime I leave the house? Bitch please, My house is my private property. You don't make any sense.

A more suitable analogy would be. I'm one of those people who doesn't want to pay to go to the library.
Hey, librarians need money too. They worked their ass off shuffling books in shelves. Taxes aren't enough.

We need to privatize every communist aspects, public bathroom, libraries, public schools, internet, . So that we don't waste money and so that money flows smoothly, and that people can get rich.

That's a perfect idea. I hope every country does this. Air should not be free. It should be used for profit. China does this too you know; Sell bottle fresh air.

Mate, I think you read too much Ayn Rand.

but algae in the ocean make far more O2 out of the CO2 then all the forests on earth put together!
so is nestle going to dry up the oceans as well?
plus the more CO2 there is the faster it will grow

Does this mean that less people will be able to watch porn?

How bout poison the ocean water with plastic, lead, and nuclear waste?

> Acting like this isn't a way to target pirating platforms and bastions of the internet that don't conform to the liberal agenda.

yes, because when plebs see that porn is overpriced, they wouldn't watch it anymore

pirating platforms. Trump cancelled TPP, and many pirated websites had been taken down since down. mangapanda, down, silkroad, down, pirated anime sites I can't rememember, down

Wouldn't it be capitalism?

Nope, net neutrality means FCC holds reins of internet, meaning the govt controls means of production, which is obviouslly communism.
Getting rid of net neutrality will allow comapnies like google, facebook, netflix to do whatever the fuck they want, because free market, those companies can raise prices and Consumers pay to use internet, thus letting more money flow into the system

>Air should not be free. It should be used for profit.

Technically, air is already being privatized and used for profit with carbon credits.

You're a fucking retard.

powerful stuff

They make money from ad revenue.

Which is not enough, Mark Zuckerberg is 5th richest man in the world. If he monetized Facebook, you know, users pay for certain services, playing games, creating pages, commenting, cerifying accounts. high speed internet, packages length, etc. you know that he can be number 1.

Similarly if all websites, netflix, google, youtube, twitter, reddit, Sup Forums. Done that, the web creators can get paid alot of money, thus giving their workers, web designers, web programmers enough money to live a rich life; buy a mansion, and a ferrari, take a vacation in UK, etc.



National Socialists allow whatever is best for their people. Net neutrality is best for the people and bad for the jews like you.

Socialists controlling the internet is best for the people? Remember what happened in China? Govt controls internet. Website creators cant make alot of money in China because govt control website creators, and their web formats.

What a piss poor attempt at reverse psychology.

Have your employers told you about how many alphabet agencies took notice of you hijacking the ips of anons to avoid bans here? I saw one claim they are just watching until they have a final piece of condemning evidence. Planting illegal images has many implications, ask your supervisor about it.

It's hard being an Asian who isn't smart, isn't it?

>omg my son's teacher gave everyone in the class the same amount of homework, this is LITERALLY communism

literally no one, not even right wing economists, believes in "trickle down"

how's the 30-year extended "lost decade" going over there in zipang?

Omg, my customers cant donate me $3 for visiting my sites. Maybe they will pay me $100, if I block them fron accessing my sites or slow down their internet speed.

>not even right wing economists, believes in "trickle down"
thats because it was not implemented correctly, while reagan did give tax cuts to the upper class he didn't incentivize them to go and hire within the united states or start businesses within the united states through means of tarriffs or immigration policies with regard to hiring. IF he had done so i believe the effect of trickle down would be quite different

Is that why twatter and Soros and dumping billions in it? Show your flag you shill faggot.

I'm tired of these threads for 3 days straight with shills who clearly aren't Sup Forumsacks supporting it.

Remember how bad it was 2 years ago without Net Newfaggotry? Me either....I don't remember all this censorship do you?

Plebbit is shill central next to twatter, we all know it. Anyone who says otherwise is a retarded faggot or a shill. Pic related

>In 2015, Soros, along with Silicon Valley’s elite like Twitter, Facebook, and Google, ran a campaign in support of the Obama administration’s proposed ‘net neutrality’ rules. Under the guise of pushing for a free and open internet, Soros and company did just the opposite.
>Alongside Obama officials, they crafted policy that would turn the internet into a government-regulated utility, and at the same time, allow platforms like Twitter and Facebook to operate unchecked. The latter have used this power to censor conservative voices on their platforms and not so subtly push the liberal agendas of their elite founders and executives. It’s a trend that has produced everything from endless examples of conservative censorship with little explanation to hypocritical finger-pointing within Silicon Valley’s own ranks.

Where is the Daily Stormer, Murdoch Murdoch?
Why are (((they))) demonetizing conservative channels on jewtube?

What is Twatter doing on december 18th? Yes they support Net Newfaggotry!
>In what amounts to a major shift in Twitter policy, the company announced on Friday that it will be monitoring user's behavior "on and off the platform" and will suspend a user's account if they affiliate with violent organizations

What does Trump say

Fuck off jews!

And now it's too late because our production is in China and our services like software are in India.

>Off-topic and Sup Forums-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist).

Please make a coherent argument and turn off the proxy.

>>>I don't like it therefore it's LITERAL COMMUNISM

nice numbers but it is not too late because we can incentivize american trade through tarriffs to encourage domestic businesses and putting more a focus on exports instead of imports also renegotiating trade deals like NAFTA or any other deals where we have a deficit and have no benefit from. Also we could stop companies from using immigrant labor from stopping the abuse of H1b visas and other work visas which basically saves immigrants from being corporate slaves and the average US citizen wont have to work for pennies if it means getting a menial job.

the cost of this will be a small increase of domestic goods but thats a small price to pay

Damn, you shills are getting creative. Fuck outta here, Toshi

>he isn't aware how much money the telecom industry gets in subsidies annually
>he isn't aware that they were given 5 billion dollars on the promise that they would have 80% of American homes connected to fiber optic internet connections by 2008, which they didn't even start implementation on but kept the money
>he isn't aware that we're already paying over market value for our internet connections because the telecoms aren't competing with each other

If you want to argue that there won't be any impact on the internet I'm fine with that. If a candidate ran on the platform that he would prohibit the internet altogether I would campaign for him tirelessly. But acting like this is a matter of pure capitalism is deluded.

It is communism you fucking moron. Letting the government (FCC) control the internet IS COMMUNISM. Let the free markets decide. We aren't communists you anti-fa shit eating faggot. We don't want it fuck off.


Only if they also stopped taking taxpayer money every year. But the internet couldn't exist without heavy taxpayer support in the early years, and apparently can't exist today without life support.

They want to keep sucking on the taxpayer teat but also want to suck on other smaller corporate teats as well.

>Companies like youtube, facebook, twitter, etc doesn't get paid enough. They lose money, trying to stay alive through relying on ads.
Google made 79billion USD off ads in 2016 alone. You are literally autistic to pretend that they are dying.

The internet should be thought of as a market place. You need a means of transportation to get to the market place, but you shouldn't have to pay to get in let alone access different sections of it.

If we had more of a competitive market for ISP's then I'd say let net neutrality pass because any ISP that tried to sell packages to sites would fall flat on their face.

>still trying the make gommunism cool

> Getting rid of net neutrality will allow comapnies like google, facebook, netflix to do whatever the fuck they want, because free market, those companies can raise prices and Consumers pay to use internet, thus letting more money flow into the system

If they kill NN, then the only thing to change is end-user ISP plans. I don't see how any major companies are advantaged by the death of NN except for anti-competitive practices and partnerships with ISP's.

They aren't all shills, it's just the standard procedure for Sup Forums at this stage to find the apologist position and fight for it tooth and nail. They're just being sold a shit bill of goods this time.

>because any ISP that tried to sell packages to sites would fall flat on their face.
less than 2% of all people in the US have a choice in 2 or more ISPs

also AT&T has gone through extreme measures to block business expansion of google fiber in several towns, and have extorted money out of netflix which netflix did pay up

>Net neutrality is communism
You are like little baby. Watch this


>>>Requiring companies to charge per down/up rates and/or net amount of data consumed is literally equivalent to the proletariat seizing the means of production.

So tell me more about how you don't like it and it's therefore Communism.

If we let NN pass then we should also force local municipalities to not restrict ISP's from entering in the competition. After all, this whole thing is about getting government out, right?

Go one step further.


>If we let NN pass then we should also force local municipalities to not restrict ISP's from entering in the competition.
i agree with this but good luck trying to let that happen with the amount of lawyers and lobbying the ISPs have. literally 3 companies own america's wifi

and they've all made deals with each other to make sure that they all have a separate terrority


>ban computers

I've just made it a policy to do opposite of what jews or liberals promote, it's made politics so much easier because even when I bother to research the dynamics of what I'm politically for or against it always ends up just being right.

You could come up with a platform that nobody could disagree with like making pizza Thursday a national holiday, if schlomo was peddling it I'd know something were afoot.

> i agree with this but good luck trying to let that happen with the amount of lawyers and lobbying the ISPs have. literally 3 companies own america's wifi

Hmm, what if we voted in a president to drain the swamp? :^)

But what happens when both sides are schlomo?

based fucking nip

you're wrong, slanteye

This one step punny funny upboat material belongs on reddit. Go back to your hole.

Been here for a decade and never had a reddit account. Try going to other boards and not just posting Sup Forums circlejerk shit 24 hours a day, newfag.

Same here yo
Always do opposite of what jews want, it never fails

>Doesn't deny what I said is true.
You still have to go back.

>poisoning the ocean with nuclear waste
yeah you try that. No really go ahead and report back to me when you've emptied the whole crust into the ocean and its still not 'poisoned'.

he actually set a 5 year ban on lobbying and a lifetime ban for lobbying for another country if you're an US official

>Net neutrality is a right
wew lad.
look, the "internet" is a collection of autonomous systems. they are conected using bgp. They put a lot of money in hardware and manpower.
If you do not like it, start an ISP company.

kill yourself

Keeping the good while letting go of the bad.

This is a huge slight of hand.
ATT is the ringleader
Becoming new mouthpiece for CIA
Look at MO history with ATT
CBRS is the matter at issue no one is really paying attention to.

So many fake comments in 15 in support for NN
So many fake comments in 17 in support of the repeal
MO compromised


You pay more under net neutrality though

>Net neutrality is a right
no but the right to happiness and to compete is and while you can say companies can do whatever which is completely unethical btw, you literally dont have the power to do anything about it because these companies have made huge barriers of entry for new ISPs in the area, going towards the municipalities making deals that they should be the only ones there and alongside other companies that they should each have separate territories making competition null and void.

think of the bad PR, they would never do something this blatant. at worst they'd throttle your data speeds for using certain sites like they have in the past

I make websites and I get paid with ads and users.
Taking away these customer protections will affect everyone who is not fucking rich. It will also affect boards sites like Sup Forums, right leaning sites, and entrepreneurs.
I am not filthy rich, nor are my users.....

I think the internet should be free and equal to everyone. Just like the public roads.

Not really. Because every boomer or cuck who only uses the internet for email is paying part of my cut. Which is well worth it.

Yes, because your little propaganda image is exactly how internet access worked before 2014.

Cancerous shill, kys


Why should a ISP care where the data you are streaming comes from? They sell internet plans that offer certain speeds and so much bandwidth a month. Why does it matter where that data is coming from?

If I buy 1TB of data a month at a speed of up to 100 MB/S then they should provide me 1TB of data at 100 MB/S. They shouldn't throttle it based on where it is coming from.

How many times are you guys going to say this? NN existed pre 2014 under telecommunications laws, 2014 it was deemed unenforceable, 2015 NN was formally written as its own law. At this point I'm convinced anyone bringing up he 2014 NN thing is a shill, it's impossible to have been on here and not had this explained to you at some point.

>Not making your own oxygen by splitting water using the electricity you generate from your own private nuclear reactor.

The plan was to use NN as a way to reduce competition.
Control who is an ISP.
Keep rural providers dependant on subsidies.
Changed economic landscape to support ATT/DirecTV paid for by CAF
ATT being paid by G to build in Rural America (FirstNet)
MO compromised by ATT/CIA. Look at his history.

Save the Internet for the love of god

How far back do you want me to go, then? 2010? 2005? The internet has never worked like your little scare tactics claim it will as soon as we get rid of pointless NN regulatory overhang. And even if it did, I would happily shave $20 or $30 off my monthly payment in exchange for not subsidizing children like you who spend all day watching youtube and netflix.

I do not know US law, but it sound pretty commie.
The key of the internet are the carriers, the submarine links between continents are the real deal.
I don't know, but if you put more gov in this mess, we will end like china.

It's just an excuse to throttle to avoid improving infrastructure, truth is ISPs are offering download speeds their infrastructures can't support in the capacity that they're selling and they want to use their status as a monopoly to force everyone else to pay for their upgrades.

These upgrades most likely wouldn't happen anyway though because repealing NN would allow them to simply slow down non Netflix traffic during peak times to conserve bandwidth.

It doesn't matter.
NN is a distraction.
ATT started the distraction.
ATT has benefitted from the distraction.
ATT is being given a leg up by MO
MO is Compromised.


>truth is ISPs are offering download speeds their infrastructures can't support
overbooking and overstretching.
The new content providers are pushing the isp hardware to the limit. Some services are too demanding.

We've had it since the start, you'd just be paying MORE

>repealing NN would keep ISPs from having to upgrade their infrastructure
>implying that NN isn't one of the primary reasons why large ISPs are able to maintain the regional monopolies which keep them safe from competition and the need to upgrade

I honestly don't understand why you people are lying your asses off about this. Are you really just shills getting a paycheck from google and facebook? Or are you too stupid to understand the issue?

>“Among our nation’s 12 largest internet service providers,” he told the audience, “domestic broadband capital expenditures decreased by 5.6%, or $3.6 billion, between 2014 and 2016.” I ask him to elaborate. “As I’ve seen it and heard it,” he says, “Title II regulations have stood in the way of investment. Just last week, for instance, we heard from 19 municipal broadband providers. These are small, government-owned ISPs who told us that ‘even though we lack a profit motive, Title II has affected the way we do business.’ ” The small ISPs reported that Title II was preventing them from rolling out new services and deepening their networks.

That's again the ISP providers fault, these content providers do pay for the bandwidth they use. It's not possible for them to use more bandwidth than they're paying for, the ISPs control the physical wires.

Why do you want the companies to set the rule of the game?
This issue has been brought many many many times.... There will become a time when companies do to the INTERNET as they have done to paid television, complete control on what you watch. Sup Forums will most likely be gone after a while if this passes....
I am pro freedom, not establishment enslavement

> Title II has affected the way we do business.’ ” The small ISPs reported that Title II was preventing them from rolling out new services and deepening their networks.

How though?